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S U P P L E M E N T A R Y O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | AOS502 STS
System components
All components of the AOS502 STS system are prepared for their use on crane systems
for the handling of goods and containers.
LMS511 laser scanner with weather hood
The LMS511 laser scanners are designed for outdoor use in harsh ambient conditions
and are fitted with a weather protection hood. All input and output signals from the laser
scanners are directly connected to the central Flexi Soft control.
Fig. 2:
LMS511 laser scanner with weather hood
The LMS511 laser scanners have a monitoring radius of 80 m / 38 m for black objects
with 10% remission and a scan angle of 190°.
They feature automatic contamination measuring for the front screen. The contamination
signals can be merged using the central Flexi Soft control and can be output via a shared
application diagnostic output.
The laser scanners are also equipped with an internal heater.
The Flexi Soft control
The Flexi Soft control for the AOS502 STS system consists of the
central main
module with a configuration memory and two
I/O expansion modules.
The two I/O expansion modules provide the input and output signals from the AOS502
STS. The communication with the connected laser scanners and with the higher-level
crane control occurs via the switching signals.
The test target
The self-diagnosis of the object detection system occurs via the continuous detection of
an external test target. During this process, the corresponding scanner monitoring field is
infringed by the test target. Only by using external test targets can the full functional range
of the AOS502 STS system be ensured.
At least one test target is required to continue the self-diagnosis of the system. It is also
possible to use a common test target for several laser scanners.
In crane applications, such as ship-to-shore crane systems, a part of the crane body is
defined as the test target.