g Cam
High-Speed Video Camera
Displaying Version Information
Clicking the
icon displays the version information display window (Fig. 5-7). Click
[CLOSE] to close the window.
Fig. 5-7 Version Information Display Window
Closing the Application
Click the
icon to close the application. (See 4.7.2 Shutting Down with a
Camera Connected.)
Switching Window Display Modes
Clicking [REC] displays the [REC] window (Fig. 5-2). Clicking [I/O PORT] displays the
[I/O PORT] window (Fig. 5-15).
Selecting the Recording Mode in [REC]
– [MODE]
Click the
icon to display the nine recording modes.
Internal trigger mode – [Internal]
This mode starts recording immediately when [REC] is clicked.
(The [Internal] mode does not require a standby or trigger signal input. These signals
are automatically generated within the camera. In the [Internal] mode, the time
between clicking [REC] and when recording actually starts can vary because it uses
software to control recording.
External standby mode – [External STANDBY]
In this mode, recording starts immediately after receiving a standby signal input. This
mode is used to ensure the time recorded for the standby signal input and start of
recording are the same.
After clicking [REC], the system waits for input of the standby signal and starts
recording about 850 ns after receiving the standby signal input.
(A trigger signal does not need to be input for the external standby mode [External
STANDBY]. However, recording starts with the first frame. Recording in the trigger
standby mode is not possible in the external standby mode.)