Shearwater DiveCAN
Complex Dive Example
The following is a more complex rebreather dive that includes multi-gas OC bailout�
In this example:
Diluent: Trimix (10/50)
Bailout gases: 10/50, 21/00, and 50/00
Max Depth: 90 meters for 20 minutes
Dive Phase
Petrel Display
CC Gases
Best practices include checking your gas lists
before each dive� This screen is available in
the System Setup menu�
For this dive the only CC diluent is trimix 10/50
(10% O2, 50% He, 40% N2)�
OC Bailout
For the OC bailout gas list, several gases are
We will verify that we are carrying enough of
each gas when we plan the dive�
It is also prudent to ensure all other settings
are correct before starting the dive�
Although gases and some settings can be
changed underwater, it is best to have them
right from the start�
Plan Dive
& Bailout
Use the dive planner to check the total runtime,
decompression schedule and bailout out gas
quantity needed�
For CC dives, both the closed-circuit (CC) and
bailout (BO) plans are displayed� The bailout
plan also includes how much gas is needed�
The on-board deco planner is limited in
functionality, so for complex dives we
recommend planning using desktop or
smartphone dive planning software�
(Continued on next page)
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