Technical Specification Sheet
September 2004
Document No. 149-331
Page 1 of 3
Q Series T1 Temperature Sensors
The Q Series T1 temperature sensors are used in HVAC
installations to measure air temperature in rooms or
ducts or water temperature in pipes. They can also be
used to provide changeover from heating to cooling, or
vice versa. The sensors can be installed either by the
terminal unit manufacturer or on site.
These sensors are compatible with all systems or
devices capable of handling the sensor’s passive T1
output signal. The sensor's T1 sensing element
measures the air or medium temperature. The resistance
of the sensing element changes as a function of the
ambient temperature.
All Q Series T1 temperature sensors may be used in
general for ventilation and air conditioning facilities.
The immersion temperature sensor may be used for:
• Controlling or limiting the flow temperature
• Limiting the return temperature
• Controlling the DHW temperature
Figure 1: T1 Immersion Temperature Sensor
Figure 2: T1 Duct Temperature Sensor
Figure 3: T1 Cable Temperature Sensor
The duct temperature sensor may be used as a:
• Supply or return air temperature sensor
• Limit sensor, e.g. for minimum limitation of the supply
air temperature
• Reference sensor, e.g. for outside air reset
• Dew point temperature sensor
• Measuring sensor, e.g. for measured value indication
or for connection to a building automation and control
The cable sensor may be used as a:
• strap-on sensor for solar collectors or pipe work
• immersion sensor