Shearwater DiveCAN
Compass (Petrel 2 only)
The Petrel 2 model contains a tilt-compensated digital compass�
Compass features:
• 1° resolution
• ±5° accuracy
• Smooth, high-speed refresh rate
• User set heading marker with reciprocal
• True North (declination) adjustment
• Tilt compensation ±45°
Viewing the Compass
When enabled, the compass is viewed by pressing the SELECT (right) button once�
Press SELECT again to continue on to view the regular info screens�
Unlike the regular info screens, the compass never times out back to the main screen�
Press MENU (left) button to return to the main screen�
It is important to understand some compass limitations before use�
Calibration -
The digital compass needs occasional calibration� This can be done in
Compass menu and takes only one minute�
Battery Changes -
When the battery is changed, the compass should be calibrated�
This is because each battery has its own magnetic signature that interacts with the
compass� Fortunately this effect can be removed with proper calibration�
Interference -
Since a compass operates by reading the Earth's magnetic field, the
compass heading is affected by anything that distorts that field or creates its own�
• Ferromagnetic materials (such as iron, steel, or nickel) should be kept away
from the Petrel 2 when using the compass�
• A traditional compass should also not be placed too close, as it contains a
permanent magnet�
• Electric motors and high current cabling (such as from dive lights) can also
cause interference and should be kept at a distance�
• Being inside or near a shipwreck may also affect the compass heading�
Compass Limitations