Shearwater DiveCAN
Basic Setup
Before using the computer there are several things that need to be configured. This is not an
exhaustive list of the pre-requisites for diving the system, but a suggestion of key tasks�
• Calibrate the oxygen sensors if needed
� If calibration is not needed, then we
recommend verifying the PPO2 at multiple points. For example, in air, flushed with oxygen,
and ideally also a PPO2 greater than 1�0�
• In the System Setup menu
set the units
to metric or imperial, also set the date and time�
• E
nter the gases�
This includes the diluents (CC gases) and bailout gases (OC gases)�
• The system will use the gases that are available in the order of oxygen content during the
Time To Surface (TTS) prediction� The system will use the next available gas that has a
PPO2 of less than 1�0 for closed circuit diving�
• If the computer is in open circuit or is switched to open circuit during a dive, the system will
calculate the TTS based on the configured open circuit gases that are available. It will use
the next available gas that has a PPO2 of less than 1�6 for open circuit diving�
These gases are used automatically only for TTS predictions� The gas used to
calculate the current tissue load and the current ceiling is always the gas actually selected by
the diver�