User’s Manual
phase systems) Volts. The right one
d display “A”)
shows the phase currents in
Amperes. The view format changes according to the set TA ratio (P17):
P17 < 10: the currents are displayed with two decimals
P17 >=10 and <100: the currents are displayed with one decimal
P17 >=100: the currents are displayed without any decimal. If the current measurement
exceeds 999 Ampere, it is displayed divided by 10 and the indicator “X10” (yellow),
located over the display “A” turns on.
If the current measured (in the board side of TA) is higher then 5
Amperes, the display “A”
blinks to indicate lower measure precision.
If the board is supplied with the power measurement option it is possible to view the power
factor (indicated by “POWER FACTOR (cos
)”) on the display “V” and the active power
by “ACTIVE POWER (kW)”) on the display “A” (POWER DISPLAY FUNCTION).
Furthermore, it is possible to view the energy meter (kWh on the display “A” and MWh on the
display “V”). All these measures will blink if at least one of the current measurement circuits of
the board is saturated (see description at the previous paragraph).
Three yellow indicators (called “L1/L2”, “L2/L3” and “L3/L1”) located between the two displays
are also present. They indicate to which phase the measurements displayed in any moment
refer. On single-phase systems the voltage and the current of the only present phase are
always displayed, therefore the indicator “L1/L2” is always turned on, while the “L2/L3” and
“L3/L1” are always off. On three-phase systems, the three phases are periodically alternated
every 4 seconds on the displays and the indicators “ L1/L2”, “L2/L3” and “L3/L1” show the
current phase. However, it is possible to force the display of one phase only even on three-
phase systems by pressing at the same time the buttons
“F1” and “F2” when the displays show
the quantities relating to the phase one intends to force: the phases scanning will be
interrupted and will start again when the two buttons “F1” and “F2” will be pressed at the same
time again.
This area
(top left of the front panel) contains all the indicators for the generator set’s common
faults Here follows a short description of the indicators, for a more detailed description of all
the faults, see paragraph 6. At the fault acquisition, the corresponding indicator flashes, by
pressing the “MODE / ACK“ button it stops flashing to indicate that the operator acknowledge
Indicator “TEMPERATURE” (red): it indicates the alarm or block status due to the high
cooling water temperature. The indicator flashes at a different speed to indicate an alarm
(more quickly) or a block (more slowly, as for all other blocks). It can be acquired from:
Digital input “WATER WARNING” (terminal 10)
Digital input “WATER. ALARM” (terminal 09)
Analogue input “TEMPERATURE” (terminal 43)
Indicator “LOW OIL PRESSURE” (red): it indicates the alarm or block status due to the
low oil pressure of the engine. The indicator flashes at a different speed to indicate an
alarm (more quickly) or a block (more slowly, as for all other blocks). It can be acquired
Digital input “OIL WARNING” (terminal 08)
Digital input “OIL P. ALARM” (terminal 07)
Analogue input “OIL PRESSURE” (terminal 42)
Indicator “MAX LEVEL” (yellow): It indicates the alarm status due to the maximum fuel
level in the tank. It can be acquired from:
Digital input “HIGH LEVEL FUEL” (terminal 04)
Analogue input “FUEL LEVEL” (terminal 45)