4.2 Overview of the WBM pages
Operating Instructions, 10/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-02
Client ports
Make sure that you open port 443 in your configuration PC (HTTPS) as well as the required
client ports of the services used in the respective firewall in the subnet of the cloud in
intermediary routers/gateways.
This can be:
Broker port
MQTT unsecured: 1883 (TCP)
MQTT via TLS: 8883 (TCP)
The port number can be set in WBM.
NTP / 123 (UDP)
DNS / 53 (UDP)
DHCP / 67, 68 (UDP)
Syslog / 514 (UDP)
HTTPS connection over the process interface
For security reasons, you can only establish a connection to the WBM via the process
interface of the gateway from your PC.
Ensure that the PC and gateway are located in a protected network.
The cloud interface is blocked for access to the WBM.
Overview of the WBM pages
Opening the WBM pages
All page titles that you need for navigation through the WBM are located at the top of each
WBM page.
Open a WBM page by clicking the page title.