Configuration program options
The "
" tab is not active if the registered Remote adapter
is a Gigaset 3070/75isdn. In this case, no settings can be made in this
If one of the adapters is set to "AT commands (PC)" or "AVM compatible
(PC)", the other adapter must switch to the corresponding operating
mode "AT commands (device)" or "AVM compatible (device)". If one
adapter is switched to "Direct connection", the other adapter must also
be switched to this mode. The appropriate switches are performed auto-
matically if you select an operating mode for a Gigaset M105 Data unit.
Setting the operating mode
tab and select one of the five modes:
The three connection types are used for different purposes:
The permanent transmission parameters for the vir-
tual COM port are manually set at the computer
without automatic baud rate or data format recogni-
tion. This is always useful if the device at the Re-
mote adapter does not support baud rate or data
format recognition as performed by conventional
modems, e.g. in the case of a second PC.
Automatic recognition of the transmission parame-
ters based on the data from the PC at the local