Calling a Gigaset.net subscriber
CE 450 IP R / IM-Ost english / A31008-M1817-R601_1-7619 / netservices_SAG.fm / 02.03.2007
ion 2,
Entering/editing a name
Press the display key.
Edit name or enter new name (max. 25 characters) and press
You can delete the name with
If there is not yet an entry with this name in the Gigaset.net directory, the name is saved.
A message to this effect is displayed. The handset switches to idle status.
If there is already an entry with this name, or the entered name contains impermissible
characters, you will be requested to enter a different name.
Calling a Gigaset.net subscriber
You can call a Gigaset.net subscriber directly via the Gigaset.net directory (see above) or
via their Gigaset.net number:
Enter the Gigaset.net number (including the #9) or select from the handset
Press the talk key.
Every number ending with #9 is dialled via Gigaset.net.
Please note:
If you delete the name, your entry will be deleted from the directory. You are no longer "visible" to
other Gigaset.net subscribers. However, you can still be reached via your Gigaset.net number. For
information on how to display the number, see page 118.