Siemens Mobile C65 Manual Download Page 1

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BA Cover C65/CV/CT.QXD  08.03.2004  17:33 Uhr  Seite 1

Summary of Contents for C65

Page 1: ...004 All rights reserved Subject to availability Rights of modification reserved Siemens Aktiengesellschaft www siemens mobile com cyan magenta yellow black L I E B R E I C H Medienproduktion C65 CV65 CT65 s mobile s mobile Designed for life BA Cover C65 CV CT QXD 08 03 2004 17 33 Uhr Seite 1 ...

Page 2: ... of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 52 89 2 4 ABCDE 6 F GH 8 I JK LMN PIN O 11 PQ RB 12 SGTU 14 89VW 15 XYMN 17 Z 19 V _ 21 ab 22 24 a c 26 de 27 bfgh 29 ibVW 30 jkl b 32 mnopJqrst 36 u5vw 37 VW 40 xyz 49 t h 50 TU 52 3 54 ƒst 55 57 ˆ 58 SAR Š ŒICNIRP 59 60 Ž 66 0123 4 567 www sieme ns mobile com c65 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 3: ... _ a bC_cdCefgG6 hijklmnopcq rs tm u vwxe y Sz x 6AF ySz x M ƒ 20 6 hijk Gu ˆjk Š Œ Ž ySz x6HI u 9 c 6 SIM l 6 y 23š œ žl mn Ÿ 6 j x ª j V 6 lmn j 6 µ 42 _ Lº 44 w ºk nÀ Á xÂÃÄ 6ÅÆVAF Ç µ GeV ÈÉi ºktmG u ˆA FÊ Œ 19 6 u wËÌlmÍ ÎÏÐ_ÑÒÓ ÔÕ6 Ö ØÙ ÚÛ ÜÝÞ ßàjá 100 âãä jx6 Ìlmn å æç èéêëÏ Ð ÔÕ6ì ujáÌ lmnÇ íî6 ïðñòÊóô õö ÈÉi øùúû ü Class 1 LED éý þ ÿ IEC 60825 1 6 fAF6 Úm h já 100 âã ä e SIM 6 âO fjá6Ï hi...

Page 4: ...89 VAR Language tc VAR issue date 040604 right page 3 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 7 67 já hijk 8RXTU9E 6 hijk Ê j F_ F ð j AŠl mnêëBC op6 ÚÛ ÜÝÞßàDž6 ˆlE æçeèél mFÎ G HK u ŽlI PQ ÌHIRT6 âV ˆn J45š œ0 1 KL MÜÝÞ ßàDž6 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 5: ...P QR P jkST QUV_Wwõj6 XFYZ lP ºN jk6 2 B I JK J z fF š Æ lfF6 ºk e ïð _ZC šPœÆ l a6 bcC šPœÆ de ïfbc6š Æ de XFYZ XFYZ š Æ lIF 6 3 žz C 9 ghi lÉiïð _Zetm6 Ÿ œ7 C fÉjbc6 G fÉ k rUl6 H fÉjkmQºnc6 E fÉ 6 D ÉiHFtm6 Ÿ Lop 7 I o 6 D pe ïfbc6 E qtmrst 6 a ª7 I rU 6 E ºkÛ56 4 z œt b tmnE Qu ZP P vw üïh p 6 5 œxù ySˆlP âr z gh h tm 7 6 1 3 2 Z X 2004 09 15 10 15 jkl í 4 5 XY C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19...

Page 6: ...age 5 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 1 4M u 3 ƒjá E AFF 6 ný ˆn ÅÆ ˆ 6 2 µn 3 AB 4 º ŒIrDA 5 NN 56 6 MNz 7 XFYZ š Æ lÉiQIŠ Ì µŒù 6 W õjGš Æ ÚIŠ ºõj µ 6 8 z XFYZ š Æ ÉiQ f Ž 6 9 À Á W jx_ F_ ñ 6 à Á e ÄÅ ÄÆ AFF U 6 7 1 4 2 9 8 3 Z X 2004 09 15 10 15 jkl í 5 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 7: ...8 06 2004 16 12 ABCDE ABCDE ŒÇÈ Z n Y j W já j u 50 L jkm P ºkNc O š œk ž b Q ŸLv M n R HF S A tm N Ö T rU Ç Ìõj n µ ÈIŠ ÚÇ µ ª ÚÌ jkmC õ jkOõ jk nÇ µ 6 µÈrU Ä ŽÈ Å i tmÈÉi T9Abc T9 V R ÈÉi l È B G µ WAP ú WAP È ú À GPRS WAP WAP 4 øùúÈÉi øùú ŒÇÈ ã nNº È ä nNº È å AFNº È Æ À  ÀWõj Ê Nº opDE ŒÇÈ p À q È r Á s È Ã t nÀ à w n nÈ ÄsDRMCD n 12 À Å ÆÇÈ x y C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 8: ... short KC65_Displaysymbols fm 7 ABCDE VAR Language tc VAR issue date 040604 right page 7 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 12 e DE Ù È Ú 3ÉÊË Û ÌÍÎ ñ È W žzDE î HF ñ ÏŒ ð OjkQWwõj í bc ï ÐÊ ì IU C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 9: ...era CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 32 F GH ÁN SIM ÉJ Ê Ì ú n SIM 6 Ë ÊÌ Ì ÍÎ já àGŽÀÑ1 j6 ˆ jx WúÒ AFÓÔu78ˆ j xÒ j ÒÕu j ƒ 2 ÏЪ6 Y j P u 6 Ö ØÔÙ 1u788 u ÚÛ Ü 9Ý Þ 26 ˆ SIM ß 3u Wƒü Ñœ6 àAFáâÒ já 4u 789 56 1 2 3 3 4 5 ˆÞ 9 áâ ãä 6 å äæ çè 6 ÒÓ b fÉAF u IF6 AFéêë 3 ìí SIM 6 SIM îZ u ï š œk6 6 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 10: ... G 8 ñlÑ1 6ÚÌVòóûMô õ 5 45 uÜlöh j6Vó ÃMQ MÆó øù 5 Gu ju n úE û 6 j x ª j 6 ÕÖªÔ G ü ý zþ U AF ÿ Ãe ó uXFG nó Ð 6 E ˆAFåWÿ ñ eÊ x 6 ºkG ü 300 XFG ü 250 ð G ØÙÚÌ B jáÈÑ1Êju jf Gân ju 6Æu ˆ ð G C 6Ñ16 7jË já 3 4 G 8ñ lÑ1 jË6 ÛÜU Ý Þßà á ÕÖâÔ Ì B P j VWX jájË0 7GuAFnÇ ª û 6já j M 1 â µ jQÊj 8 n2IP 6 ÅÆuŸãä ª0åæÙ Êu rG 3lmã çèéêÌ 6 ÒÓ b jx üG 8n3 6 24 5u6ÌJKÓ6 já 30 7 u8M Ð9rUG 6 C65 ct e2 A31008 H780...

Page 11: ... KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 32 ëì CLIPIt í l CLIPIt ù Dž þ ÿ ð 3 AFùö6 î Œjá u78 já 8 6 Œü u ˆ Ò AuBCÝ 1urGC ï 2 ñlf 6 ÂDAFu Eˆlm ü 6 ïð ˆ ŽF 3 GÔÙ ü 6 I ȈHÊ 2II 6 ü Ó Ì JK ˆü á LMå2 ŽF áu ŽF2IWN œJKu78 ö OP 46 ˆAFÓý ü Ó 4 u yWÝöuå Häæçè 5 7 8 jáuÊejá I u å Häæçè 8 6 3 4 5 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 12: ...M lQïR 4 8 TËVRë PIN T S6 J ËV PIN T6 ySn u EI 6Ì màP v PIN T 6 6 C gh IT6 U 7 G 6 ñò EO ŒSOS óTUôõö øñò ùúœ á ñ Ø SIM e PIN T u KlEgt u À ïð NOæVjk â ÌWXWY Ì Æt m 6 ûPüI VWýâªÔ f AFGZrU 2I G 6 C gÆ u78Û 6 J rU _ u78 G 24 GG u ã7Ë 6 C gï 6 G È 96 ªþ rU WY GY6 I à a b Û G Y 78rU6 ÿ SIM ïcÒ SIM Gulˆ SIM de ºnc60åéê ÆÍÎ6 de _ 0åà 6 8 P v 6 lB8 de SIM 25 6 ÒÓ b 3 PIN T ffffffffffff 15 f SIM fffffffff...

Page 13: ...ort A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 32 PQ RB Vš œk Ug P vGu AFÈ M uŽ Ý ª 6 B š Æ u ñlà z deXFYZ6 b Z ó W nS6 nh ˆni ºký Žlmjk ú µ6 3 I 6 gh N u AFÄsËIlm _Z6 ŸlYZ n uM_ e _Z u op S_ÚYïUGq _YU cË 6 jbc EuMyS rZP AF C àXFYZs jbc6 FI Û _ZyS6 C Éi _Z6 Ç fÉbc6 8 þ Uu l tâ r tm YlAB lÛ uP v V ó 6 01d lrUvÈQvw P vxñ ª6 Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 14: ...16 32 23 ABy ïð 4 õ ªs ïðtm OPu P ÀWõj zºkNc C P 567à E ª ã tOP C fÉjbc6 9 ihi u78ˆ hi g9 u EÛ R P Pu78 hi R P 567à 6 IT6 NcÈfÉ6 xyz Ìbc CrSTu XF YZ ïðSTñlåWÛ ïðtm 9 n 6 C g Æ E P j b c6 78g 5 lö bfgh u 78 g 1 lö u g 1 Eö ibXY6 DE AB tySõ ª O P ÇÈ J ËVQV 6 B fFQIFQ a A ºk t P ïðt tm6 Æhi l i5ðÜ 96 C g hi ls bc6 D F E H I G 8 Ü9ghi 6 Ætm ý š œk lêëulm ùí B6 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 15: ...fÉbc6 8ÙAB ˆïðe ð R P uEåH QH hï5tm6 fÉbc6 Sc ÉiYZ6 R P ïð798ÙA B 6 ƒ R P 8ÙABz 6 qHR P tm fÉ E 6 56 P 6 J 9 IT8ÏŒïð Q Ì 6 9 6 Û Ã L û6 ABJ AB9 ž 3ë ž 6 ÆÇCD 9 ÆÇ 6 CD 6 CDE 9 ˆ ž b ˆm6 FG rU Š12 V _ _G 6 X Y M N H 17 T9 IJ ÉiQIŠ T9 R 6 éX KL iP º4ëå VÛ 6 éXMNH lrUw 2 u R ÆÇ 6 Ç MN çÛ Ð9 U 6 OP P Nº D 6 QR P R P Œž íÓ6 çB P  6 9 Sc R P Ì 6 9 Sc ƒ ÌÈR P R P z 6 Scþ ÌÛ ˆ ÏŒ6 Ç Sc Sc C65 ct e2 A3100...

Page 16: ... SIM lÀ Ëð01 T õoè Ž 6 SOVW C T 89VW PIN O Û tm PIN O T ïcfFGº4n PIN T6 l ƒÆtmu En q Ž AF JK6Ìœ š œknâD ƒ T Z6 gï 6 J PIN T6 C IT 6 gï 6 C IT6 ë PIN O lˆ PIN T3 ç ïR v D NO 4 8 TST6 J PIN T6 C gï 6 J_ C PIN T6 J_ C Ð9 PIN T6 0täUVWSO XŸPÏ89 YZ Ÿœü ªæ PIN O S SIM ð T 6 PIN2 O rUk P E í SIM x ùtmG Æ T6 PUK O PUK2 O T6l Ðd PIN T 8 õ f SIM 6 SO S AF6M ç AF ïð 01rU6 ÇÈ ë C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC...

Page 17: ... ë PIN2 O ÚÌVAFÄsïð PIN2 TG nP Ætm 6g ë PIN O HrOPöh6 ë SO 3 AF T l ïcs QAF T S tm Ã_Eu 46 GU AF T 4 8 T 6Æ TW õˆlL M Ì ÎAF T S tm6 šc TGu ˆ4R AF TK4R QÆ T S tm6Ç Æ þGu kjÜÝÞ L y 55 6 I SIM É ï šc PIN Tu SIM n Š6 þÿ š œk SIM  PUK T MASTER PIN 6 œ PUK T MASTER PIN u ˆ š œk6 a bc ñ ÈIŠ PIN T Z 15 u fFGž  IT6 loè 3ùÉiAFu V ˆAFŸ Ce V FG6 B š Æ 6 C gï 6AFZnfF6 gÆ ueâ i 6 AFˆânfF6 æd C65 ct e2 A31008 ...

Page 18: ...gËV uå V çè6 Þ 2 šPül V a u g cl b 6š l ËV6 šPœÆ lÏŒ 1 ü V uš lÏŒ ðV6 F i 1 9 Q98 6 šPœ7 abc_Abc_ T9abc_T9Abc_T9ABC_ 123_en_fg 6 š 7P Ì YZ 6 šPœ7P í V 6 š 7fÉ bc6 0 šPüJ ÿš 0 _ š 7 06 1 r 6šhü h 6 ijYk gï 6 µh I_ F V 6 gï 6 MN š XY ÚYM n _ XYMNH_ScXY_ ÿ T9 XYMNH T9 là ârg ݵ 2 I V6 ÉiQIŠ T96 ÇÈMNXY mp fÉ Vbc6 Û X Y M N Hu7 8 Û MNmp6 T9 IJ Û 6 Éi T96 _ Γ Θ Λ Ξ Π Σ Φ Ψ Ω ÇÈ Ç ë C65 ct e2 A31008 H780...

Page 19: ...T9 ˆç 2I V6 T9 XY o V JåïðVÌ ðÛ u w4 Vn P õ6 gï 6 ÆVK â2 I u gïc ÐdÆOPå 2I Vçè6 ˆïðV9 V â T9 Û V678Û 6 pqPÏXY T9 V F 9 e9s ï i ðVuå V çè6 co T9 VØÙ6 ÏŒ 1 â V urª P ïð9 lm V6 XYs C M XYs XYs l AFCuE ÆÇ n _ n CD 6 ÇÈ eY CD ÒÓ b šPœ7 E z abc_Abc_T9abc_ T9Abc_T9ABC_123_ en_fg6 š 7P Ì YZ6 š 7fÉ bc 17 6 T9 V RÈ OE ï5e 5 l l W m S 5 818 437_ 5 953 541_5 187 480_5 945 928µ 6 011 554 ó mS 1 331 057 W mS 22...

Page 20: ...1ÔST6 A NOjkST6 a B šPœ a 6 VWnP I 9 Q9 gÆ Ez 6 _tF EO A šhœ6 ÐNluPüN jkST6 s ÐNSTÁ A šPœ6 I ÂÛïðjkSTu78 çN ST A gÆ 6 vc _ AFn iE à ü Ä G ÅÐN 10 c6 A b Æ ú S T l W º Gu AFnÇ Çµ6 WÖgºk ñlN ST6 _çw 15 8nÌïðª ÂÈ ÐNP v j kST6 à A gï 6 xà B šPœ6 vc _ ÒÓ b çE Õ ŒwËu Wwõ ju78 ˆhijk Š Œ6 Ð ˆjkST ºn cQjkmC6 À Á xÄÊ w ºk 6 LM IŠ w ºk u78 ˆAF Š Œš ˆlE wËÎ š š Æ lIŠk 6 Š _EO 0 š Æ å ïð 6 Û WX6 A çBm yz Š þ C6...

Page 21: ...m6 Ÿha tÔ ì b û a fÉbc6 o Æb ºku78N Ç9 jkST6 fÉbc6 ì ºk 6 Ÿa âÔÃEPa ˆnw ïð õj u ÆG l à é Z o F a Ww X jkuŽ Æb ºk6 xà é ÉWõjueÀ Å ÊË6 à é Z F a B aºk6 C Ww9 õj6 a B g a 6 ÌÍ Æ ºk6 a ̺k6 o b l ïNj 5 Uµnk6ïðj kWº 8 fÉbcŽÛ o6 b ºkÈ Æ õ6 J uN Ç ï ð 9 j kST6 ºjkWº 8 fÉbcŽÛ o6ÎÅNjuå Wº ̵nkçè6 o B g a GulïD a ºk ƒØºk6 nj ŒDTMF ý cF Ï ST 6 f É b c Ž Û DTMF Ï6 Ç Ç Ç ì xà ˆ Ç Ç Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 ...

Page 22: ... 2004 16 48 V _ C L Û tm AB P v ˆP Ðr ˆm ºnc ejkm Û 6 J I þÿ ïðV Û ÑU e o 6 9 6 ab Òl 22 Òl 24 V _ lrUïðíU ˆm ç Ó ˆm6 XFYZ l hi fÉ Û 12 ˆm6 H fÉjkmeºnc ab ºnc u lJå ï N có nuŽl xù tm uM_ 6 jkmIM SIM 6 ï Ú m ïðjkST6SIM j kmlBÔ ïÔAF6 N ØÕ Ö UMuEZˆUM à ïÔ GSM AF6 ÀØÕ UMu AFˆÂ UM 6 H I iE 6 gï 6 Šï 23 6 ÒÓ b UM ºnc CD yØW À12 vCard 6 Ð àºncQjkm d eST6 CD C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 23: ...T short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 ab ºncl w 1000 u ï l ã ujk ÙS TuE xù WÚ 6 œ µAFNº C jkm f 6 ºncÈ rUç12 ˆm H fɺnc XFY Z 6 C P 6 I Û 6 J I 6 ƒ M ï ð Ñ U6 jkSTG N O T6 ijMN 7 Šï U ï ð Û R 23 6 Ñ WÚ r I Œ _Ž þE _ _Š þ ý É i 8u l 6 H çB AFn ïÜÂÈ 6 Uï uM Æ 6 V W jkST õ juP v ˆ uM6 P 6 6 ÒÓ b Î G jkm6 CD C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 24: ...Z 6 J I Û 6 C P 6 ABÇ P Û tm6 ë H fɺnc XFY Z 6 J I Û ï u7 8 g 6 I Û u 78g 6 J 3 u78g 6 _ZPf H fɺnc XFY Z 6 J I þÿ ïðV Û ÑU e o 6 A N ST6 ºnc Ì RSTuˆn P Û 6 ab Ç 8 þ Uu l târ tm fÉbc6 Šï AFCÈÐr 9 ðÛRul ÌÝ WY ºnc 6 l Ð9 U 7 ðÛR6 H fɺnc XFY Z 6 Šï Û Ë ntª ÛRUg 8 6 I Û ÛR6 RW ï 42 6 Ç CD E ˆV eR P de ï ðÛR6 ÿ E SIM É ˆÑU STde SIM jkm 6 šN ØÕÀ øùú 45 e n 30 W ºnc t m6 åM12tmu 14 Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H...

Page 25: ...RC19 18 06 2004 17 26 jkm SIM C µºnc f 6 ÈÛ jkm ç12 ˆm H fÉjkm XFY Z 6 H Û 6 C P 6 I ð i 6 EO jkSTG NO NST6 À jkSTu ˆ4R 6 NY UV QeÑõ6 Šï ÐrÞ 7VWŠï ß Ø ë ï R Ð j k S T VIP 6 œ ÐrÞ SIM í SIM lˆjkST ïðÎ SYàC SIM SY PIN2 T 6 c E n i D ï 6 l Nc SõNOjkST6 gï E 9 6 _E Œ Pf H fÉjkm6 J I þÿ ïðV Û ÑU Qeo 6 A STñ N 6 ÒÓ b Î G ºnc6 WÀNST 19 CD Š þ C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 26: ...19 18 06 2004 17 26 ë I àjkm Û ï 6 gï 6 J I Û 6 J M 6 gï 6 Ç E tml u V zþ U6 fÉbc6 ij _ H fÉjkmŽÛ ij _ 6 EO lE jkmC F ST Ù E n6 VIP EO P VIP R jkST6 SIM EO SIM jkmC Kl qH GSM AF 6 SIM TþEO b jkSTl í SIM ïðÎ SYà6 G PIN2 T6 ÿ E 9 ˆ ÌR P de ºnc6 9 ÿ E 9 ˆ Ì de º nc6 ÏŒ ðjkm6Æ tmQ PIN T S6 šN Ø Õ À ø ù ú 45 e n 30 W jk m tm6 åM12tmu 14 6 CD Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 27: ...9 18 06 2004 17 00 a c jkST álÜZ ÐN6 C P I Û Nc6 C fɺkNc6 I Û jkST6 A NOjkST6 ïðºkNcCl 10 ðjk ST 567à b ÈW À jk jkS Tl Nc õuE 8ej6  ÀWõj6 56 c ˆt ÌÈW õj6 56_Ùc l wŠN ºjkST6 A XFYZ l0âö 6 c ̺kNc CDn aŒ6 ª lrU ºk P kG ã 6 C P ª Û Fü ª_ƒØ_Ù _ƒØ _ žŸ _ VW ÐrÛ rU6 VW C fÉbc6 ä åæbI6 v åæ bI G ç6 õ í SIM l eš œkU YZAFN jk ã Y xQ Y6 vcAB iP ÌkG k 6 V C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 28: ... 06 2004 17 00 de lÕñöè CØHF MQéMuŽl ˆ MV Þêéë_1ì_ fQIFiíeîv S_Z6 E n à M6 bc C R D XFYZ ÉiHF6 íü nP V Ð éë6 l ïh t n à s Ù È Ú 3ÉÊË Û ÌÍÎ W ñ Ð éë s ïˆP ÆÛ U ð ñlòô ƒó M6 ÆËbn8âr òôjô Ì ó õö6Ð é ë ÜnP ÌI Û ð n6 n C ò 6 C P ï ó M Ð éë6 Æ M GˆAÌïðUg_ G 6 Ugu Û5 bc 28 VW6 ò rUÞ F rUÈ 6 I rU3ÉÊË6 â Ð éë ð uéë ý lErU u ý Û ËI3É U u ð l mn i 6 I é ª C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 29: ...hort A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 17 00 1 Œ lÉ ñ uP v n ï ðyS6 ñ W AFŽÈÉ iHFGn È js z 6 lÐ XFG 6 ñ 2 s z Gu ÆySn ú6 ÌIrUu Û5bc6 e Ç E tml u V zþ U6 fÉbc6 VW cé Ug éë ð P v n òô w8ïó M6 1 Û vcVW _z _K _ d ð vcWª øùóú 15 7 8 Znò M6åMw 8 5 7 u n ï 7w ïc 6 Û vcÇÈ _µ _ƒ åM12tmu 14 ÒÓ b Ê âû6 ÉiN º _ZEÏŒíU 44 6 Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 30: ...6 2004 16 51 bfgh Æß Z žüCã ÌW ÆÇ6 œ n1NïðýÁq z yS 6 6 s Æß Z žüu È W ïð9 n p gyS Ü t 6 V fÉïð GuKlfÉHI _Z6 ïðÐr GY 8 uÈ fÉ ÆÇ ÚnP ÆÇHI žab C6 žüCu ˆl E op ib_jkl b bf ÌIjkl b_7à _7à c _567à _stº bf_mn n 6 _ _ý _ c N 6 op Ìib jkl bÆÇl P þðab 6 C M Û ÆÇ 6 W ÆÇ ab6 C M ÀÁ Û ÆÇ 6 Á ab6 C M 7 Û ÆÇ 6 ñÀëtà ÆÇ ab C M Â Û ÆÇ 6 W ÆÇ ab6 s tmbcE œ ÆÇ6 Ç Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 31: ... ÆÇ w l 760 ðV 6 u ÆÇ i Ø ï n ØÕ 23uqã và 6Æ ùu lˆuM Ò n 6 ÃJ C M ibXY J V Òl 17 6 V tm6 A f à OP6 Ï Jà j k mQ º n c Û ïðSTue ïð9 ST6 C nn L y E à 6 ijTU Ä n ÃA VeÀA V uM z6 N u œuM zl m Î S ËIlm u 12 6 V fÉ 8 fÉbc6 I Û Ä n 6 bcC ã cÅ_ n_3 cÅÆ_3 Æ_ 3 nÆ I Û ab6 C IT6 P v P Û ab ï 6 I o 6 Û cÅ n C Û n n 6 Û 3 cÅÆ_3 Æ_ 3 nÆ C Û nP Q ÄÊ õ6 C Û n n 6 ib C M ib P v nP AFC nab6 Ç Ç C65 ct e2 A31008 H780...

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Page 61: ...nguage tc VAR issue date 040604 left page 60 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 V _ P 9 UM ÛR Ðr ˆm a c o ÀWõj o õjNc o N Nc aŒNc kG k ckG Ìõj ÌN jk œbI ã rU åæ u ç u5vw CD ã Yx L iP nv EF À de bfgh 9 n V n žü n n LvwrU AÄn C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 62: ...m 61 VAR Language tc VAR issue date 040604 right page 61 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 bfgh ÁÂ n n À Ã n n È Ã n n nø nbc Vø n rU VÐÊ Êó 12 Ð nrU nrUl n U nrU nrUl rU Â Å ÊË AÄn CAÄfI Ï ab rUAÄÅÇ LvwrU Â 01rU C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 63: ...guage tc VAR issue date 040604 left page 62 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 t h ˆ Ð N4 N4 ÀWÐ N4 c x GY TU SIM L c F ã F bI jÞTÁ ËãG ýrO 3 Ò VW JKrU jô P Ž ÅÇÛ V R T9 ijrU x XFu4 R D7rU îv S_Z fFií IFií fF mÅ óV P xñ ª ån C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 64: ...R Language tc VAR issue date 040604 right page 63 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 Ò VW µ µ rU ci õj n ŸLv š L d õj ÛRys qHõj z n ŸLv fF IF c F ºkrU ST õj X õj Ìõj zõj À W ÀWº û À Æú 8oz aŒ Ì AFrU g r Lº iIF AFŠS Nº v C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 65: ...4 left page 64 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 Ò VW AFrU l40 rZ eÍ àrU aŒl4 G rU G GY rU rZ rUG rZ P G i 9yY WÅzþ GPRS GPRS n øùú Ëÿ L HTTP rUl 01T 01rU i Ž åWNS YN PIN T PIN T S 3 PIN T 3 PIN2 T 3 AF T É qH SIM ºkYZ ÇkW NWÀjk ÚNe W Ìõj CGÉW 8oz aŒ Ì C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 66: ...era CT short C65_MenuTree fm 65 VAR Language tc VAR issue date 040604 right page 65 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 Ò VW ú Û b ú YZú n Û iÛ 0â ÛR Éi Û ÛR ÇkW ÛR Dž g i iIF Ãý 5 FYZ i C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 67: ... I IMEI ŠS 44 P PIN T Z 15 11 3 15 PIN2 T 15 PUK TuPUK2 T 15 S SIM Ò 8 16 SIM L Û Ó 52 SOS 11 T T9 VØÙ 18 V 17 aÅ n 39 37 óV P 42 ó V T9 17 bÅ 20 AFŠS IMEI 44 AF 57 AF T 15 AFTr 58 AFYGuSIM 58 Vø 18 V 17 ˆ 50 cÅ jô 41 Ojk 19 FST 25 ÀWõj ºkNc 26 ÀWN4 51 À W 43 ÛR 48 ËV NS 19 bc 0âNS 13 Ö wÉ 49 Z 13 dÅ 43 rO 53 UM 21 eÍ àrU 44 ej 19 n W 34 Ã 33 32 012345 2 01 T 15 01rU 15 n 12 F rU 48 iÐN 19 C65 ct ...

Page 68: ...ùÉiAF 16 fÅ õjNc ºkNc 26 õj X 43 õj 43 Ìõj õj 43 Ìõj YZ 47 É qH SIM 47 Lº 44 L ú 55 A tm 52 gŠƺk 20 57 S L 55 XFG 9 XFu4 41 XFYZ 13 g r 44 çjá j 9 HF 27 R P YZ 14 øùú 45 øùú IrDA 45 ã Yx 26 ã F 53 Ð N4 50 ÐN 19 YN 47 Yx kGQk 26 AF 19 µ 42 JKrU 40 hÅ ËãG 53 ci 42 GY 11 45 G 45 EF 38 ijrU P Ž 41 rZz AFNº 44 í V 17 í ˆm 25 ÆÇ n 32 ab 29 n 30 31 AÄ L 36 N4 51 Nº 44 D7rU 41 hPÅ ŸLv 50 WÀNST 19 ZT DTM...

Page 69: ...47 WwQ a 19 anÙ 19 k 26 jknÙ 20 ºkG já 58 ºkNc 26 ºk 43 âN 49 h Å bI 53 ÄÊx 54 Â 52 ÂÈ 19 n rU 31 nbc 30 ÛR n 31 30 31 n SMS 30 c L ùÔ 36 ç 26 fF 11 fFií 42 ß Z žü 29 haÅ jkST 43 M 27 ÛR 23 ST 43 kGQk 26 k 26 n L CB 36 CD _Z 39 zõj 43 µ 42 jÞTÁ 53 já j 8 ý ª 57 Ò 8 G 9 58 jknÙ 20 jkm SIM S 25 VIP ST 25 í ˆm 25 9 24 NOï 24 Ðr ˆm 21 hbÅ uMµ n 30 æVjkST 11 CAÄ CB 36 qHrU 47 YZ 47 ú 47 ÅÇÛ 41 Å ÊË 36 ...

Page 70: ...0604 right page 69 of KC65 Hera CT short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 16 51 hcÅ N Nc ºkNc 26 NST 19 12tm 14 52 hdÅ G já 9 58 F YZ 40 îv S_Z 42 ÅÇ T9 17 c 52 c x 51 heÅ 47 I jkm 24 JKrU AF 40 hfÅ x 37 hgÅ IF AiÜZ 11 i 44 IFií 42 haÅ P v yS 6 P Ž xñ ª 42 ij 41 yS 6 ÅÇÛ 41 C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 71: ...C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 72: ...witch on off PIN entry 11 General instructions 12 Standard functions 14 Security 15 Text entry 17 Calling 19 Default book 21 Addressbook 22 Phonebook 24 Call records 26 Camera 27 Message lists 29 SMS 30 MMS 32 Voice message CB 36 Surf fun 37 Setup 40 Fast access 49 Organiser 50 Extras 53 My stuff 55 Customer Care 56 Care and maintenance 58 Product data 59 SAR International ICNIRP 60 Menu tree 61 I...

Page 73: ...oved Caution Small parts like this could be swallowed by young children The mains voltage specified on the power supply unit V must not be exceeded Otherwise the charging device may be destroyed The ring tone p 42 info tones p 44 and handsfree talking are reproduced through the loudspeaker Do not hold the phone to your ear when it rings or when you have switched on the handsfree function p 19 Othe...

Page 74: ...ed batteries and phones as permit ted by the laws in your country The phone may cause interfer ence in the vicinity of TV sets radios and PCs Use only Siemens original accessories This will avoid potential risks to health or prop ertyandensure compliancewith all relevant regulations Improper use will invalidate the guarantee These safety instructions also apply to Sie mens original accessories C65...

Page 75: ...y mode In standby mode press and hold to switch off phone 3 Joystick C Press the joystick down verti cally to start an application or function In standby mode C Open main menu G Open user profiles H Open Phonebook Address book E Open Inbox D Start the camera In lists messages and menus I Scroll up and down D Back a level E Has the same function as the right soft key During a call I Set volume E Ca...

Page 76: ...ay 4 Infrared interface IrDA 5 Access to the Internet portal 6 Input keys 7 Ringtone Press and hold in standby mode Switch all audible signals on off except alarm Press and hold on incoming call Switch off ringtone for this call only 8 Key lock Press and hold in standby mode Switch key lock on off 9 Connection socket For charger headset flash etc Connection for external antenna Camera lens Mirror ...

Page 77: ...e diverted Ringer off Short ring beep only Ringer only if the caller is stored in the Phonebook Alarm set Ä Keypad locked Å Auto answer feature on T9Abc Text input with T9 Activated and available Registered Temporarily interrupted WAP offline WAP online WAP via GPRS online WAP no network IrDA activated IrDA transmission Events selection ã SMS memory full ä MMS memory full å Phone memory full Æ No ...

Page 78: ...uage en2 VAR issue date 040604 right page 7 of KC65 Hera en2 short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 13 31 Camera symbols Ù Brightness Ú Zoom factor Û White balance Flash connected Joystick symbols î Camera ñ Delete ð Call accept call í Menu ï Zoom ì OK C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 79: ...tom of the phone plug power supply unit into a mains power socket and charge for at least two hours Y Display during charging Press grooved area 1 then push cover in the direction indicated by the arrow 2 PushSIMcard 3 with the contact sur face facing downwards Insert the battery side ways into the phone 4 and then press it down wards 5 1 2 3 3 4 5 Push cover ontotheside hooks 6 until it clicks in...

Page 80: ...0 minutes Standby time Up to 250 hours Charge icon not visible If the battery has been discharged fully the charge icon is not immedi ately visible when the power supply is plugged in It will appear after up to two hours In this case the battery is fully charged after 3 to 4 hours Only use the plug in power supply unit supplied Display while in service Charge level display during opera tion empty ...

Page 81: ...d apply slight pressure 1 and turn it at the same time2 to open the lock Do not use the key to lift the phone as this could damage the faceplate Assemble the phone Insert the keypad mat 3 into the upper faceplate Ensure that it is sit ting accurately in place If there are small pins at the bottom of the faceplate position the tabs on both sides of the keypad mat pre cisely on these pins before car...

Page 82: ...n any net work without a SIM card and without entering a PIN not available in all countries Switching on your phone for the first time Time date Set the clock correctly on a one off basis when getting started C Press this key then select Change J First enter the date day month year then the time 24 hours including seconds C Press The time and date are updated Time zones Set the time zone for your ...

Page 83: ...ity and may lead to loss of the connection Change your location Digital Rights Mgmt DRM Remember that your telephone has Digital Rights Management The use of downloaded pictures sounds or applications can be restricted by the suppliers e g copy protection use for a limited period of time only number of times it can be used etc Main menu The main menu is displayed graphi cally with symbols C Call u...

Page 84: ...the joystick to highlight Calls missed Select Confirm The record is opened Menu speed dialling All menus are numbered so that a function such as writing a new SMS can be selected directly from standby mode by entering a number C Press to display the main menu Then press 5 for Messages then 1 for Create new then 1 for SMS text Symbols The following symbols are used to explain operation J Enter numb...

Page 85: ...ation New entry Create new entry Send Selecttransmissionservice and medium for sending Reply Reply to all The sender becomes the recipient The received text is transferred into the new message Save Store entry Save to 9 Save recipients in the cur rent address directory Sort Set sort criteria according to alphabetical order type time Text input p 17 T9 preferred Activate deactivate T9 input Associa...

Page 86: ...oviders do not permit deac tivating the control Select Press J Enter PIN C Confirm input Change Press C Confirm Change PIN You can change the PIN to any 4 to 8 digit number you find easier to remember J Enter current PIN C Press J C Enter new PIN J C Repeat new PIN Keep these security codes in a safe place where you can access them again if required PIN Protects your SIM card personal identificati...

Page 87: code and the functions that use it is denied If this occurs contact the Siemens Service p 56 Clear SIM card barring If the PIN is entered incorrectly three times the SIM card is barred Enter the PUK MASTER PIN provided by your service provider with the SIM card in accordance with the instruc tions If the PUK MASTER PIN has been lost please contact your serv ice provider Preventing accidental a...

Page 88: ...T9ABC 123 Pinyin Bihua Press and hold All input variants are displayed Press briefly Special characters are shown Press and hold Open input menu 0 Press once repeatedly 0 _ Press and hold Writes 0 1 Writes blank Press twice line break Special characters Press briefly Line break I F Navigate to characters Select Press Text entry menu Press and hold Text format SMS only Input language Mark Copy Text...

Page 89: ...orrect word is displayed Add a new word to the dictionary Spell Select and enter word without T9 Then Save Correct a word Words written with T9 F Move left or right word by word until the required word is highlighted Scroll through the T9 word suggestions again Deletes the last character in a word and displays a new possible word Text modules C M Text modules Text modules can be stored in the phon...

Page 90: ...edial Auto dial The phone number is dialled up to 10 times at increasing time intervals Call back b Call back Your phone rings when the busy number is free Press the Call key to dial the number Reminder Prompt A beep reminds you to redial the displayed phone number after 15 minutes Accept call A Press Reject call B Press briefly Additional information Accept the call before bringing the phone to y...

Page 91: ...eject the waiting call Reject Reject the call or divert it to the mailbox via Divert Accept the waiting call and end the current call B End call C Accept new call End call s B Press the End key Yes Resume held call No End all calls Conference b You call up to 5 conference partici pants one after the other Once you have established a connection Options Open menu and select Hold The current call is ...

Page 92: ...honebook or Addressbook Addressbook A lot of data can be recorded in the Addressbook for each entry and additional functions e g pictures birthdays can be used Phonebook The Phonebook is located on the SIM card Only one phone number can be entered per entry The Phonebook on the SIM card can easily be trans ferred into a different phone Business card Create your own business card to send to a diffe...

Page 93: ...input fields I Select required input fields J Fill in input fields At least one name must be entered Always enter phone number with prefix Special input fields Group Allocation to a group p 23 Address Extension to enter the complete address Street Post code City Country Birthday After activation you can enter the date of birth Reminder The tele phone reminds you one day before the birthday at the ...

Page 94: ... letter and or scroll A The number is dialled If there are several numbers in the Addressbook entry these are offered for selection Addressbook options Different functions are available depending on the context Options Open menu Groups Nine groups are specified in your phone to enable you to arrange your Addressbook entries clearly You can rename seven groups H Open Addressbook in standby mode Gro...

Page 95: with dialling code An entry is not saved without a phone number Name Enter first and or last names Group Default No group Important phone numbers are com bined together in a group VIP Location Default SIM Special SIM cards can save phone numbers in a protected area Protected SIM PIN2 required Record number Is automatically assigned to every entry The phone number can be dialled with your entry ...

Page 96: ...ecial books Own numbers Enter own phone numbers in Phonebook e g fax for informa tion VIP numbers Display the phone numbers saved in the VIP group SIM phonebook Entries stored in the Phonebook on the SIM card can also be used on other GSM phones Protected SIM b On special SIM cards phone num bers can be stored in a protected location PIN2 is required for editing Copy into 9 Copy all highlighted en...

Page 97: ...ved Accepted calls are listed Calls dialled Access to the last numbers dialled by you A Fast access in standby mode Delete records The records are deleted Durat charges You can display the charges and duration during a call C P Durat charges Select Last call All outg calls All incom calls Remain units Charge sett Reset Reset the selected setting Charge sett C Open menu Currency Edit your currency ...

Page 98: ...d The number of photos that can still be taken in the selected resolution is displayed in the top right hand cor ner of the preview image This number varies considerably from motif to motif storage space required Information about the selected resolution is located under the preview image Record C Takes a photo C Displays the preview image of the next photo The photo is saved with a name the date ...

Page 99: ...tings see options menu Camera options The following functions are availa ble depending on the current situa tion Options Open menu Settings Name for recordings Image resolution Pictures Displays list of photos Use flash Choose between Automatic Always Off Red eye red Self timer The photo is taken approx 15 seconds after triggering For the last 5 seconds you will hear a signal tone each second Whit...

Page 100: Options entries which have already been read and opened are only displayed in the message related incoming lists You will find the following message types in the inbox folder SMS MMS System messages Message about MMS Missed alarm Missed appts Calls missed WAP push Voice message Data items Ringtones Pictures calendar entries Notes and Business card Message lists All SMS and MMS are each displaye...

Page 101: ...k or enter it C The SMS is transmitted to the service centre to be sent Special functions Picture sound Send simple pictures and tones with or without accompanying text Remember that these may be pro tected DRM p 12 With the text input field open Options Open menu I Select Picture sound The menu contains Fix animations Fix sounds Own animat Own pictures Own sounds I Select list C Confirm The first...

Page 102: ...s the joystick I Scroll through message line by line Reply You can answer the currently open SMS immediately The newly added text is placed above the received text C Functions for a direct reply Setting SMS signature C M Message setup SMS setup SMS signature You can enter a signature with a maximum of 16 characters This sig nature will then be attached to each SMS except for a Reply and when chang...

Page 103: ...nd a sound Remember that pic tures and sounds may be protected DRM p 12 Create standard MMS C M Create new MMS First select an object for processing to be added to the first page of the MMS Picture Select C Display picture functions Insert picture Camera Sound Select C Display sound functions Insert sound Record Text Select C Display text functions see also p 17 Options Options Open menu law Send ...

Page 104: s of the new MMS has have already been created The MMS is displayed A Open address entry Subject Enter a brief description of the MMS Send to Enter one or more phone number s Size Display the MMS size A Start sending procedure C The MMS is sent after con firmation More Provide additional address fields Save as templ Save created MMS as a template See also below Layout Select one of four possibl...

Page 105: ...r playback E To the next page D Press briefly once to return to the start of the current page press briefly twice to return to the start of the previous page I Set volume C B End The message details are displayed when the MMS is complete Subject Description of the MMS From Information about the sender Size Size of the MMS in KB More Additional input fields Send Send MMS Play Play entire MMS on the...

Page 106: ...h to suit your requirements Delivery report Request delivery confirma tion for sent messages Default pri ority Send priority Normal High Low Expiry time Select the period in which the service centre is to try to deliver the message Manual 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours 1 day 1 week Maximum Maximum period that the service provider permits Page dura tion Length of display for an MMS page standard r...

Page 107: ... M Message setup Voice message Enter phone number and confirm with OK Save call divert number Calls are diverted to this phone number C T Call setup Divert e g Unanswered Set Enter phone number and register it at the network with OK Listen to message b A new voice message can be announced asfollows depending on the service provider À Symbol plus beep Or p Notification via SMS Or You receive a call...

Page 108: ... by service provider Browser menu Options Open menu End connection B Press and hold to clear down the connection and close the browser Navigation in the browser Homepage Call up the pre set homepage or the current profile p 38 Bookmarks Display bookmarks stored in the phone save book mark Go to Enter a URL Reload Reload current page Show URL Display the URL of the page currently loaded for sending...

Page 109: ...rofile C Activate profile Set profile manually If necessary contact your service provider You can change settings and delete profiles here Bookmarks C O Bookmarks URLs stored in the phone are dis played New bookmarks can be saved It is possible to process or manage bookmarks in files Connect No network Network GPRS online Browser Set start option as well as handling of pictures and tones and send ...

Page 110: ...ed on your Java enabled mobile phone Siemens excludes all warranty and liability claims in respect of or in connection with any applica tions subsequently installed by the customer and any software not included in the original delivery package This also applies to functions enabled subsequently at the customer s instigation The purchaser bears sole risk for the loss of damage to and any defects ar...

Page 111: ... select Change sett The list of available functions is dis played When you have finished set ting a function you return to the profile menu where you can change a further setting Car Kit If an original Siemens Car Kit is used the profile is switched on automati cally when the phone is inserted into the cradle see accessories also Headset The profile is only switched on auto matically if an origina...

Page 112: ...heme Display C T Display Select function Language Set the language of the display text When automatic is set the lan guage of your home service provider is used If a language that you do not under stand happens to be set the phone can be reset to the language of your home service provider with the fol lowing input in standby mode 0 0 0 0 A Text input T9 English Activate deactivate intelligent text...

Page 113: ...nction Set the signal tones on the phone to suit your requirements Ringer setting Activate deactivate the ringer or reduce it to a short beep Silent alert To avoid the disturbance caused by a ringing phone you can activate the silent alert function as an alterna tive The vibration alarm can be switched on in addition to the ring tone This function is deactivated when the battery is being loaded an...

Page 114: ...ample Unanswered b I Select Unanswered Includes the conditions Not reachable No reply Busy see below C Confirm and select Set then enter the phone number to which the call will be diverted C Confirm The setting is confirmed by the network All calls b All calls are diverted Ç Icon in the top line of the display in standby mode Other possibilities for divert Not reachable No reply Busy Call screenin...

Page 115: ...the appliance Device check A self test and an individual test are offered after the last information page If you select Selftest individual tests are carried out Memory assis The delete assistant will help you if there is insufficient phone memory File system Format Phone code protected The phone memory is formatted and all saved data such as ringtones pic tures games etc are deleted For matting m...

Page 116: ... YYYY DD MM YYYY YYYY MM DD YYYY MM DD Time format Select 24h or 12h Show clock Activate deactivate time display Auto time b The time is set automatically via the GSM network Connectivity C T Connectivity Select function GPRS b General Packet Radio Service GPRS is a method for transmitting data faster in the mobile network For symbols in the display see p 6 GPRS info Display connection information...

Page 117: ...service provider or go to this address on the Internet for more information www siemens mobile com customercare in the FAQ section Authentication Activate or deactivate encrypted WAP dial up CSD connections only Security C T Security Select function Auto key lock The keypad is locked automatically if no key has been pressed for one minute in standby mode This pre vents the phone from being used ac...

Page 118: can be made Out int x home outgoing international without home country No international calls only calls to the home country All incoming The phone is barred for all incoming calls When roaming You will not receive calls when out side your home network Status check Status check for network barring Clear all Clear all barrings Network C T Network Select function Line b Two independent phone numb...

Page 119: ...ff Calls are accepted automatically after a few seconds Eavesdropping is possible Auto off factory default 2 hours The phone is powered by the car s power supply Set the time that must elapse after the ignition has been switched off before the phone is automatically switched off Car loudspk Improves playback in certain circum stances Headset Only in conjunction with an original Siemens headset see...

Page 120: ...ialling keys Assign a phone number or function to each of the keys from 2 to 9 Number key 1 is reserved for the mailbox Assign 3 Press number key e g the 3 briefly then press Set Select a new function from the list and confirm with C Apply Select a stored phone number or start a stored application e g Inter net In standby mode 3 Press and hold My menu C Press My menu Press Set up your own menu The...

Page 121: ...onversion func tion to convert between solar calen dar and lunar calendar Chinese Festival Provide you a list of Chinese festivals and show a result of respective solar date without the need of entering a lunar date Calend setup Select the start of the week show Chinese Jieqi and Festival Calendar setup Start of day Time when the working day begins Start of week Weekday on which the monthly and we...

Page 122: ...point ments see Appointments Notes T9 support p 17 makes writing short notes such as shopping lists easier Save confidential notes with the phone code Missed appts Events with an alarm Appointments Tasks to which you have not reacted are listed for reading Dictating mac Use the dictating machine to record short voice memos New recording Record new Select C After a brief beep say the text C Alterna...

Page 123: ...6 2004 13 31 Time zones See p 45 Warning The use of this feature may be subject to restrictions under criminal law Please inform the other party to the conver sation in advance if you want to record the conversation and please keep such record ings confidential You may only use this feature if the other party to the conversation agrees C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 124: ...ious days C Display options alarm call time and days C Set days for alarm calls Press and hold to high light unhighlight all the days OK Confirm setting You can set the alarm to repeat with Snooze Sound recorder Use the Sound recorder to record noises or sounds for use as ring tones New recording Record new Select The remaining time available as well as the recording time are shown in the display ...

Page 125: ...ctions Set decimal point Change sign Currency When you first call up the function enter the basic currency J Enter currency e g euro and save the entry with Save Now enter the name and exchange rate of the cur rency to be converted Stopwatch Two intermediate times can be recorded and saved C Start stop reset to zero Countdown A set time elapses The last 3 seconds are indicated by a beep At the end...

Page 126: ...ed application Options Access to various adminis tration functions New picture New sound The application for the folder cur rently selected is loaded New downl The WAP browser is started and the URLs for downloading displayed Media player When you are viewing a picture or listening to a melody the applica tion starts a media playback F Browse to the next media file 0 9 Switch on display illumi nat...

Page 127: ...77 Croatia 0 16 10 53 81 Czech Republic 2 33 03 27 27 Denmark 35 25 86 00 Dubai 0 43 96 64 33 Egypt 0 23 33 41 11 Estonia 06 30 47 97 Finland 09 22 94 37 00 France 01 56 38 42 00 Germany 0 18 05 33 32 26 Greece 0 80 11 11 11 16 Hong Kong 28 61 11 18 Hungary 06 14 71 24 44 Iceland 5 11 30 00 India 22 24 98 70 00 Extn 70 40 Indonesia 0 21 46 82 60 81 Ireland 18 50 77 72 77 Italy 02 66 76 44 00 Ivory...

Page 128: ... 04 60 00 Russia 8 80 02 00 10 10 Saudi Arabia 0 22 26 00 43 Serbia 01 13 80 95 50 Singapore 62 27 11 18 Slovak Republic 02 59 68 22 66 Slovenia 0 14 74 63 36 South Africa 08 60 10 11 57 Spain 9 02 11 50 61 Sweden 0 87 50 99 11 Switzerland 08 48 21 20 00 Taiwan 02 23 96 10 06 Thailand 66 27 22 11 18 Tunisia 71 86 19 02 Turkey 0 21 65 79 71 00 Ukraine 8 80 05 01 00 00 United Arab Emirates 0 43 66 0...

Page 129: ...hake your phone Rough handling can damage components inside the device Do not use harsh chemicals cleaning sol vents or strong detergents to clean the phone The suggestions given above apply equally to your phone battery charger and all accessories If any of these parts are not working properly take them to your nearest qualified service outlet The personnel there will assist you and if necessary ...

Page 130: ...siderably reduce the phone s standby time Avoid placing the phone in the sun or on a heater Talktime Up to 300 minutes Standby time Up to 250 hours GSM class 4 2 watt Frequency range 880 960 MHz GSM class 1 1 watt Frequency range 1 710 1 880 MHz GSM class 1 1 watt Frequency range 1 850 1 990 MHz Weight 86 g Size 105 x 47 x 18 mm 75 6 ccm Li Ion battery 600 mAh Operating temperature 10 C to 55 C SI...

Page 131: ...asure ment known as the Specific Absorp tion Rate or SAR The SAR limit statedin theinternationalguidelines is 2 0 W kg Tests for SAR are con ducted in all frequency bands using standard operating positions with the phone transmitting at its highest power level The actual SAR level of the phone during operation can be well below the maximum value This is because the phone is designed to operate at ...

Page 132: ...ries New entry Business card Groups Default book Call records Calls missed Calls received Calls dialled Delete records Durat charges Last call All outg calls All incom calls Remain units Charge sett Currency Personal rate Surf fun Games Account limit Applications Auto display Downl assis Bookmarks Internet Camera Messages Create new SMS text MMS Inbox SMS MMS WAP push CB messages C65 ct e2 A31008 ...

Page 133: ... RC19 18 06 2004 14 19 Messages Draft SMS MMS Unsent SMS MMS Sent SMS MMS MMS templates SMS archive Text modules Message setup Text zoom Zoom Standard Zoom SMS setup SMS profiles SMS signature MMS setup MMS profile User settings Help Voice message CB services Receive CB Topic list CB languages WAP push set Help Security sett C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 134: ...ointments Tasks Notes Missed appts Dictating mac Time zones Extras SIM services Alarm clock Sound recorder Calculator Unit converter Stopwatch Countdown Remote syncr My stuff Setup Profiles Themes Display Language Text input T9 English Wallpaper Associated Logo Chinese Input Colour skin Screensaver Start up anim Shutdn anim Own greeting Big letters Illumination Contrast C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1...

Page 135: ... Calls Messages Alarm clock Organiser System Applications d Calls Group calls Other calls More melodies Messages Alarm clock Organiser Startup melody Shutdown mel Sound recorder Call setup Hide ID Call waiting Divert All calls Call screening Unanswered Any key answ Not reachable Minute beep No reply Busy Status check Clear all Phone setup Key tones Info tones Auto off Phone identity Memory assis C...

Page 136: Master reset Clean up Clock Time date Time zones Date format Time format Show clock Auto time Connectivity GPRS GPRS info IrDA Data services HTTP profile Authentication Security Auto key lock Direct call Only PIN codes PIN control Change PIN Change PIN2 Chg phonecode This SIM only Barrings All outgoing Outgo internat Out int x home All incoming When roaming Status check Clear all C65 ct e2 A310...

Page 137: ...65 Hera en2 short A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 18 06 2004 14 19 Setup Network Line Select line Protected Network info Choose netwrk Auto network Pref network Fast search User group Active Select group Outgo access Pref group Accessories Car Kit Auto answer Auto off Car loudspk Headset Auto answer C65 ct e2 A31008 H7800 M7 1 RC19 ...

Page 138: ...o redial 19 B Battery Charge 8 Insert 8 Operating times 9 59 Quality declaration 58 Big letters 42 Bookmarks 38 Browser 37 Buddh year 45 Business card 21 C Calculator 54 Calendar 50 Call Accept end 19 Barring 47 Charges 26 Conference 20 Divert 43 End 19 Hold 20 Menu 20 Reject 19 Swap change 20 Call back 19 Call divert 43 Call screening 43 Call waiting 43 Calling 19 Calls dialled call record 26 Cal...

Page 139: ... number 11 Extras 53 F Fast access 49 Fast search 47 Formatting phone memory 44 Frequency range 47 G Games and applications 39 GPRS 45 Groups 23 H Handsfree talking 19 Headset setting 48 Hide ID 43 Highlighting mode 14 Hold call 20 Hotline 56 I Identity number IMEI 44 IMEI number 44 Info tones 44 Information services CB 36 Infrared 45 Infrared IrDA 45 Input language T9 17 International dialling co...

Page 140: ...number IMEI 44 Phone number transmission 43 Phonebook Call an entry 24 New entry 24 Protected SIM 25 Special books 25 VIP numbers 25 Photo 27 Pictures sounds SMS 30 PIN Change 15 Control 15 Enter 11 PIN2 15 Preferred network 47 Preventing accidental activation 16 Product data 59 Profiles phone 40 Provider logo 41 PUK PUK2 15 R Records 26 Redial 19 Reminder 19 Ringtones 42 S Safety precautions 2 Sc...

Page 141: ...ons 14 Standby mode 13 Standby time 9 Start up animation 42 Stopwatch 54 Storage location Phonebook 24 Surf fun 37 Swap 20 Switch off phone Automatic 44 Manually 11 Switch on phone 11 Symbols 6 Synchronisation 54 T T9 Text entry 17 Word suggestions 18 Tasks 51 Technical data 59 Text entry 17 Text modules 18 Themes 41 This SIM only 47 Time zones 11 45 U Unanswered 43 Unit converter 54 Upper and low...
