HiPath Cordless Office
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
For HiPath 3000 V1.2 and later, HiPath Cordless Office can be used on all systems of this prod-
uct line.
Direct connection
The BS3/1 (S30807-H5482-X) and BS4 (S30807-U5491-X) base stations can be connected di-
rectly to the U
interfaces on the central control boards in the HiPath 3550, HiPath 3350, Hi-
Path 3500, and HiPath 3300. The connection must be made via one U
interface each. A
mix of base stations of types BS3/1 and BS4 is supported.
A BS3/S (X30807-X5482-X100) single-cell base station can be used to ensure the operation of
a maximum of one base station at the U
interfaces on central control boards in the HiPath
3550, HiPath 3350, HiPath 3500, and HiPath 3300. In this case, it is not possible to expand with
additional base stations.
However, base stations cannot be simultaneously connected to the SLC16N board and the
CBCC within one HiPath 3550 system.
Connecting cordless boards
Base stations can be connected to the U
interfaces of the following cordless boards:
in HiPath 3750, HiPath 3550, and HiPath 3700
in HiPath 3800
A mix of base stations of types BS2/2 (S30807-H5471-X200), BS3/1 (S30807-H5482-X), BS3/
3 (S30807-H5485-X), and BS4 (S30807-U5491-X) may be used on the above cordless boards.
You can install up to four SLC16N boards in HiPath 3750 and HiPath 3700 and up to four SLCN
boards in HiPath 3800. All four boards provide full cordless functionality (roaming and seamless
connection handover) because the radio fields on the cordless boards are synchronized within
a single system (see Section 11.6).
The HiPath 3000 product line does not currently support the network-wide handover feature.