The signal lamp must be visible from all sides of the hazardous area and visible to
the operator of the system.
Complementary information
You can optionally use a receiver with an integrated LED. The integrated LED is located
in the end cap of the receiver.
Connection of sender and receiver
To indicate the status on both sides, you can connect the sender and receiver to each
other in the control cabinet. To do this, connect the following wires:
0 V DC of sender and receiver
+24 V DC of sender and receiver
MFP1 of sender and receiver
The type codes of the sender and receiver must be identical at the following place
in the number sequence.
Variant 1: C4P-******0***
Variant 2: C4P-******1***
If the type codes at this place in the number sequence differ, the connection
between the sender and receiver must be disconnected.
Connection via a T-connector
Alternatively, you can connect the sender and receiver to each other via a T-connector
(with an optional pushbutton for the laser alignment aid). In such cases, you only
require a cable to the control cabinet and the status will also be indicated on both
sides. Please note that the sender and receiver are protected jointly by one fuse when
a T-connector is used. In the T-connector, all contacts are routed from the female
connector to the same pins of both male connectors.
The T-connector must only be connected to the system connection of an individual
device or a host device.
The OSSD status and the status of the protective field are indicated via LEDs on the
sender and receiver when the following applies:
The sender and receiver are connected to one another in the control cabinet
The sender and receiver are connected to one another via a T-connector
If the sender and receiver are not connected to each other, this status information is
only indicated at the receiver.
Even if you do not use a T-connector, you can connect the sender and receiver with
identical cables. The advantage of this is that the sender and receiver can be switched
without changing the cables if the installation situation so requires, e.g., to prevent
mutual interference between systems in close proximity to each other.
Further topics
"Protection against interference from systems in close proximity to each other",
page 33
8021645/1EB0/2022-04-28 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | deTec4
Subject to change without notice