(vibrato). Values below 0.0 and over 1.0 are also possible. Negative values invert the modulated signal, while values
over 1.0 boost it (+6dB at 2.0).
#MOD1_IN_GAIN controls the input level for the section. This parameter allows you to control the volume of the
signal coming out of the filter mix (or reverb section) before it hits the mod section. The values are set in the same
way as for the #IN_GAIN parameter.
#MOD1_OUT_GAIN controls the output level for the section. This parameter allows you to control the volume of the
signal coming out of the mod section. The values are set in the same way as for the #IN_GAIN parameter.
Reverb Settings
The reverb section has the following parameters:
#RV_BLEND controls the mix of the dry signal and the reverb. The value range is 0.0 (no reverb) to 1.0 (100% reverb).
The signals are mixed evenly at 0.5. Negative values are accepted but can boost the signal.
#RV_IN_GAIN controls the input level for the reverb section. This parameter allows you to control the volume of the
signal coming out of the filter section. The values are set in the same way as for the #IN_GAIN parameter.
#RV_OUT_GAIN controls the output level for the reverb section. This parameter allows you to control the volume of
the signal coming out of the reverb section. The values are set in the same way as for the #IN_GAIN parameter.
#RV_kDK controls feedback depth. The higher the value is, the quicker the reverb will go into self-oscillation. The
range is 0.0 to 2.0; however, we recommend always starting at 1.0 and tweaking the value to taste. You can also pass
negative values to this parameter in order to invert the phase of the signal. This parameter determines the max decay
value for the REVERB knob.
The reverb tails smoothing section is where the modulation of separate reverb lines is set up. The parameters in this
section determine whether the reverb sounds softer or punchier:
#RV_SIN0F controls the smoothing modulation oscillator rate (in Hz) for the first reverb group.
#RV_SIN0R sets the smoothing modulation depth (in samples) for the first reverb group. Value: 0 – 1000.
#RV_SIN1F controls the smoothing modulation oscillator rate (in Hz) for the second reverb group.
#RV_SIN1R sets the smoothing modulation depth (in samples) for the second reverb group. Value: 0 – 1000.
LFO Settings
The Prism II has three dedicated filter LFOs. The rates for two of the LFOs are set by the RATE knob or TAP
footswitch, while the third one is configured separately for each patch and has no physical controls. The DEPTH knob
sets filter mod depth.
While the LFOs have a wide range of settings, we recommend starting with the basic formula by which the final LFO
shape is calculated:
LFO = (Main LFO + LFO2) * (LFO3 * #LF #LFO3_AMP_BIAS). If the AMP parameter’s value is 0 and
AMP_BIAS is set to 1, LFO3 has no effect. Otherwise, the sum of Main LFO and LFO2 is multiplied by LFO3.
LFO common parameters: