Sharp R-217E Operation Manual And Cooking Manual Download Page 1

A35652,Russia R217E O/M,En




Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b cjdtns gj ghbuj gbob





Bzajhvfwby j cthnbabrfwbb ghjlerwbb
Vths ghtljcnjhjözjcnb .................................. 1
Jcj<st erfpfzby ................................................ 2
Bzcnherwby gj ecnfzjdrt ................................. 3
J<obq dbl gtxb ................................................. 3
Gfztkm eghfdktzby ............................................ 4
Hf<jnf c eghfdktzby ......................... 5
Lheubt elj<zst aezrwbb ................................. 6

Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv (Pfobnf jn ltntq) .... 6

Eüjl pf gtxm+ ..................................................... 7
Gthtl ntv rfr dspdfnm vfcnthf ...................... 7
Ntüzbxtcrbt üfhfrnthbcnbrb ........................... 7
Cjdtns gj ghbuj gbob ................... 8


Warning ...................................................... E-1
Special Notes ............................................. E-2
Installation Instructions ............................ E-3
Oven Diagram ............................................ E-3
Control Panel ............................................. E-4
Operation of Control Panel ....................... E-5
Other Convenient Feature ........................ E-6

Demonstration Mode (Child Lock) ......... E-6

Care and Cleaning ..................................... E-7
Service Call Check ..................................... E-7
Specifications ............................................ E-7
Cooking Guide ........................................... E-8


03.10.23, 2:36 PM


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Summary of Contents for R-217E

Page 1: ...eghfdktzby 5 Lheubt elj zst aezrwbb 6 Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Pfobnf jn ltntq 6 Eüjl pf gtxm 7 Gthtl ntv rfr dspdfnm vfcnthf 7 Ntüzbxtcrbt üfhfrnthbcnbrb 7 Cjdtns gj ghbujnjdktzb gbob 8 CONTENTS Warning E 1 Special Notes E 2 Installation Instructions E 3 Oven Diagram E 3 Control Panel E 4 Operation of Control Panel E 5 Other Convenient Feature E 6 Demonstration Mode Child Lock E 6 Care and Cleaning...

Page 2: ... ärcgkefnfwbb b ghbvtzytvsvb ntüzbxtcrbvb cnfzlfhnfvb Cnhfzf bpujnjdbntkm Ghjbpdtltzj d Nfqkfzlt Abhvf bpujnjdbntkm IFHG Rjhgjhtqiz hblbxtcrbq flhtc bpujnjdbntky 22 22 Zfufqrt xj F tzj re Jcfrf 545 8522 Ygjzby In accordance with Article 5 of the Russian Consumer Rights Protection Law and the Russian Federation Government Decree 720 dated June 16 1997 the lifetime for this product is established as...

Page 3: ...f 2 gtnkb b pfotkrb zt ljközs snm ckjvfzs bkb ifnfnmcy 3 egkjnztzby ldthws egkjnzytvst gjdthüzjcnb b rfvthf gtxb zt ljközs bvtnm ghjub jd b ltajhvfwbb 7 Ghb bpdktxtzbb ghjlernjd bp gtxb elmnt dzbvfntkmzs xnj s zt pfwtgbnm ghtljühfzbntkmzst pfotkrb ldthws gjceljq jltöljq bkb ghbzflktözjcnyvb 8 Dj bp töfzbt jöjujd dctulf gjkmpeqntcm herfdbwfvb ghb j hfotzbb c gjceljq cjlthöfotq ujhyxe gboe jkmijt rj...

Page 4: ...ghbujnjdktzbtv Ntv cfvsv ds bp töbnt dphsdf Ghjnsrfnm rjöehe rfhnjatky y kjr rf fxrjd üjn ljujd cjcbcjr b ecnhbw lky dsüjlf gfhf zfheöe Bcgjkmpjdfnm cgtwbfkmze gjcele lky ghbujnjdktzby djpleizjq rereheps d vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb Gjljölbnt lj ntü gjh gjrf otkxrb jn djpleizjq rereheps elen hfplfdfnmcy c bznthdfkjv 1 2 ctrezls Gthtkjöbnt ltncrjt gbnfzbt d vfktzmre gjcele b jcnjhjözj zfuhtdfqnt xfcnj gjvt...

Page 5: ...d njv xnj cnjkbr b k ztn hfcgjkjötzs cnhjuj gj wtznhe b cnjkbr gkjnzj gjcfötz zf k ztn PFGHTOFTNCY BCGJKMPJDFNM GTXM TP GJDJHJNZJUJ CNJKBRF B HJKBRJDJUJ K ZTNF 4 Gtxm zt ljközf zfüjlbnmcy d kbpb bcnjxzbrjd ntgkf b gfhf zfghbvth jrjkj j sxzjq gkbns Gtxm ljközf snm ecnfzjdktzf nfr xnj s zt gthtrhsdfkbcm dtznbkywbjzzst jndthcnby Zfl gtxm ljközj bvtnmcy zt vtztt 15 cv cdj jlzjuj ghjcnhfzcndf 5 Ghjbpdj...

Page 6: ... lky rföljuj ehjdzy DSCJRBQ 100 CHTLZBQ DSCJRBQ 70 CHTLZBQ 50 CHTLZBQ ZBPRBQ HFPVJHJPRF 30 ZBPRBQ 10 CDTNJDJQ WBATH KFN 0 30 vbzen Gjdjhfxbdfnm lky dscnfdktzby dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby b dtcf hfpvjhföbdftvjuj ghjlernf Lky gthtrk xtzby zf ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv gjdthzenm dktdj HERJDJLCNDJ GJ HFPVJHFÖBDFZB VYCF RussianR217E O M RU P01 07 03 10 23 2 38 PM 4 Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 7: ...abrcbhetn ehjdtzm vjozjcnb bcgjkmpjdfzzsq d ghtlsleobq hfp Lky tuj jnj hfötzby zf gfztkb eghfdktzby ljcnfnjxzj zföfnm zf rzjgre VJOZJCNM Ghb c jt d gjlfxt äktrnhjgbnfzby zf gtxm cjlthöbvjt gfvynb cnbhftncy 4 Irfkf hfpvjhföbdfzby vycf jnrfkb hjdfzf Cv Herjdjlcndj gj hfpvjhföbdfzb C zf cnh 11 d hfpltkt Cjdtns gj ghbujnjdktzb gbob Lky hfpvjhföbdfzby bzsü dbljd ghjlernjd cktletn ds hfnm htöbv HFPVJHFÖ...

Page 8: ...gtxb tp dshf jnrb CDX äzthubb ghbxtv j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghjbpdjlbncy c 60 rhfnzjq crjhjcnm 3 Jnvtzf ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbv Jnrk xbnm gtxm jn ctnb bkb dsgjkzbnm dsitgthtxbcktzzst ltqcndby 1 3 4 Jncencndbt vbrhjdjkzjdjuj gbnfzby d gtxb gjckt gthtrk xtzby zf ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv gjpdjkytn ghbvtzynm änjn htöbv d rfxtcndt aezrwbb kjrbhjdrb pfobns jn ltntq gfztkb eghfdktzby Änb ltqcndby ztj üjlb...

Page 9: ...dsq k ztn Dsvjqnt ckf sv vskmzsv hfcndjhjv f pfntv dsnhbnt zfceüj GTHTL NTV RFR DSPDFNM VFCNTHF Gthtl ntv rfr dspdfnm vfcnthf ghjdtlbnt cktle oe ghjdthre Gjvtcnbnt cntrkyzzsq cnfrfz c djljq ghbvthzj 250 vk d gtxm b gkjnzj pfrhjqnt ldthwe Zfuhtdfqnt djle d ntxtzbt ldeü vbzen zf DSCJRJV ehjdzt vjozjcnb f Ujhbn kb kfvgjxrf d gtxb LF ZTN Hf jnftn kb dtznbkynjh LF ZTN Gjlthöbnt here zfl dtznbkywbjzzsv ...

Page 10: ...Nf kbwf lky cdtöbü jdjotq 12 Nf kbwf lky pfvjhjötzzsü jdjotq 13 Nf kbwf lky gjljuhtdf ghjlernjd 13 Herjdjlcndj gj hfpvjhföbdfzb Gjktpzst cjdtns Htwtgns Pfrecrb cegs 14 k lf bp ghjlernjd vjhy 15 Gnbwf 16 Vycj 17 Jdjob 18 Ltcthns 19 RussianR217E O M RU P08 19 03 10 23 2 39 PM 8 Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 11: ...kb djpvjözj Zfrhjqnt ghjlern zf dhtvy dslthörb xnj gjpdjkbn tve gjkzjcnm ghbujnjdbnmcy b ghb änjv zt gjlujhtnm E tlbntcm d njv xnj ntvgthfnehf ghbujnjdktzby skf ljcnbuzenf Nfrbvb ghbpzfrfvb ydky ncy gfh gjlzbvftncy hfdzjvthzj cj dctq gjdthüzjcnb ghjlernf f zt njkmrj c rhfëd cecnfds zjötr gnbws ldbuf ncy kturj cdbzbzf b vycj gnbws zt bvt n hjpjdjuj jnntzrf hs f zt ghjphfxzfy b kturj jnltkytncy dbkr...

Page 12: ...txb Ukfpehjdfzzfy gjcelf Gjlcnfdrf lky hfpvjhföbdfzby Nthvjvtnhs lky vbrhjdjkzjdsü gtxtq Nthvjvtnhs lky j sxzsü gtxtq GJCELF LKY GHBUJNJDKTZBY D VBRHJDJKZJDSÜ GTXFÜ lf ztn lf lf lf lky pfobns lf lf lf lf lf lf lf njkmrj lky hfpvjhföbdfzby lf ztn Cntrkyzzfy gjcelf lky gtxb Ajkmuf evfözst gjkjntzwf Gjcelf c wtznhfkmzsv jndthcnbtv lky ghbujnjdktzby d vbrhjdjkzjdsü gtxfü Ghyvjeujkmzfy gjcelf lky ghbuj...

Page 13: ... zf gjlcnfdre lky hfpvjhföbdfzby Gj bcntxtzbb ghbvthzj gjkjdbzs dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby gthtdthzenm ghjlern Pfrhsnm ntgkst exfcnrb Gj bcntxtzbb dctuj dhtvtzb hfpvjhföb dfzby jcnfdbnm ghjlern gjcnjynm gjl fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq zf 10 15 vbzen Pfrhsnm rhfy gjkjcrfvb ajkmub ibhbzjq jr 2 5 cv Gjkjöbnm recjr vycf zf gjlcnfdre lky hfpvjhföbdfzby gjcnzjq xfcnm ddthü gj djpvjözjcnb Gj bcntxtzbb ghbvthzj gjkjd...

Page 14: ...1 x k cfüfhf b 1 cn k djls Zfrhsnm Elfkbnm öbkrb bp cnhexrjd Ujnjdbnm d 1 k rfcnh kt c 1 cn k djls Ghjnrzenm rjöehe dbkrjq Gjkjöbnm zf gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr Dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby gthtdthzenm Pfdthzenm d ajkmue b dslthöfnm 2 3 vbz Jxbcnbnm b gjhtpfnm re brfvb Ujnjdbnm zfrhsd d 1 k rfcnh kt c 1 2 xfirb djls Jxbcnbnm b gjhtpfnm zf recrb Gjkjöbnm d 1 k rfcnh k Zfrhsnm Dsvsnm b gjhtpfnm Ujnjdbnm zfrhsd d ...

Page 15: ...dktzby vbz b ehjdtzm vjozjcnb 1 1 2 2 1 2 100 31 2 4 100 9 10 50 10 11 50 2 2 1 2 100 5 6 100 7 8 50 8 9 50 12 15 50 Nbg ghjlernf Zfgbnrb 250 vk zf xfire rjvz n hf Rjzcthds cgfutnnb phtkfy afcjkm rjvz n hf Cegjdst rjzcthds 250 vk zf xfire rjvz n hf Nfhtkrf cegf 400 vk jükföltzzfy Pfgtrfzrf gjhwbb gj 250 u jükföltzzfy Dtc 1 xfirf 2 xfirb fzrf 440 u fzrf 740 u 1 xfirf 2 xfirb 1 gjhwby 1 gjhwby 2 gjh...

Page 16: ...jv 5 Ujnjdbnm 19 21 vbzene ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 70 6 Pfdthzenm d ajkmue b jcnfdbnm zf 5 vbzen 7 Zfhtpfnm zf recrb jn wtznhf r rhf zf 4 gjhwbb Htwtgns PFRECRB CEGS Gbrfznzst uhb s 24 uhb f c vfktzmrbvb ikygrfvb 6 kjvnbrjd ükt f 4 njzrbü kjvnbrf dtnxbzs 4 kerjdbws ifkjn vtkrj zfhtpfzzsü 1 2 xfirb nthnjuj cshf 2 yqwf 2 cn k cvtifzzsü nhfd xf htw leibwf ifkatq vfqjhfz gtnheirf 1 Elfkbnm zjörb uhb jd 2 ...

Page 17: ...Cjec 1 cn k rerehepzjq verb 415 u fzrf njvfnzjuj g ht 2 cn k gjhtpfzzjq gtnheirb Hektn 1 Zfkbnm 1 kbnh 4 cnfrfzf ujhyxtq djls d jkmijt k lj Dscsgfnm kfgie d djle Dfhbnm 4 5 vbzen ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 100 2 Cjtlbzbnm dvtcnt csh Hbrjnnf csh Xtllth cjkm gthtw yqwf kjcjcm b kbvjzzsq cjr Üjhjij gthtvtifnm 3 Gjkjöbnm kjöre kjcjctdjq cvtcb zf rfölsq kbcn kfgib Kfpfzmy Gkjnzj crhenbnm Gjkjöbnm d jlbz ckjq ...

Page 18: ...6 19 vbzens ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 70 6 Pfdthzenm d fk vbzbtde ajkmue b jcnfdbnm zf 10 vbzen gthtl gjlfxtq zf cnjk zf 4 gjhwbb Wsgktzjr c f hbrjcfvb 4 zjörb wsgktzrf 1 gfrtnbr ahfzwepcrjuj kerjdjuj cegf 1 cn k j srzjdtzzjq verb 250 vk f hbrjcjdjuj ztrnfhf 825 u rjzcthdbhjdfzzsü gjkjdbzjr f hbrjcjd öblrjcnm ckbnm 1 J dfkynm wsgktzrf d cvtcb kerjdjuj cegf b verb 2 Ujnjdbnm wsgktzrf 13 vbzen ghb ehjdzt ...

Page 19: ...hsnm b ujnjdbnm 24 26 vbzen ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 50 gjvtibdfy d ghjwtcct ghbujnjdktzby 4 Lj fdbnm rerehepe ctkmlthtq b cvtnfze Üjhjij hfpvtifnm 5 Dfhbnm tot 11 13 vbzen ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 50 zf 4 gjhwbb Kfpfzmy Vyczjq cjec 30 u vfckf 1 kerjdbwf gjhtpfnm 1 ru ujdyömtuj afhif bp dthüztq xfcnb zjub 1 4 xfirb njvfnzjq gfcns 240 u fzrf jkjzcrjuj cjecf lky vfrfhjz bp afhif b gjvbljhjd 200 u rjzcthdbhjdf...

Page 20: ...zen ghb ehjdzt vjozjcnb 70 zf 4 6 gjhwbq Hbcjdjt hbpjnnj kturj ghbujnjdbnm ljvf 1 kerjdbwf zfhtpfnm re brfvb 60 u vfckf 4 njzrbü kjvnbrf dtnxbzs zfhtpfnm re brfvb bkb 1 xfirf dfhtzjuj vycf wsgktzrf bkb jrjhjrf 3 re brf rehbzjuj bkb ujdyömtuj ekmjzf 2 xfirb rbgyotq djls 1 xfirf lkbzzjpthzbcnjuj hbcf üjhjij ghjvsnm 1 xfirf cvtcb vtkrj zfhtpfzzsü jdjotq zfghbvth vjhrjdm werrbzb uhb s 1 Gjkjöbnm ker v...

Page 21: ...jözsü vjözj bcgjkmpjdfnm nfre cvtcm 1 1 2 xfirb verb 3 x k cfüfhf 3 x k ceüjuj j tpöbhtzzjuj vjkjrf cjkm Gtxtzst y kjrb 3 4 xfirb uhtwrbü jhtüjd 1 4 xfirb rjhbxztdjuj cfüfhf 2 x k cvtcb ghyzjcntq 4 jkmibü y kjrf 2 cn k kbvjzzjuj cjrf 30 u vfckf hfcnjgbnm 1 Gjkjöbnm uhtwrbt jhtüb cfüfh b cvtcm ghyzjcntq d cvtcbntkm bkb ghjwtccjh j hf fnsdfnm gjrf jhtüb zt bpvtkmxfncy 2 Jxbcnbnm y kjrb jn rjöbws b c...

Page 22: is no damage to 1 Door warped 2 Hinges and Latches broken or loosened 3 Door Seals Sealing Surfaces and oven cavity buckled or deformed 7 Do not catch the utensil your clothes or accessories on the door safety latches when you take out the food from the oven 8 Alwaysuseovenmittenstopreventburnswhenhandlingutensilsthatareincontactwithhotfood Enough heat from the food can transfer through utens...

Page 23: ... or keep clear of cavity walls Place a suitable insulator such as microwave and heat proof dinner plate between the turntable and the browning dish Eggs fruits nuts seeds vegetables sausages and oysters Popcorn Baby food General Canned foods Sausage rolls Pies Christmas pudding Meats Utensils Aluminium foil Browning dish Cook eggs in shells to prevent explosion which may damage the oven or injure ...

Page 24: ...rally located and locked together NEVER OPERATE THE OVEN WITHOUT THE ROLLER STAY AND TURNTABLE 4 The oven should not be installed in any area where excessive heat and steam are generated for example next to a conventional oven unit The oven should be installed so as not to block ventilation openings Allow at least 15 cm on the top of the oven for free air space 5 Neither the manufacturer nor the d...

Page 25: ... The approximate percentage of microwave power for each setting is HIGH 100 MED HIGH MEDIUM HIGH 70 MED MEDIUM 50 MED LOW DEFROST 30 MEDIUM LOW DEFROST LOW 10 LIGHT UP DIAL 0 30 minutes Turn to set cooking time or weight of defrost food Turn left to set the demonstration mode MEAT DEFROST GUIDE Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 26: select the DEFROST setting and rotate the LIGHT UP DIAL to the required time 5 The oven door may be opened at any time during the cooking process If you wish to continue cooking close the door 6 If you wish to change the power level or cooking time during operation press the POWER LEVEL button or turn the LIGHT UP DIAL to the desired setting Cooking time Increasing unit 0 1 minute 15 seconds ...

Page 27: ...hild Lock NOTE 1 During the demonstration mode the POWER LEVEL indicator and Light Up Dial will be flashing 2 Cooking operation can be demonstrated with no power in the oven and counted down to zero at sixty times the speed 3 To cancel the demonstration mode Disconnect the oven from the power supply or carry out step 1 3 above 4 As there is no microwave power in the oven while demonstration mode i...

Page 28: ...ven will start as soon as you close the door Interior walls To clean the interior surfaces wipe with a soft cloth and warm water for hygienic reasons After use wipe the waveguide cover in the oven with a soft damp cloth to remove any food splashes Built up splashes may overheatandbegintosmokeorcatchfire Donotremovethewaveguidecover DONOTUSEACOMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANER ABRASIVE OR HARSH CLEANERS AND SC...

Page 29: ...e Cookware Defrosting Guide E 9 E 11 E 10 Charts Fresh Vegetable Chart E 12 Frozen Vegetable Chart E 13 Reheating Food Chart E 13 Recipes Appetizers Soup E 14 Seafood E 15 Poultry E 16 Meat E 17 Vegetables E 18 Desserts E 19 Russia R217E O M En P08 19 03 10 23 2 37 PM 8 Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...

Page 30: ...lows the food to finish cooking without overcooking Look for signs indicating that cooking temperatures have been reached Doneness signs include Food steams throughout not just at edge Poultry thigh joints move easily Pork and poultry show no pinkness Fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork Condensation is a normal part of microwave cooking The humid ity and moisture in food will influence th...

Page 31: ...resistant Dinner ware not heat resistant Aluminium foil Noninflammable paper Grease proof paper Wax paper Plastic foil Paper towels Plastic cookware microwave safe Glazed cookware Defrosting rack Microwave safe thermometers Conventional thermometers Alminum foil Paper towels Microwave safe cookware with central apertures Rectangular cookware microwave safe Defrosting rack Russia R217E O M En P08 1...

Page 32: Shield warm portions After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil for 10 15 mins Shield the exposed bone with foil Place chicken on a defrost rack Turn food over approximately half way through defrosting Shield warm portions After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil for 10 15 mins Shield the edge with foil strips about 2 5 cm wide Place joint with lean side face upwards if po...

Page 33: in a 1 5 litre casserole dish with 1 3 cup water Cover Turn over during cooking Cut into 2 cm cubes Place in a 1 litre casserole dish with 2 tablespoons water Cover Sliced or whole Place in a 1 litre casserole dish with 2 teaspoons butter Cover Cook in a 1 litre casserole dish with 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 tablespoon water Cover Remove string from pod Cook in a 1 litre casserole dish with 1 table...

Page 34: ...n 1 cup 2 cups 1 serve 1 serve 2 serves FOOD Beverage 250 ml per cup room temp Canned food eg Spaghetti Baked Beans room temp Canned Soup 250 ml per cup room temp Dinner Plate 400 g per serve refrigerated Casserole 250 g per serve refrigerated VEGETABLE Beans green cut Broccoli Brussels sprouts Carrots whole sliced Cauliflower Corn on cob kernel Peas green Spinach Mixed Vegetables MICROWAVE TIME A...

Page 35: ...serving bowl and stir in cream and nutmeg Season to taste Serves 4 6 CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP 1 small onion peeled and chopped 1 rasher bacon rind removed and chopped 30 g butter 1 carrot peeled and sliced 1 stick celery chopped 2 tablespoons flour 3 large tomatoes quartered 600 mL chicken stock bouquet garni A combination of dried herbs such as thyme parsley and bay salt and pepper 2 tablespoons crea...

Page 36: ...ns Cook for 4 6 minutes on 50 tossing every minute Spinkle with parsley 4 Serve in individual dishes with garlic bread Serves 4 CHEESY SALMON ROLLS ROLLS 12 lasagne noodles The broadest of the ribbon pasta 200 g packet 250 g ricotta cheese An Italian fresh unripened cheese with smooth and mild tasting 90 g cheddar cheese grated salt and pepper to taste 2 eggs lightly beaten 210 g can red salmon dr...

Page 37: ...tes on 70 6 Allow to stand covered with aluminium foil for 10 minutes before serving Serves 4 APRICOT CHICKEN 4 chicken thighs 1 packet French onion soup 1 tablespoon plain flour 250 mL apricot nectar 825 g can apricot halves drained 1 Toss chicken in combined French onion soup and plain flour 2 Cook chicken for 13 minutes on 70 3 Pour over apricot nectar and apricots 4 Cook covered for 13 18 minu...

Page 38: ... carrots stir in chicken stock and mix well 3 Cover and cook for 24 26 minutes on 50 stirring during cooking 4 Add corn celery and sour cream Mix well 5 Cook a further 11 13 minutes on 50 Serves 4 LASAGNE MEAT SAUCE 30 g butter 1 onion chopped 1 kg topside mince 1 4 cup tomato paste 240 g jar bolognese sauce pasta sauce made from minced meat and tomato 200 g can champignons drained 1 clove garlic ...

Page 39: ...utes on 70 Serves 4 6 EASY HOME MADE RICE RISOTTO 1 onion diced 60 g butter 4 rashers bacon diced or 1 cup cooked chicken or ham 3 chicken or beef stock cubes 2 cups boiling water 1 cup long grain rice washed well 1 cup assorted finely chopped vegetables e g carrots zucchinis mushrooms 1 Place onion butter and bacon in large casse role dish Cook for 3 5 minutes on 100 Stir well 2 Dissolve stock cu...

Page 40: ...following instead of the cake mix 1 1 2 cup flour 3 teaspoons suger 3 teaspoons skim milk powder salt BAKED APPLES 3 4 cup walnuts 1 4 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons mixed spice 4 large apples 2 tablespoons lemon juice 30 g butter melted 1 Place walnuts sugar and mixed spice in a blender or food processor process until nuts are finely chopped 2 Peel and core apples brush with lemon juice 3 Brush appl...

Page 41: ... tv dvd and othes Manual users user manuals user guide manual owners manual instruction manual manual owner manual owner s manual guide manual operation operating manual user s manual operating instructions manual operators manual operator manual product documentation manual user maintenance brochure user reference pdf manual Downloaded from http www usersmanualguide com ...
