8020955/11HD / 2018-12-12| SICK AG
Subject to change without notice
Configuration of digital switching inputs and switching outputs
Selection of digital switching inputs and switching outputs
For Q1Mode (Q2Mode), you can choose either digital switching input or digital switching
output. If Q1 (Q2) has been set as an input, the switching behavior for this input is
defined in Q1Act (Q2Act). ResetV and CutOff are available as options.
If Q1Mode (Q2Mode) is set as output, you can choose the behavior between flow,
temperature, and state (under Q1Proc or Q2Proc). If Q1Proc (Q2Proc) is set as a State,
Q1Stat (Q2Stat) can be selected as a Fail, Empty, Steril or Negatv.
If Q1Mode (Q2Mode) has been set as an output, you can choose hysteresis or window
function as switching output behavior. You can only choose between switch, frequency
and pulse if Q2Mode has been set as an output.
If Q1Mode (Q2Mode) has been set as an output, you can choose between the electrical
mode PNP, NPN, Push-Pull and open collector. The output type can be set to normally
open or normally closed with the parameter Q1Pol (Q2Pol).
Simulated values can be generated for Q1 and Q2 when chosen as output. The sim-
ulation mode can be set under QxSim. The available values are SimOff, Active, and
Inactive. The values for active and inactive depend on the settings configured under
QxType and QxPol.
The following configuration options apply to both Q1 and Q2. They apply to Q2 only
when Q2Func is set to switch.
Configuration of the switching output
If the flow (or temperature) is fluctuating around the set value, the hysteresis keeps the
switching status of the outputs stable.
When the flow (or temperature) is increasing, the output switches when the respective
switching point (SP) is reached; if the flow (or temperature) sinks again, the output
switches back only after the reset switching point (RP) has been reached.
The window function enables monitoring of a defined range. If the flow (or temperature)
is between window high (FH) and window low (FL), the output will be active (normally
open) and/or inactive (normally closed).
The error status of the measuring device reflects the cable break monitoring. During an
error status, the measuring device switches to the safe state; i.e., the switching outputs
become inactive.
As far as the downstream signal evaluation is concerned, this corresponds to a cable
Normally open with configurable hysteresis
Configuration (based on Q1 as an example)
Configure the Q1 switching output as normally open.
Select no in the Q1Pol menu and confirm using Set.
Configure hysteresis.
Select Hyst in the Q1Out menu and confirm using Set.
3. Set the switching point.