DST2600 User’s Manual
The “
” allows to select the visualization on the multifunctional LCD display (see
par. 8.4.2). Pressing one time the key, the visualization mode passes to the next in a cyclical
way (from “MODE 4”, pressing the “MODE/ACK” the display visualization will come back to
“MODE 1”).
If the key is pressed together with the “AUX/PROGRAM” key, it allows the manual regulation
of the display’s contrast level (this regulation is available only for some display models and
only from software version 00.03; with previous version this keys combinations allows to stop
the generator phases scanning on the phase visualized on display at the moment).
The key allows moreover to “acknowledge” the anomalies by the operator, stopping the
internal horn.
NOTE: the horn is silenced when the key is released.
During the parameters programming (see par.15
) the key works as “
” allowing to
“enter” in menu and sub-menu, to start the modify operation of a parameter and to confirm the
new selected value.
The “
“ allows scanning all the windows related to a visualization mode of the
multifunctional display currently selected. Press the key to pass to the next window of the
mode, in a cyclical way.
If the key is pressed together w
ith the “MODE/ACK” key, it allows the manual regulation of the
display’s contrast level (this regulation is available only for some display models and only from
software version 00.03; with previous version this keys combinations allows to stop the
generator phases scanning on the phase visualized on display at the moment).
If “MODE 1” visualization (which has only one window) is selected and the device is not in
“OFF_RESET” mode, the key hides the description of a pending anomaly, in such a way to
allow the visualization of the power measurements.
If “MODE 1” visualization is selected and the device is in “OFF_RESET” mode, the key allows
to enter in the parameters programming procedure.
During the parameters programming the key is used as “
”: it allows to exit from sub menu
to return to the upper level menu; press it from main menu to exit from programming procedure.
The key allows moreover to abort the modification of a parameter when in progress (the
parameter will keep its previous value). The key finally allows, if used together with the
“START” and “STOP” keys to modify the value of a parameter of 10 units at time (“SHIFT”