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O P E R A T I N G   I N S T R U C T I O N


Miniature photoelectric sensors

Summary of Contents for GTB6L

Page 1: ...O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N GTB6L Miniature photoelectric sensors...

Page 2: ...O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N GTB6L Miniature photoelectric sensors de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 3: ...ts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law Any modifica tion abridgment or translation of this document is prohibited without the express wri...

Page 4: ...nting 6 6 Electrical installation 7 7 Commissioning 8 7 1 Alignment 8 7 2 Sensing range 8 7 3 Settings 9 8 Troubleshooting 10 9 Disassembly and disposal 10 10 Maintenance 11 11 Technical specification...

Page 5: ...formance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 ATTENTION WARNING Interruption manipulation or incorrect use can lead to hazardous e...

Page 6: ...ensor is adjusted and ready for operation 2 3 2 3 5 Mounting Mount the sensor using a suitable mounting bracket see the SICK range of acces sories Note the preferred orientation of the sensor relative...

Page 7: ...minology BN Brown WH White BU Blue BK Black n c no connection Q switching output 1 Q switching output 2 L supply voltage Uv M common L ON light operate D ON dark operate Connection and Output detail T...

Page 8: ...Load 7 Commissioning 7 1 Alignment Align sensor on object Select the position so that the red emitted light beam hits the center of the object You must ensure that the optical opening front screen of...

Page 9: ...ange on gray 18 remission 3 Sensing range on white 90 remission 7 3 Settings Sensing range setting Sensor which it is not possible to set The sensor is adjusted and ready for operation The sensing ran...

Page 10: ...Sensor is still ready for opera tion but the operating condi tions are not ideal Check the operating condi tions Fully align the beam of light light spot with the object Clean the optical sur faces Ch...

Page 11: ...ts WEEE This symbol on the product its package or in this document indi cates that a product is subject to these regulations 10 Maintenance SICK sensors are maintenance free We recommend doing the fol...

Page 12: ...white DIN 5033 2 Limit values UB connections reverse polarity protected Residual ripple max 5 VPP 3 With light dark ratio 1 1 4 Signal transit time with resistive load 5 Reference voltage DC 50 V 6 A...

Page 13: and status indicators 4 M3 threaded mounting hole 11 2 Light spot diagram Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84 400 15 75 TEC...

Page 14: ...B E T R I E B S A N L E I T U N G GTB6L Miniatur Lichtschranke de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 15: ...Teilen dieses Werks ist nur in den Grenzen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes zul s sig Jede nderung K rzung oder bersetzung des Werks ohne ausdr ckliche schriftli che Zustimmung...

Page 16: ...zeigen 17 16 Montage 18 17 Elektrische Installation 19 18 Inbetriebnahme 20 18 1 Angleichung 20 18 2 Schaltabstand 20 18 3 Einstellungen 21 19 St rungsbehebung 22 20 Demontage und Entsorgung 22 21 War...

Page 17: ...s Wellenl nge 670 690 nm Entspricht den FDA Leistungsstandards mit Ausnahme der Konformit t mit IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 wie im Laserhinweis Nr 56 vom 08 05 2019 beschrieben ACHTUNG WARNUNG Eingriffe Manipula...

Page 18: ...llt und betriebsbereit 2 3 2 3 16 Montage Den Sensor unter Verwendung eines geeigneten Befestigungswinkels montieren siehe SICK Zubeh rpalette Bevorzugte Ausrichtung der Lichtschranke relativ zur Bewe...

Page 19: ...aun WH wei BU blau BK schwarz n c unbeschaltet Q Schaltausgang 1 Q Schaltausgang 2 L Versorgungsspannung Uv M gemeinsam L ON Hellauswertung D ON Dunkelauswertung Anschluss und Ausgangsdetails Tabelle...

Page 20: ...bnahme 18 1 Angleichung Sensor am Objekt ausrichten Die Position so w hlen dass der rote Sendelichtstrahl die Mitte des Objekts trifft Es muss sichergestellt werden dass die Optik ffnung Frontscheibe...

Page 21: ...auf wei 90 Remission 18 3 Einstellungen Einstellung des Schaltabstands Sensor der nicht eingestellt werden kann Der Sensor ist justiert und betriebsbereit Der Schaltabstand wird mit dem Potentiometer...

Page 22: ...Ordnung ist dann Sensor austauschen gelbe LED blinkt Sensor ist noch betriebsbe reit aber die Betriebsbedin gungen sind nicht optimal Betriebsbedingungen pr fen Lichtstrahl Lichtfleck voll st ndig au...

Page 23: ...ymbol auf dem Produkt dessen Verpackung oder im vor liegenden Dokument gibt an dass ein Produkt den genannten Vorschriften unter liegt 21 Wartung SICK Sensoren sind wartungsfrei Wir empfehlen in regel...

Page 24: ...gstemperatur 20 50 C 1 Tastgut mit 90 Remission bezogen auf Standard Wei DIN 5033 2 Grenzwerte UB Anschl sse verpolsicher Restwelligkeit max 5 Vss 3 Mit Hell Dunkelverh ltnis 1 1 4 Signallaufzeit bei...

Page 25: ...tikachse Empf nger 3 Bedien und Anzeigeelemente 4 Befestigungsgewinde M3 22 2 Lichtfleckdiagramm Sensor 0 4 2 2 1 8 4 6 Abstand in mm Durchmesser in mm 25 150 250 400 TECHNISCHE DATEN 22 8025391 SICK...

Page 26: ...N O T I C E D I N S T R U C T I O N GTB6L Capteurs photo lectriques miniatures de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 27: ...partielle n est autoris e que dans le cadre l gal pr vu par la loi sur les droits d auteur Toute modification tout abr gement ou toute traduction de l ouvrage est interdit sans l accord crit expr s d...

Page 28: ...27 Montage 30 28 Installation lectrique 31 29 Mise en service 32 29 1 Alignement 32 29 2 Distance de commutation 32 29 3 R glages 33 30 limination des d fauts 34 31 D montage et mise au rebut 34 32 M...

Page 29: ...ies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 ATTENTION ATTENTION Toute intervention manipulation ou utilisation n...

Page 30: ...l et pr t l emploi 2 3 2 3 27 Montage Monter le capteur l aide d une querre de fixation adapt e voir la gamme d acces soires de SICK Noter l orientation privil gi e du capteur par rapport la direction...

Page 31: ...Blanc BU Bleu BK Noir n c aucune connexion Q sortie de commutation 1 Q sortie de commutation 2 L tension d alimentation Uv M commun L ON commutation claire D ON commutation sombre D tails sur la conn...

Page 32: ...le capteur sur l objet Choisir la position de fa on ce que le faisceau de lumi re rouge mis rencontre le centre de l objet Veiller ce que l ouverture optique vitre frontale du capteur soit parfaiteme...

Page 33: ...mmutation sur blanc 90 de r mission 29 3 R glages R glage de la distance de commutation Un capteur qui ne peut pas tre d termin Le capteur est r gl et pr t fonctionner La distance de commutation est r...

Page 34: ...La LED jaune clignote Le capteur est encore op rationnel mais les condi tions d utilisation ne sont pas id ales V rifier les conditions d utili sation Diriger le faisceau lumineux spot lumineux enti r...

Page 35: ...f WEEE Ce symbole sur le produit son emballage ou dans ce document indique qu un produit est soumis ces r gulations 32 Maintenance Les capteurs SICK ne n cessitent aucune maintenance Nous vous recomma...

Page 36: ...Valeurs limites Connexions UB prot g es contre l inversion de polarit Ondulation r siduelle max 5 Vss 3 Pour un rapport clair sombre de 1 1 4 Temps de propagation du signal sur charge ohmique 5 Tensi...

Page 37: ...ents de commande et d affichage 4 Taraudage M3 33 2 Sch ma du spot lumineux Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84 400 15 75 CARAC...

Page 38: ...M A N U A L D E I N S T R U E S GTB6L Barreiras de luz miniatura de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 39: ou parcial desta obra s permitida dentro dos limites regulamentados pela Lei de Direitos Autorais proibido alterar resumir ou traduzir esta obra sem a autoriza o expressa e por escrito da SICK...

Page 40: ...38 Montagem 42 39 Instala o el trica 43 40 Coloca o em opera o 44 40 1 Alinhamento 44 40 2 Dist ncia de comuta o 44 40 3 Configura es 45 41 Elimina o de falhas 46 42 Desmontagem e descarte 46 43 Manu...

Page 41: ...avelength 670 690 nm Complies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 ATEN O AVISO A interrup o manipula o ou us...

Page 42: ...r est ajustado e pronto para a opera o 2 3 2 3 38 Montagem Monte o sensor utilizando uma cantoneira de fixa o adequada consulte a linha de acess rios SICK Observe a orienta o preferencial do sensor em...

Page 43: ...BN marrom WH branco BU azul BK preto n c sem conex o Q sa da de comuta o 1 Q sa da de comuta o 2 L tens o de alimenta o Uv M comum L ON opera o por luz D ON opera o por sombra Detalhes de conex o e sa...

Page 44: ...Alinhamento Alinhe o sensor ao objeto Selecione a posi o de forma que o jato de luz vermelha emitido atinja o centro do objeto Voc deve garantir que a abertura ptica vidro fron tal do sensor esteja c...

Page 45: ...omuta o sobre branco luminesc ncia 90 40 3 Configura es Configura o da dist ncia de comuta o Sensor o qual n o poss vel definir o sensor est ajustado e pronto para a opera o A dist ncia de comuta o aj...

Page 46: ...Sensor ainda est operacio nal mas as condi es de opera o n o s o ideais Verificar as condi es de opera o Alinhar o feixe de luz ponto de luz totalmente sobre o objeto Limpeza das superf cies pticas V...

Page 47: ...s mbolo sobre o produto seu pacote o neste documento indica que um produto est sujeito a esses regulamentos 43 Manuten o Os sensores SICK n o requerem manuten o Recomendamos que se efetue em intervalo...

Page 48: ...padr o branco DIN 5033 2 Valores limite Conex es UB protegidas contra invers o de polaridade Ondula o residual m x 5 Vss 3 Com propor o sombra luz 1 1 4 Tempo de funcionamento do sinal com carga hmic...

Page 49: ...ceptor 3 Elementos de comando e indica o 4 Rosca de fixa o M3 44 2 Diagrama do ponto de luz Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84...

Page 50: ...I S T R U Z I O N I P E R L U S O GTB6L Sensori fotoelettrici miniaturizzati de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 51: ...esclusivamente entro i limiti previsti dalle disposizioni di legge in materia di diritti d autore Non con sentito modificare abbreviare o tradurre il presente manuale senza previa autorizza zione scri...

Page 52: ...53 49 Montaggio 54 50 Installazione elettrica 55 51 Messa in funzione 56 51 1 Allineamento 56 51 2 Distanza di lavoro 56 51 3 Impostazioni 57 52 Eliminazione difetti 58 53 Smontaggio e smaltimento 58...

Page 53: ...mplies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 ATTENZIONE ATTENZIONE l interruzione la manipolazione o l uso imp...

Page 54: ...e pronto per il funzio namento 2 3 2 3 49 Montaggio Montare il sensore utilizzando una staffa di fissaggio adatta vedi la gamma di acces sori SICK Osservare l orientamento preferito del sensore rispe...

Page 55: ...WH Bianco BU Blu BK Nero n c connessione mancante Q1 uscita di commutazione 1 QQ2 uscita di commutazione 2 L tensione di alimentazione Uv M comune L ON funzionamento light on D ON funzionamento dark o...

Page 56: ...nto Allineare il sensore sull oggetto Selezionare la posizione cos che il raggio di luce rosso emesso colpisca il centro dell oggetto necessario assicurarsi che l apertura ottica frontalino del sensor...

Page 57: ...essione 18 3 Distanza di lavoro su bianco 90 di coefficiente di riflessione 51 3 Impostazioni Regolazione della distanza di lavoro Sensore impossibile da impostare Il sensore viene regolato ed pronto...

Page 58: ancora pronto per il funzionamento ma le condi zioni di esercizio non sono ottimali Controllare le condizioni di esercizio Dirigere il raggio di luce il punto luminoso com pletamente sull oggetto P...

Page 59: ...imbolo presente sul prodotto nella sua confezione o nel presente documento indica che un prodotto soggetto a tali regolamentazioni 54 Manutenzione I sensori SICK sono esenti da manutenzione A interval...

Page 60: ...riferito al bianco standard DIN 5033 2 valori limite Allacciamenti UB protetti dall inversione di polarit Valori ripple residuo max 5 Vss 3 Con rapporto chiaro scuro 1 1 4 Durata segnale con carico o...

Page 61: ...i comando e di visualizzazione 4 Filettatura di serraggio M3 55 2 Diagramma del punto luminoso Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9...

Page 62: ...I N S T R U C C I O N E S D E U S O GTB6L Fotoc lulas miniatura de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 63: ...n total o parcial de este documento dentro de los l mites establecidos por las disposiciones legales sobre propiedad intelectual Est prohibida la modificaci n abre viaci n o traducci n del documento s...

Page 64: ...ionamiento 65 60 Montaje 66 61 Instalaci n el ctrica 67 62 Puesta en marcha 68 62 1 Alineaci n 68 62 2 Distancia de conmutaci n 68 62 3 Configuraci n 69 63 Resoluci n de problemas 70 64 Desmontaje y e...

Page 65: ...gth 670 690 nm Complies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 ATENCI N ADVERTENCIA La intervenci n la manipula...

Page 66: ...ajustado y listo para su uso 2 3 2 3 60 Montaje Monte el sensor con una escuadra de fijaci n adecuada v ase la gama de accesorios de SICK Tenga en cuenta la orientaci n del sensor respecto a la direcc...

Page 67: ...e conexi n BN marr n WH blanco BU azul BK negro n c sin conexi n Q salida conmutada 1 Q salida conmutada 2 L tensi n de alimentaci n Uv M com n L ON funcionamiento con luz D ON funcionamiento con oscu...

Page 68: ...el sensor sobre el objeto Seleccione la posici n de forma que el haz de luz roja emitido incida en el centro del objeto Debe asegurarse de que la abertura ptica pan talla frontal del sensor quede comp...

Page 69: ...3 Distancia de conmutaci n sobre blanco 90 de reflectancia 62 3 Configuraci n Ajuste de la distancia de conmutaci n Sensor que no se puede ajustar el sensor est ajustado y listo para funcionar La dis...

Page 70: ...adea El sensor a n est operativo pero las condiciones de servi cio no son ptimas Comprobar las condiciones de servicio Alinear el haz de luz spot completamente con el objeto Limpieza de las superficie...

Page 71: ...La presencia de este s mbolo en el producto el material de emba laje o este documento indica que el producto est sujeto a esta reglamentaci n 65 Mantenimiento Los sensores SICK no precisan mantenimie...

Page 72: ...sobre el blanco est ndar seg n DIN 5033 2 Valores l mite Conexiones UB protegidas contra polarizaci n inversa Ondulaci n residual m x 5 Vss 3 Con una relaci n claro oscuro de 1 1 4 Duraci n de la se...

Page 73: ...3 Elementos de mando y visualizaci n 4 Rosca de fijaci n M3 66 2 Di metro del spot Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84 400 15...

Page 74: ...GTB6L de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 75: ...G6L GTB6L SICK AG Erwin Sick Str 1 79183 Waldkirch Germany SICK Malaysia Laser 1 2006 42 EC NO SAFETY 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 75...

Page 76: ...67 77 68 UL 77 69 77 70 77 71 78 72 79 73 80 73 1 80 73 2 80 73 3 81 74 82 75 82 76 82 77 84 77 1 84 77 2 85 76 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 77: ...mW Puls length 2 s Wavelength 670 690 nm Complies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 68 UL UL Environmenta...

Page 78: ...1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 LED 3 LED GTB6L xxx3x 2 3 2 3 71 SICK 19 19 70 78 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 79: ...E2xxx F2xxx P3xxx N3xxx P5xxx N5xxx P4xxx N4xxx P6xxx N6xxx P7xxx N7xxx E4xxx F4xxx E6xxx F6xxx E7xxx F7xxx 1 BN L L L L L 2 WH Q n c Q 3 BU M M M M M 4 BK Q Q Q Q Q 0 205 mm2 AW G24 0 205 mm2 AW G24...

Page 80: ...2xx Px5xx Px6xx D ON PNP Q 100 mA L Q M Load L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx3xx Nx4xx L ON NPN Q 100 mA L Q M Load L Q M L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx5xx Nx6xx D ON NPN Q 100 mA L Q M L Q M Load L Q M Load 73 7...

Page 81: ...0 mm y 20 mm white background 90 0 5 10 15 25 20 30 50 1 97 100 3 94 150 5 91 200 7 87 300 11 81 250 9 84 0 Distance in mm inch 350 13 78 400 15 75 35 40 Min distance between object to background mm 2...

Page 82: ...74 28 LED LED LED LED LED 75 WEEE 76 SICK 74 82 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 83: ...8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 83...

Page 84: ...7 II5 A B C6 20 50 C 1 90 DIN 5033 2 UB 5 VSS 3 1 1 4 5 DC 50 V 6 A UB B C 77 1 10 2 0 4 6 9 0 27 0 5 0 02 21 0 83 0 5 0 02 9 7 0 38 3 0 12 11 5 0 45 31 5 1 24 28 5 1 12 25 4 1 00 2 3 0 09 18 3 0 72 3...

Page 85: ...1 2 3 4 M3 77 2 Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84 400 15 75 77 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 85...

Page 86: ...GTB6L de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 87: ...G6L GTB6L SICK AG Erwin Sick Str 1 79183 Waldkirch Germany SICK Malaysia SICK AG SICK AG SICK AG SICK AG Laser 1 2006 42 EC NO SAFETY 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 87...

Page 88: ...78 89 79 UL 89 80 89 81 89 82 90 83 91 84 92 84 1 92 84 2 92 84 3 93 85 94 86 94 87 95 88 96 88 1 96 88 2 97 88 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 89: ...mW Puls length 2 s Wavelength 670 690 nm Complies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 79 UL UL Environmenta...

Page 90: ...1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 LED 3 LED GTB6L xxx3x 2 3 2 3 82 SICK 22 22 81 90 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 91: ...N1xxx E2xxx F2xxx P3xxx N3xxx P5xxx N5xxx P4xxx N4xxx P6xxx N6xxx P7xxx N7xxx E4xxx F4xxx E6xxx F6xxx E7xxx F7xxx 1 L L L L L 2 Q n c Q 3 M M M M M 4 Q Q Q Q Q 0 205 mm2 AW G24 0 205 mm2 AW G24 1 4 3...

Page 92: ...2xx Px5xx Px6xx D ON PNP Q 100 mA L Q M Load L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx3xx Nx4xx L ON NPN Q 100 mA L Q M Load L Q M L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx5xx Nx6xx D ON NPN Q 100 mA L Q M L Q M Load L Q M Load 84 8...

Page 93: ...0 mm y 20 mm white background 90 0 5 10 15 25 20 30 50 1 97 100 3 94 150 5 91 200 7 87 300 11 81 250 9 84 0 Distance in mm inch 350 13 78 400 15 75 35 40 Min distance between object to background mm 2...

Page 94: ...85 32 LED LED LED LED LED 86 WEEE 85 94 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 95: ...87 SICK 87 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 95...

Page 96: ...7 II5 A B C6 20 50 C 1 90 DIN 5033 2 UB 5 VSS 3 1 1 4 5 DC 50 V 6 A UB B C 88 1 10 2 0 4 6 9 0 27 0 5 0 02 21 0 83 0 5 0 02 9 7 0 38 3 0 12 11 5 0 45 31 5 1 24 28 5 1 12 25 4 1 00 2 3 0 09 18 3 0 72 3...

Page 97: ...1 2 3 4 M3 88 2 Sensor 0 4 0 02 2 2 0 09 1 8 0 07 4 6 0 18 Distance in mm inch Diameter in mm inch 25 0 98 150 5 91 250 9 84 400 15 75 88 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 97...

Page 98: ...GTB6L de en es fr it ja pt ru zh...

Page 99: ...G6L GTB6L SICK AG Erwin Sick Str 1 79183 Waldkirch Deutschland SICK Malaysia SICK AG SICK AG SICK AG SICK AG Laser 1 2006 42 EC NO SAFETY 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 99...

Page 100: ...89 101 90 UL 101 91 101 92 101 93 102 94 103 95 104 95 1 104 95 2 104 95 3 105 96 106 97 106 98 107 99 108 99 1 108 99 2 109 100 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 101: ...W Puls length 2 s Wavelength 670 690 nm Complies with FDA performance standards except for conformance with IEC 60825 1 Ed 3 as described in Laser Notice No 56 dated May 8 2019 90 UL UL Environmental...

Page 102: ...1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 GTB6L xxx3x 2 3 2 3 93 SICK 25 25 92 102 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 103: ...on L ON light operate D ON dark operate 33 GTB6L P1xxx N1xxx E2xxx F2xxx P3xxx N3xxx P5xxx N5xxx P4xxx N4xxx P6xxx N6xxx P7xxx N7xxx E4xxx F4xxx E6xxx F6xxx E7xxx F7xxx 1 BN L L L L L 2 WH Q n c Q 3 B...

Page 104: ...Px2xx Px5xx Px6xx D ON PNP Q 100 A L Q M Load L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx3xx Nx4xx L ON NPN Q 100 A L Q M Load L Q M L Q M Load Nx1xx Nx2xx Nx5xx Nx6xx D ON NPN Q 100 A L Q M L Q M Load L Q M Load 95 95...

Page 105: ...50 mm y 20 mm white background 90 0 5 10 15 25 20 30 50 1 97 100 3 94 150 5 91 200 7 87 300 11 81 250 9 84 0 Distance in mm inch 350 13 78 400 15 75 35 40 Min distance between object to background mm...

Page 106: ...96 36 C 97 96 106 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 107: ...WEEE 98 SICK 98 8025391 SICK Subject to change without notice 107...

Page 108: ...II5 A B C6 20 50 C 1 90 DIN 5033 2 UB 5 ss 3 1 1 4 5 DC 50 V 6 A UB B C 99 1 10 2 0 4 6 9 0 27 0 5 0 02 21 0 83 0 5 0 02 9 7 0 38 3 0 12 11 5 0 45 31 5 1 24 28 5 1 12 25 4 1 00 2 3 0 09 18 3 0 72 305...

Page 109: Japan Phone 81 3 5309 2112 E Mail support sick jp Malaysia Phone 603 8080 7425 E Mail enquiry my sick com Mexico Phone 52 472 748 9451 E Mail mexico sick com Netherlands Phone 31 0 30 229 25 44 E M...
