Document No.: COM-00-05-16 June 2006, Revised June 2014
Version: C.1
– Erase flash ROM
This command erases the contents of one or more sectors of FLASH ROM. Two arguments
are required:
flash_erase [starting address in HEX] [number of bytes in decimal]
If the user tries to erase ROM sectors that contain the boot code, configuration, or Xilinx
code, the WAG reports “You are not allowed to erase PROTECTED ROM!” If the starting
address is an address in RAM, the WAG reports “You are not allowed to erase RAM!”
After the requested FLASH sector or sectors are erased, the WAG returns to the debugging
prompt. If there was a failure and the requested sector or sectors could not be erased, the
WAG reports “
flash_erase: erase failed
flash _program
– Program flash ROM
This command copies data from one area of memory into an area of FLASH ROM. This
command is useful for saving boot code, Xilinx code, configuration, or executive code into
an otherwise unused FLASH sector. Typically, the user will only use this command when
directed by a Siemens Rail Automation employee. Additionally, the user can capture blocks
of RAM and save them to otherwise unused FLASH ROM.
This command requires three arguments:
flash_program [destination address in HEX] [source address in HEX]
[number of bytes in decimal]
The contents of the source memory address are copied into the destination FLASH ROM
address for the number of bytes offered.
– Write memory
This command allows the user to change the contents of a memory address. This command
is useful for performing RAM tests to detect hardware errors.
The command requires two arguments:
wrmem [memory address in HEX] [new value in decimal]
– Write memory block
This command allows the user to fill a block of memory with an incremental test pattern.
This command is useful for testing a block of RAM for hardware errors.