Page 71
Doc. 13301-Tec-RevB (2022-05-25)
Technical Modes
Operating Instructions
11.12. Advanced Config
Advanced configuration
contains items that will be
used infrequently and can
be ignored by most users�
They provide more detailed
The first screen allows
you to enter the advanced
configuration area, or to set
the advanced configurations
settings to their default�
Reset Adv. Config
This will reset all advanced config values to their
default settings�
This will not affect other computer settings,
delete dive logs, or reset dive log numbers�
System Info
The System Info section lists the computer’s serial
number as well as other technical information
you may be asked to provide to tech support for
troubleshooting purposes�
Battery Info
This section gives additional information on the type of
battery being used and battery performance�
Regulatory Info
This section is where a user can find the specific
model number of their computer as well as additional
regulatory information�
Enter Adv. Config
Reset Adv. Config
System Info
Battery Info
Regulatory Info
Advanced Config
Advanced Config 1
Main Colour
Main colours can also be
changed for added contrast�
Default is white but can be
changed to green or red�
Title Colour
The title colors can be changed for added contrast or
visual appeal� Default is Cyan, with gray, white, green,
red, pink, and blue also available�
End Dive Delay
Sets the time in seconds to wait after surfacing before
ending the current dive�
This value can be set from 20 seconds to 600 seconds
(10 minutes)� Default is 60s�
This value can be set to a longer time if you want brief
surface intervals connected together into one dive�
Alternatively, a shorter time can be used to exit dive
mode more quickly upon surfacing�
Battery Icon
The behavior of the battery icon can be changed here�
Options are:
The battery icon always displays when
on the surface� During dive it displays only if there is
a low battery warning�
The battery icon always displays�
Warn Only:
The battery icon only appears when
there is a low battery warning�
Gas Select
The feature is described in the Select Gas Menu Style
Options section on page 54�
Main Color White
Title Color
End Dive Delay 060s
Bat Icon Surf + Warn
Gas Select
Adv. Config 1