Programming the program blocks
5.3 TC_CONFIG for changing configuration data of the CP
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 01/2015, C79000-G8976-C381-01
TC_CONFIG for changing configuration data of the CP
With the program block TC_CONFIG , you can modify parameters of a the CP configured in
STEP 7. The configured values are not overwritten retentively. The overwritten values
remain valid until TC_CONFIG is called again or until the station starts up again (cold restart
after cycling power).
If the STEP 7 configuration data of the CP needs to be changed permanently, the block
needs to be called again each time the station restarts (cold restart) or a modified project
must be downloaded to the station.
The CONFIG parameter points to the memory area with the configuration data. The
configuration data is stored in a data block (DB). The DB cannot be created with optimized
block access. The structure of the DB is specified by the system data type (SDT) IF_CONF.
The configuration data to be modified on the CP is put together as necessary in blocks in
IF_CONF "IF_CONF_..." for the individual parameters.
Parameters that are not intended to change as a result of the block are not entered in
IF_CONF. They retain the value configured in STEP 7.
For detailed information on programming IF_CONF, refer to the section IF_CONF: SDT for
the configuration data of the CP (Page 99).
The INTERFACE parameter references the name of the interface of the mobile wireless CP.
You will find the name of the interface in the STEP 7 project in the standard tag table of the
station in the "System constants" tab under the entry with the value of the "Hardware
identifier" of the CP.
Call interface in FBD representation