Auto-configuration of control panels
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Building Technologies
Fire Safety
10.2 Auto-configuration of control panels
This function requires the control panel, components, and C-NET to have been
correctly installed. Once auto-configuration is complete, the control panel is ready
for detection with limitations. A fire is recognized by the connected fire detectors
and displayed on the control panel. Configuration with the FXS7212 Cerberus
Engineering Tool is required in order to assign controls, define individual alarm
responses, and make adjustments in line with object-specific requirements.
Overwriting an existing configuration
Parts of an existing customer-specific configuration are lost.
● First save an existing customer-specific configuration.
Every loop or stub line is tested with the line tester FDUL221 to ensure it is
functioning and installed correctly.
Run auto-configuration as described in the 'Auto-configuring a line' chapter.
The station is ready to detect - with limitations. The C-NET devices have been
addressed. Should an event occur, e.g. a triggered fire detector and its C-NET
address are displayed.
Control panel is ready for detection - with limitations.
Alarm transmission to the fire brigade is not configured.
Activation of acoustic signal transmitters is not configured.
● Configure the controls needed.
Customer text (e.g. detector number, installation location etc.) can be entered for
each C-NET device for improved clarity.