DST2600 User’s Manual 19
In “MODE4”, pressing more time the “AUX/PROGRAM” key it is possible to visualize four
different pages:
Page 1
Some particular events can be shown on the second row. If no events is active, the
second row is empty. If more than one event is active, they are shown cyclically,
switched every two seconds. This page is available starting from software 00.06.
Actually the following events can be shown:
Inhibition of generator automatic operations (requested by digital input).
Inhibition of generator automatic operations (requested by clock).
REMOTE START mode activated
Page 2
On the first row there is shown the total working hour of DST2600 (since it was
supplied), on the second row there is an alphanumerical code with 12 characters,
unambiguous for each device (serial number)
Page 3
This page shows the internal clock of DST2600 (see next).
Date and time are
flashing if the clock have not yet been configured from DST200 power on.
Page 4
BOARD H.: 135
SN: 000009FBF4F9
Inhib. From I/O
CLOCK 08:29:57