• Be aware of inrush currents,
including when power is restored
after power failures.
Protect max. 6 ATLC/NG 670-…
with a B 16A circuit breaker; if
necessary, an appropriate inrush cur
rent limiter must be provided by the
• To prevent supply problems,
we recommend the use of PoE
switches which can supply each PoE
port according to standard “IEEE
802.3af” with up to PoE class 3.
Access indoor station
AHF 870-…/AHFV 870-…
AHT 870-…/AHTV 870-…
AVP 870-…
Operating manual
To ensure that you can retrace the
status of a system at any time, an
operating manual should be drawn
up and regularly maintained.
Siedle recommends compiling an
operating manual to document the
network and the Access system.
The operating manual must be
accessible to servicing personnel and
contain fundamental information:
• Contact data of the system admin
istrator (with deputization arrange
• Hardware list
• Documentation of the server con
• Server backup
• Documentation of the software
status and device configuration
• Construction plan with structured
cabling (LAN policy)
• Issue of passwords and possibilities
for remote login access
• IP address and device names of the
network components
• Process descriptions (e.g. creating
a user, exchanging devices etc.)
• Documentation of changes made
• Documentation of errors/remedy
of errors
Updates and maintenance
During the update process, the
power supply to the devices must
not be interrupted, as this can result
in damage. In this case, a repeat
update is no longer possible, and the
devices will have to be sent in for
The software for all Siedle Access
products with network connection is
capable of updating.
The updates for system components
can be centrally imported via the
Access server (from Access server V
3.0 and above as installer).
From Access-Server V 3.0 and above,
the system software and updates
are supplied to the market solely by
the Access Certified Partners (http://
New Access performance features
are also announced at
The software status of the Access
system must be recorded in the
operating manual. Ensure that
the active network components
(switches, routers, firewall) are
working with the latest software
Siedle Access permits system access
by remote login for maintenance
and troubleshooting.
For this purpose, online access to the
Access server is required.
Maintenance contract
With Access Professional V 4.0.0
and upwards, the field “End main-
tenance contract” is located on the
dashboard of the Access administra
tion user interface. The relevant date
indicates up to when the customer
will receive automatic updates/
upgrades and can carry out a system
update. The maintenance period
is initially 1 year after first commis-
sioning of the Access server for all
systems. After this, all customers can
decide whether they wish to extend
the maintenance period for their
system by paying for an extended
maintenance contract. Alternatively
a fee is payable for every update/
Maintenance contracts for the
Siedle Access system can be pur
chased both through the Siedle
Project Sales and through an
Access Certified Partner (ACP).