Table 11: Faults in the safety outputs (Q)
Auxiliary voltage sup‐
ply A1 / A2 for the
safety outputs is lower
than the operating
All safety outputs of the module
are switched off
Output voltage supply
process data
status bit = 0
Auxiliary voltage supply
module sta‐
tus bit = 0
Fault in the voltage supply
Line break
Interruption due to a fuse
Auxiliary voltage sup‐
ply A1 / A2 for
the safety outputs is
higher than the oper‐
ating range
Internal error
module status bit = 0
Auxiliary voltage supply
module sta‐
tus bit = 0
Fault in the voltage supply
Short-circuit to other volt‐
age-carrying line
Output voltage level
is Low instead of
High when the output
is “On”, overload/over‐
Associated output/associated
output pair is switched off
Depending on the load, the
affected output may pulsate tem‐
porarily until the final switch-off
Status Qx short-circuit to Low
data status bit = 0
Status Qx short-circuit to Low
status bit = 0
Short-circuit or resistance
drop under load
Short-circuit to another line
e.g., GND
Output voltage level is
High instead of Low
when the output is
All safety outputs of the module
are switched off
Output voltage supply
process data
status bit = 0
Status Qx short-circuit to High
process data status bit = 0
Status Qx short-circuit to High
ule status bit = 0
Short-circuit to other volt‐
age-carrying line
Test pulses are not
detected correctly
when the output is
Short-circuit to other volt‐
age-carrying line
Capacitive load too high
Internal error detected
Safety controller switches to the
critical error status
Internal error
module status bit = 0
Internal device error
Capacitive load too high
Depending on the voltage supply used, an overcurrent can also result in the voltage supply dropping out.
Reset of the error: set the process data bit of the safety output to 0.
Reset of the error: the process data bits for all safety outputs of the module are simultaneously 0 and the
output level is Low.
In the case of a High instead of a Low on a safety output, the supply to all safety outputs is switched off
internally. If the cause of a short-circuit is in the wiring to 24 V, then the affected signal remains High and
all other signals switch to Low.
Check if this is an undesired but valid signal value for the receiver, e.g., for the switching of the
monitoring case of a SICK safety laser scanner by means of a complementary signal.
Depending on the size of the capacitive load, this may lead in certain cases to an incorrect interpretation
as an internal error since the effect on the output voltage is only temporary.
Critical error status
Consequences of the critical error status:
All applications are stopped.
All safety outputs are switched off.
All process data = 0
Evaluation of the process data status bits in the logic is no longer possible.
Only limited diagnostics can be performed in the critical error status.
Alternatives to resetting the critical error status:
Restart by switching the voltage supply off and on again
Software reset using the configuration software
8024583/2020-11-10 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | Flexi IO XTDO1
Subject to change without notice