The following rules apply:
● Make sure of adequate strain relief on the modules if you use fiber-optic cables longer than
10 m.
● Keep to the specified environmental conditions of the fiber-optic cables used (bending radii,
pressure, temperature...)
● Observe the technical specifications of the fiber-optic cables used (attenuation,
For cable lengths in excess of 10 meters, the fiber-optic cables must be custom made. First,
select the following specification:
● Single-mode fiber (mono-mode fiber) 9/125 µ
In exceptional situations, you may also use the lengths up to 10 m available as accessories
for short distances when testing and commissioning. However, only the use of specified
cables with single-mode fibers is allowed for continuous operation.
Cable up to 10 m lenght on the synchronization module 6ES7 960-1AB06-0XA0
Cables up to a length of 10 m are available on order as accessories. If you use one of these
cables on the synchronization module 6ES7 960-1AB06-0XA0 , you may see the error
message "Optical perforrmance too high" at the call of OB 82.
The table below shows the further specifications, based on your application:
Table 5-2
Specification of fiber-optic cables for indoor applications
Components required
The entire cabling is routed with‐
in a building
No cable junction is required be‐
tween the indoor and outdoor
The necessary cable length is
available in one piece. There is
no need to connect several cable
segments by means of distribu‐
tion boxes.
Convenient and complete instal‐
lation using patch cables
Patch cables
2 x duplex cables per system
Connector type LC–LC
Crossed cores
Further specifications you may need to
observe for your plant, e.g.:
UL approval
Halogen-free materials
Assembled patch cable Multicore cables, 4 cores per system
Connector type LC–LC
Crossed cores
Further specifications you may need to
observe for your plant, e.g.:
UL approval
Halogen-free materials
5.2 Selecting fiber-optic cables
Synchronization modules for S7-400H
Equipment Manual, 04/2020, A5E50072434-AA