4.11 Maintenance
Operating Instructions, 10/2019, C79000-G8976-C503-02
System time
In this tab, you set the time or configure the time-of-day synchronization of the gateway.
Time-of-day format and time stamps
The device gives the time as UTC. The time configured in the WBM is displayed.
The time stamps of the transferred data are transferred in UTC format (48 bits).
Synchronization method
You can synchronize the time of day manually or via NTP (Network Time Protocol).
Time-of-day synchronization
For applications that require time-of-day synchronization, you should synchronize the time of
day of the device. If you do not synchronize the time of day regularly, there may be
deviations of several seconds each day between the device and its communication partners.
System time
Using NTP server
Enable the option if the time of day is to be synchronized via NTP.
When this option is disabled, you can set the time of day of the device manually.
NTP server address
Enter the address of the NTP server as IPv4 address or as DNS name.
Synchronization cycle (s)
Specifies the cycle of the time-of-day queries to the NTP server.
Range of values in seconds: 16..1024
NTP (secure)
The secure method NTP (secure) uses authentication with symmetrical keys.