User’s Manual 3
NOTE: Before installing the device, carefully read par. 8.
NOTA: Before using the device, carefully read this operating manual.
DST4600A board, operating in special electric switchboard, is able to control the automatic
intervention of a generator set, to monitor it during the operation and to keep it in the best
possible conditions while inactive, in order to assure a quick and safe intervention in the event
of power failure. It works with both three- and single-phase systems.
Please refer to SICES document EAAM008800 (or following versions) for programming and
default values.
Throughout this document the word BLOCK is used to indicate an alarm that makes generation
function impossible and causes immediate generator shutdown.
The word DISABLE is used to indicate an alarm that makes generation function impossible
and causes the automatic generator shutdown after a proper cooling down cycle.
The word WARNING is used to indicate a warning that requires an operator action but doesn’t
require the automatic generator shutdown.
Throughout this document the words SOFTWARE and FIRMWARE are used as synonymous
if they are referred to the board firmware.
Software code version is reported in a format like: EB0220040xxyy, where xx is the major
version number and yy is the minor version number. Thus code EB02200400001 refers to
00.01 software release.
For DST4601 boards there are two different SW types:
EB0220040xxyy or EB0220073xxyy or EB0220082xxyy: for standard boards
EB0220057zzyy or EB0220074xxyy or EB0220083xxyy: for boards for parallel application
In this document a vertical bar on the right margin indicates that the chapter or the paragraph
has been emended respect to the last document’s version.
A gray background high
lights changes in table’s fields.