Operating Instructions, 02/2022, J31069-D0176-U001-A6-7618
Purpose of these operating instructions
The information contained in these operating instructions enables you to start up and
operate the ET 200pro with the RF170C communication module:
on the PROFIBUS DP as DP Slave
as central I/O with an ET 200pro interface module
(IM 154-1 DP, IM 154-2 DP High Feature, IM 154-4 PN High Feature, IM 154-6 PN High
Feature, IM 154-8 CPU)
Basic knowledge required
These operating instructions assume general knowledge of automation engineering and
identification systems.
Scope of the manual
The operating instructions apply to the RF170C communications module with interface RS-
422/RS-232 (article number “6GT2002-0HD01”). If you are using the RF170C with article
number "6GT2002-0HD00” please use the operating instructions version 10/2009.
Position in the information landscape
In addition to these operating instructions, you need:
the operating instructions for the DP Master used
or PROFINET IO controller
or the operating instructions of the ET 200pro interface module used.
For information on programming the communications module and for a full error
description, refer to the relevant manuals "FB 45 for MOBY U, MOBY D, RF200, RF300" and
"Ident profile and Ident blocks".
You will find further instructions for installation and commissioning in the operating
instructions "ET 200pro Distributed I/O Device".
Information on the connectable readers (e.g. SIMATIC RF1000) is provided in the manuals
for the relevant ident system.
You will find the current manuals on the pages of the "Siemens Industry Online Support