Operating Instructions
CLV640 Bar Code Scanner
SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved
Safety information
Fig. 2-2:
Laser warning sign attached to the bar code scanner at delivery
Tab. 2-2:
Laser Data of CLV640
If the bar code scanner is installed in a machine/panelling in such a way that the bar code
scanner's laser warning sign is hidden, additional warning signs in the same language (not
included in delivery) have to be attached to the machine next to the outlet opening of the
laser radiation!
The bar code scanner works as follows in controlling the laser diodes:
The bar code scanner has monitoring switches that deactivate the laser diode if irreg-
ularities occur in the radiation emission.
The reading pulse (pulse source) controls the on and off mechanism of the laser diode
during the reading process.
During reading operation with "Sensor" and "Command" reading pulses, each time level
(laser timeout) switches off the laser diode automatically after 10 minutes (default set-
tings) when a permanent reading pulse has been started. However, it does not stop the
reading pulse.
The reading pulse can be stopped via an appropriate clock signal. The successive read-
ing pulse switches on the laser diode.
In SOPAS-ET on the "Illumination control" tab you can set or deactivate the laser timeout
within a range of 1 ... 1,500 min (= 25h).
Standard version
Ethernet version
Laser out radiation (maximum/average)
3.2 mW/ <1.0 mW
Emitted wavelength
655 nm
Pulse duration
< 300