5.7 Block architecture of the XR552-12M
Operating Instructions, 05/2014, A5E03275845-05
Block architecture of the XR552-12M
Special features of device-internal data transfer
The SCALANCE XR552-12M has two switch blocks. The assignment of the ports to the two
blocks A and B is shown in the graphic below:
Figure 5-16 Block architecture of the SCALANCE XR552-12M
Communication between the switch blocks is via two connections each operating at 13.6
Gbps. This bandwidth must be shared by all ports for inter-block data transfer. For this
reason, ports between which a lot of data is transferred should ideally belong to the same
switch block. Note that the SCALANCE XR524-8C and SCALANCE XR528-6M only have
one switch block and do not require any block architecture.