'Control' task card
Evac control group
193 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Configuring universal sounder evac. control
The sequence only contains the necessary configuration steps. You will find
information about the elements that can be assigned or created, as well as the
parameters, in separate sections further down in this chapter.
Incorrect cause assignment for 'Activation timeout 'manned'' / 'Activation timeout
The 'Activation timeout 'manned'' / 'Activation timeout 'unmanned'' sounder
property is only evaluated for one 'Area' element in the detection tree or for
elements within one 'Area' element.
One or more sounders are assigned as 'Control'
element effects.
The 'Activation timeout 'manned'' property and / or 'Activation timeout
'unmanned'' is active.
Only assign one 'Area' element or elements from one 'Area' element as the
cause of the 'Control'.
An 'Evac control group' element is created in the 'Control tree'.
1. For each building zone to be evacuated, create a 'Universal sounder evac
control' element under the 'Evac control group' element. This could be a single
floor, for example.
The configuration tool creates the element.
2. Configure the 'Universal sounder evac control' element in the 'Overview' and
'Details' tabs.
3. If necessary, adjust the customer text in the 'Overview' tab.
4. If necessary, create a customer text in the 'Overview' tab for the 'Causes'