2a Connect to powered network
The BB24 can only forward power to one additional unpowered device, so
you cannot daisy-chain three button boxes in a row with a single powered LAN
cable. If you would like to connect two or more button boxes and an IP phone, a
second Ethernet wall jack is needed to provide adequate power.
Connect the network cable to the
Ethernet jack in the workspace. Plug
the other end of this cable into the LAN
port on the back of the button box.
(no AC adapter required)
If the LAN to which this device will be connected supports power-over-Ethernet,
no AC adapter is needed. The button box draws power from the Ethernet network.
The IP 530/560 can optionally be
connected to a PC as the third daisy-
chained device. This configuration
works because the PC is self-
powered and does not draw power
from the Ethernet network.
Note that the button box
can forward power to an
IP phone, but an IP
phone cannot forward
power to a button box,
thus the button
box must be the
first device in a
sequence of
BB24 (button box)
IP 560 phone
Ethernet wall jack
Standard PC
As long as the additional button box is connected to the same LAN as the
phone, a direct connection between the button box and the IP phone (as shown in
the illustration above) is not necessary.
Up to four button boxes can be associated with one IP phone. Refer to the
BB24 User Guide for instructions on using ShoreWare Director to create an
association between a button box and an IP phone.