Log in / Change access level
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Building Technologies
Fire Safety
5.5 Log in / Change access level
You can enable an 'Access level' by entering your PIN in the PIN entry dialog, or by
pressing <ok>. Alternatively you can use the key switch (optional) to release an
Access level.
If you press a key on the ↑ Person Machine Interface whose function requires a
higher 'Access level', the PIN input dialog is displayed automatically.
Enter PIN: ****
Logout or guest-login: no PIN + <ok>
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>
Table 1: PIN entry dialog box
Enabling an 'Access level' without a PIN
1. Press <Menu> on the keypad.
The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Do not enter a PIN and confirm with <ok>.
The lowest 'Access level' is enabled.
The main menu is open.
Enabling an 'Access level' with a PIN
1. Press <Menu> on the keypad or select the 'Main menu' > 'Login/logout'' main
menu item.
The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Enter your PIN and confirm with <ok>.
The corresponding 'Access level' is enabled.
The main menu is open.
The present 'Access level' is indicated in the main menu in the header of the
5.6 Logging out from an access level
1. Select 'Main menu' > 'Login/logout'.
The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Do not enter a PIN and confirm with <ok>.
The 'Access level' is reset back to the lowest 'Access level'.