Operating Instructions
Flexi Soft Gateways
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
Subject to change without notice
Fieldbus gateways
SDO 6200: Process data output objects
The 32 byte process output data can be read from SDO array 6200. These are the same
data as in TxPDO 1-4 (see section 6.2.8 “PDO communication” on page 143). The mapping
is as follows:
SDO 6200
TxPDO 1, Byte 1
TxPDO 1, Byte 8
TxPDO 2, Byte 1-8
TxPDO 3, Byte 1-8
TxPDO 4, Byte 1-8
SDO 6200 is read-only.
Guarding protocols
CANopen provides several possibilities for actively monitoring the correct function of the
fieldbus interface (e.g. cable break detection).
Always use either node guarding or heartbeat!
According to the CIA CANopen specification DS 301 guarding is mandatory. Please activate
either node guarding or heartbeat. If no guarding is configured the Flexi Soft system can
not detect an interruption of the CANopen communication, e.g. a broken network cable. In
this case the CANopen gateway’s input and output data may be frozen.
A heartbeat producer is a CANopen device that sends a cyclic heartbeat message. This
enables all other CANopen devices to detect whether the heartbeat producer is still work-
ing correctly and what is its current status. Heartbeat messages are sent in a regular time
interval, the producer heartbeat time, which can be configured using SDO 1017. The
configured 16 bit value will be rounded to the next multiple of 4 ms.
A heartbeat consumer is a CANopen device that expects a cyclic node guarding message
within a certain time interval, the consumer heartbeat time, which can be configured using
SDO 1016. If the heartbeat consumer receives no node guarding message within the
configured consumer heartbeat time, it sends a life guarding emergency message and
sets the incoming process data to 0. Additionally the gateway generates an internal “cable
break” error that can be processed by the main module.
Node guarding
Node guarding is performed by an NMT master. This can be each CANopen device that is
able to perform this function as a client. The NMT master sends a cyclic node guarding
message to the monitored device which must respond within a defined period that is mo-
nitored by the NMT master. If the monitored device does not answer within the node life
time, the NMT master regards this as a malfunction of the device and takes the appropri-
ate measures.
Tab. 128: Mapping table for
SDO 6200 — TxPDO 1-4