Configuration and operation
4.15 STEP 7 configuration of individual parameters
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 01/2015, C79000-G8976-C381-01
Mobile wireless communications settings
"Services and settings" parameter group
In this parameter group, you configure the phone number of the CP, the PIN and the SMSC.
You continue to enable the required mobile wireless services. You can enable individual
mobile wireless services or all of them. If you do nit enable a mobile wireless service, the CP
behaves as if all mobile wireless services were enabled and the choice of the mobile
wireless service used is made based on the data on the SIM card.
"APN settings" parameter group
In this parameter group, you configure the APN data.
"List of preferred networks" parameter group
In this parameter group, you specify the dial-in behavior of the CP into various mobile
wireless networks.
"Teleservice settings" parameter group
In this parameter group, you specify the connection parameters for the TeleService
Ethernet interface (X1)
The Ethernet interface
The CP does not have a physical Ethernet interface.
In STEP 7, the Ethernet interface is used as a placeholder for the configuration of various
address and monitoring parameters.
Ethernet interface (X1) > Ethernet addresses > IP protocol
Enter you configure IP address of the CP.
Dynamic IP address
Enable this option if the CP is assigned the IP address dynamically by the network
Fixed IP address from the mobile wireless network provider
Enable this option if you have a mobile wireless contract with which the network provider
assigns the CP a fixed IP address.
This is necessary when using S7 communication and Open User Communication.