Reference Manual
SICK AG • Advanced Industrial Sensors • • All rights reserved
Interactive Setups
Add/Edit Shape Interactive Setup
The interactive setup for Add/Edit Shape is used to create a reference shape. The image
below shows an example where the Teach ROI consists of one rectangular ROI and one
elliptical Mask. The edges included in the reference shape are marked with green, and the
reference point is marked as a red cross. The blue circle with a cross indicates the centre
of gravity for the Teach ROI and it is used for the
Overlap Distance
parameter in the Shape
Locator tool.
Figure – The Add/Edit shape interactive setup
Image Banks
Source bank
specifies where the reference image is stored. It is recommended to not
use the same source bank as for the Shape Locator tool as this may lead to the image
data being overwritten during the execution of the step program.
Reference Shape
The ID of the data block that holds the reference shape is specified in the Shape Locator
GUI and cannot be modified in this interactive setup. IT is however possible to edit the
name of the data block.
Teach ROI Settings
The Add ROI and Add Mask buttons are used to create a Teach ROI that specifies the part
of the shape or image that shall be included in the reference shape. The Teach ROI is
created by adding one or more ROI:s and Masks to the reference image. A Teach ROI can
consist of up to 16 ROI:s and Masks, and must contain at least one rectangular or elliptic
ROI. Preferably, the Teach ROI shall cover only the interesting shape, and as little as possi-
ble of the surrounding parts of the image.
Each ROI and Mask can be moved, resized and rotated using the mouse.
The edges defining the reference shape are marked with green in the reference image.
Note that only edges within the Teach ROI are included in the reference shape. The refer-
ence shape must not be too small. In order to get a stable matching result, it is recom-