4.11 Maintenance
Operating Instructions, 10/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-02
Edit user
Applying changed user data
Changed user data is applied immediately after it has been saved.
After the user data is changed, it must be used for the next login.
Select the required action:
Change user name
Change password
Change user name and password
Current password
Enter the current password before you make any changes.
New user name
Enter a new user name to change it.
Repeat user name
To confirm a new user name, repeat the user name entered above.
New password
Enter a new password to change the password.
Repeat password
Repeat the new password.
You can find the current firmware version of the device on the WBM page Info (Page 55).
If a new firmware version is available, you can download the firmware file from the PC to the
gateway via this WBM page.
For new firmware files for the gateway, refer to the section Loading new firmware
(Page 121).
Digitally signed and encrypted firmware prevents manipulation by third parties
To be able to check the authenticity of the firmware, the firmware is digitally signed by
Siemens. This allows manipulation by third parties to be detected and prevented.
The encryption of the firmware is intended to prevent re-engineering.