- 8 -
With the above points confirmed, turn on the power switch and turn it off quick and observe
the rotation direction. To monitor the motor shaft, detach the grommet in the centre of the
ceiling panels.
If it turns clockwise, it is alright. If it turns counter-clockwise, then turn off the power supply
and change the connections of 2 cables of the 3 power supply cables.
Check up the machine to see if it produces no vibrations or unusual noise during operation or
no air leaks at the duct joints.
Make sure that pulsation is activated upon machine operation start.
Chapter 4 Operation
Routine operation
Operation procedures:
[1] Make sure that the compressed air pressure is somewhere between
0.5 and 0.7 MPa.
[2] Also make sure that the maintenance door is closed.
[3] Close the damper, if any.
[4] Start operating the machine by turning on the switch.
[5] Open the damper.
End operation procedures:
[1] Turn off the power switch.
[2] Wait about 5 minutes, open the dust chamber and discharge the dust
from the drawer.
How shake off the dust
Unlock the snap locks on both sides of the dust chamber door, detach the door, pull out the drawer and
discharge the dust from it. Sweep out the dust spilt outside the drawer. To put the drawer back into
position, insert it securely on to its guide so there may be no gap between the drawer and the guide.
Use care to not attach the dust chamber door upside down (See the sketches below).
Although, in case of fine dust, a small amount can leak from the dust collector at its start, this
phenomenon will disappear when dust deposits on the filter cloth overall. If, however, the
leakage continues, replace the cloth with the optional high-performance type.
At regular intervals clean the inside of the back-side baffle plate in the filter cloth chamber of
adhesive dust sucked and deposited there. If the dust deposits too often, remove the baffle
plate during operation.
To ensure stable suction performance, discharge dust from the drawer at least once a day so
too much dust may not remain in the drawer. During discharge, wear protective goggles and
gloves and a dustproof mask.
When the damper is installed, avoid operating the dust collector for an extended period of
time with the damper opened fully. Pressure is applied to the inside of the dust chamber by
pulses, causing the fatigue durability of the main unit to decrease.
Filter cloth life in general is one to two years, variable depending on duration of use and
amount of dust. Replace the cloth with a new one if differential pressure fails to drop when
pulsation is activated.
Drawer guide
Dust chamber door