A31003-O1010-M100-17-76A9, 09/09/2010
OpenScape Voice - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual
Free Programmable Keys
Built-in Forwarding (V2R2)
This function is equivalent to the function described in Section 3.8.1, “Programmable Call For-
warding Key (V2)”. As a programmable key function, this is relevant for OpenStage 15 phones,
which have no fixed forwarding key.
System > Features > Program keys
Start Phonebook (OpenStage 40 with V2R1 only)
This key function opens a menu which enables the user to start the local or the corporate
phonebook. For further information about the local phonebook, please refer to the user guide
for OpenStage 40 phones. For information about the corparate phonebook, please see Section
3.15, “Corporate Phonebook: Directory Settings”.
Administration via WBM
System > Features > Program keys > Start Phonebook
Show phone screen (OpenStage 15 and OpenStage 40 only)
On pressing this key, the phone display switches to call view mode.
Administration via WBM
System > Features > Program keys > Show phone screen