Maintenance / Repair
Status query
58 | 72
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
7 Maintenance / Repair
7.1 Status query
Status query on the detector exchanger and tester
The FDCIO223 input/output module is equipped with the MC link (Maintenance
and Commissioning Link).
You will find more information in documents 007227 and 009718.
Status queries with detector exchanger and tester FDUD292 or intelligent
detector tester FDUD293 are only possible with devices of the 'Sinteso' product
line on the FDnet.
Status query on the control panel
Depending on the authorization level of the user and the control panel type,
different actions can be performed from the control panel.
Observe the notices in the control panel documentation.
Document 009052 applies to fire control panels FC20xx.
Document A6V10333448 applies to fire control panels FC72x.
7.2 Performance check
The devices are automatically subjected to a performance check during the self-
test. Nevertheless, it is necessary to check the devices on site at regular intervals.
Check the devices every year.
Replace heavily soiled or damaged devices.
No other special maintenance work is necessary.
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.