Sharp AQUOS LC-60LE650U Service Manual Download Page 7


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Service Manual





Summary of Contents for AQUOS LC-60LE650U

Page 1: ... with are important for maintaining the safety of the set Be sure to replace these parts with specified ones for maintaining the safety and performance of the set This document has been published to be used for after sales service only The contents are subject to change without notice TopPe CONTENTS In the interests of user safety Required by safety regulations in some countries the set should be ...

Page 2: ...857U C7500U 4 22 7 The location putting on the heat measure sheet LC 60 70LE755U 757U LE857U C7500U 4 27 8 Precautions for assembly LC 60 70LE755U 757U LE857U C7500U 4 28 CHAPTER 5 ADJUSTMENT 1 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 5 1 2 PUBLIC MODE SETTING PROCE DURE 5 15 CHAPTER 6 TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE 1 Failure diagnosis by LED in front of cab inet 6 1 2 LED flashing specification at the time of an error Center...

Page 3: ...utcheon etc and measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor All checks must be repeated with the AC cord plug connection reversed If necessary a nonpolarized adaptor plug must be used only for the purpose of completing these checks Any reading of 0 75 Vrms this corresponds to 0 5 mA rms AC or more is excessive and indicates a potential shock hazard which must be corrected before returning the ...

Page 4: ...cles ou blindages de réglage et de compartiment les réseaux de résistancecapacité les isolateurs mécaniques etc S assurer qu il n y ait pas de danger d électrocution en vérifiant la fuite de courant de la facon suivante Brancher le cordon d alimentation directem ent à une prise de cou rant de 120V Ne pas utiliser de transformateur d isolation pour cet essai A l aide de deux fils à pinces brancher ...

Page 5: ... than the conventional lead solder by 40 C and as it has poor solder wettability you may be apt to keep the soldering bit in contact with the PWB for extended period of time However Since the land may be peeled off or the maximum heat resistance temperature of parts may be exceeded remove the bit from the PWB as soon as you confirm the steady soldering condition Lead free solder contains more tin ...

Page 6: ...E755U 757U 857U C7500U N DUNTKF800FM53 KEY Unit N DUNTKG014FM02 ICON Unit LC 60 70LE755U 757U 857U N DUNTKG014FM03 ICON Unit LC 60 70C7500U N DUNTKG015FM03 R C OPC Unit N RUNTKB116WJQZ POWER DRIVE Unit LC 60LE755U 757U 857U C7500U N RUNTKB118WJQZ POWER DRIVE Unit LC 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U N RUNTKA936WJQZ WiFi Unit N RUNTKB126WJQZ BLUETOOTH Unit LC 60 70LE755U 757U 857U Ref NO PARTS CODE DESCRIP...

Page 7: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 1 LC 60LE650U Service Manual CHAPTER 1 SPECIFICATIONS 1 SPECIFICATIONS ...

Page 8: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 2 ...

Page 9: ...LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 1 LC 60LE650U Service Manual CHAPTER 2 OPERATION MANUAL 1 OPERATION MANUAL The examples used throughout this chapter are based on the LC 60LE650U model ...

Page 10: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 2 ...

Page 11: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 3 ...

Page 12: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 4 ...

Page 13: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 5 ...

Page 14: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 3 1 LC 60LE650U Service Manual CHAPTER 3 DIMENSIONS 1 DIMENSIONS ...

Page 15: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 3 2 ...

Page 16: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 3 3 ...

Page 17: ...LE657U 1 Removing of Stand Unit and Rear Cabinet Ass y 1 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 2 Remove the 1 lock screw and detach the AC Cord Cover 3 Disconnect AC wire and detach the AC Cord 4 Remove the 10 lock screws 2 lock screws 18 lock screws and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 䎾䎤䎦䏀 䎕 䎛 䎔䎓 䎜 䎵䏈䏄䏕䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃 䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 䎶䏗䏄䏑䏇䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔 䎚 䎛 䎘 䎤䎦䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇 䎖 䎗 䎤䎦䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇䎃䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕 ...

Page 18: ...he Rear Cabinet in place fit the hooks securely then tighten the screws Work method of Rear Cabinet fixation Front Cabinet Ass y Rear Cabinet fingernail fixation place Rear Cabinet Mat parts Front Cabinet Ass y Luster parts There is a gap without the fingernail fitting in completely only when covering with Rear Cabinet It becomes the factor of a gap increase of Front Cabinet Ass y Rear Cabinet and...

Page 19: ...w 6 Hooks and detach the Bottom Cover R and Bottom Cover L 8 Remove the 1 lock screw and detach the Wi Fi Hoder 9 Detach the Wi Fi Unit from Wi Fi Holder 10 Disconnect the UB wire 11 Detach the BLUETOOTH Unit from Bottom Cover R LC 60LE657U Only 12 Disconnect the BT wire LC 60LE657U Only LA PD LV l PL LV UB 䎫䏒䏒䏎 䎾䎶䎳䏀 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎃䎋䎵䎌 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎃䎋䎯䎌 䎥䏒䏗䏗䏒䏐䎃 䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕䎐䎵 䎥䏒䏗䏗䏒䏐 䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕䎐䎯 䎛 䎜 䎔䎔 䎕 䎔䎓 䎔 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎫䏒...

Page 20: ... for LC 60LE657U 2 Disconnect the following connectors from the MAIN Unit PD LV RC UB for LC 60LE650U C6500U 3 Disconnect the following connectors from the POWER LED DRIVER Unit PD LA 4 Disconnect the following connectors from the LCD CONTROL Unit LV PL LA PD LV l PL LV UB 䎾䎳䎧䏀 䎾䎯䎤䏀 䎯䎦䎧䎃䎦䎲䎱䎷䎵䎲䎯䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎒䎯䎨䎧䎃䎧䎵䎬䎹䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 UB RC IR BT LV PD 䎾䎳䎯䏀 䎾䎯䎹䏀 ...

Page 21: ...Terminal Angle Side 4 Remove the 6 lock screws and detach the MAIN Unit and Terminal Angle Bottom 5 Remove the 6 lock screws and detach the POWER LED DRIVER Unit 6 Remove the 12 lock screws and detach the 2 Stand Fix Angle 7 Remove the 16 lock screws and detach the 4 VESA Angle Ass y 䎔䎕 䎔䎔 䎘 䎗 䎕 䎯䎦䎧䎃䎦䎲䎱䎷䎵䎲䎯 䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎦䏒䏑䏑䏈䏗䏌䏑䏊䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎒 䎯䎨䎧䎃䎧䎵䎬䎹䎨䎵 䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎙䎓䎅䎯䎦䎧䎃䎳䏄䏑䏈䏏䎃䎰䏒䏇䏘䏏䏈䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎹䎨䎶䎤䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈䎃䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 䎔 䎫䏒...

Page 22: ... LE757U LE857U C7500U 4 6 5 Removing of R C OPC Unit ICON Unit Wi Fi Unit BLUETOOTH Unit 1 Detach the R C OPC Unit 2 Disconnect the RA wire 3 Detach the ICON Unit 4 Disconnect the CI wire 䎩䏕䏒䏑䏗䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃䎤䏖䏖䏃䏜 䎬䎦䎲䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎵䎒䎦䎃䎲䎳䎦䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎾䎦䎬䏀 䎾䎵䎤䏀 䎔 䎕 ...

Page 23: ...tand Unit and Rear Cabinet Ass y 1 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 2 Remove the 1 lock screw and detach the AC Cord Cover 3 Disconnect AC wire and detach the AC Cord 4 Remove the 9 lock screws and 21 lock screws and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 䎾䎤䎦䏀 䎕 䎜 䎛 䎵䏈䏄䏕䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃 䎤䏖䏖䎊䏜 䎶䏗䏄䏑䏇䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎔 䎚 䎘 䎤䎦䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇 䎖 䎗 䎤䎦䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇䎃䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕 ...

Page 24: ...lace Push Push Push Push Push Push Push Push CAUTION Set it so that there may not be a clearance between Front Cabinet Ass y and Rear Cabinet Ass y There is a gap without the fingernail fitting in completely only when covering with Rear Cabinet Ass y The fingernail is surely fixed when Rear cabinet Ass y is firmly pushed and the gap disappears 19 places ...

Page 25: ...utton 8 Remove the 6 Hooks and detach the Bottom Cover L Bottom Cover R 9 Remove the 1 Screw and detach the Wi Fi Holder 10 Detach the Wi Fi Unit from Wi Fi Holder 11 Disconnect the UB wire 12 Detach the BLUETOOTH Unit from Bottom Cover R LC 70LE657U Only 13 Disconnect the BT wire LC 70LE657U Only LA PD PD LV PL LW UB 䎾䎶䎳䏀 䎾䎮䎰䏀 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎃䎋䎵䎌 䎶䏓䏈䏄䏎䏈䏕䎃䎋䎯䎌 䎥䏒䏗䏗䏒䏐 䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕䎐䎯 䎥䏒䏗䏗䏒䏐 䎦䏒䏙䏈䏕䎐䎵 䎔䎓 䎜 䎖 䎕 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑...

Page 26: ... for LC 70LE657U 2 Disconnect the following connectors from the MAIN Unit PD LV RC UB for LC 70LE650U C6500U 3 Disconnect the following connectors from the POWER LED DRIVER Unit PD LA 4 Disconnect the following connectors from the LCD CONTROL Unit LV PL LA PD PD LV PL LW UB 䎾䎳䎧䏀 䎾䎯䎤䏀 䎯䎦䎧䎃䎦䎲䎱䎷䎵䎲䎯䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵䎒䎯䎨䎧䎃䎧䎵䎬䎹䎨䎵䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎰䎤䎬䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎾䎳䎯䏀 䎾䎯䎹䏀 UB RC IR BT LV PD ...

Page 27: ...detach the POWER LED DRIVER Unit 4 Remove the 2 lock screws and detach the Terminal Side 5 Remove the 6 lock screws and detach the MAIN Unit and Terminal Bottom 6 Remove the 12 lock screws and detach the 2 Stand Fix Angle 7 Remove the 16 lock screws and detach the 4 VESA Angle Ass y 䎔䎚 䎔䎚 䎔䎚 䎔䎚 䎔䎛 䎜 䎛 䎘 䎗 䎔䎘 䎔䎘 䎔䎘 䎔䎘 䎔䎘 䎔䎘 䎔䎙 䎕 䎶䏗䏄䏑䏇䎃䎩䏌䏛䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈 䎯䎦䎧䎃䎦䎲䎱䎷䎵䎲䎯䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎦䏒䏑䏑䏈䏗䏌䏑䏊䎃䎦䏒䏕䏇 䎹䎨䎶䎤䎃䎤䏑䏊䏏䏈䎃䎤䏖䏖䏃䏜 䎳䎲䎺䎨䎵...

Page 28: ... LE757U LE857U C7500U 4 12 5 Removing of R C OPC Unit ICON Unit Wi Fi Unit BLUETOOTH Unit 1 Detach the R C OPC Unit 2 Disconnect the RA wire 3 Detach the ICON Unit 4 Disconnect the CI wire 䎩䏕䏒䏑䏗䎃䎦䏄䏅䏌䏑䏈䏗䎃䎤䏖䏖䏃䏜 䎬䎦䎲䎱䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎵䎒䎦䎃䎲䎳䎦䎃䎸䏑䏌䏗 䎾䎦䎬䏀 䎾䎵䎤䏀 䎔 䎕 ...

Page 29: ...PAZD031WJKZ MAIN CPU COOLER 20 20 7T 20 20 7T Stick standard Punch mark 30mm from center of screw hole 20mm from center of screw hole First please put PSPAZC805WJKZ along the standard point next please put PSPAZC854WJKZ on the center of PSPAZC805WJKZ Don t protrude from edge of PSPAZC805WJKZ Side View of MAIN CPU COOLER 2 Stick PSPAZC805WJKZ MAIN CPU COOLER 25x25x8mm 3 Stick PSPAZC854WJKZ MAIN CPU...

Page 30: ...ion parts conductive nonwoven fabric gaskets must be seen from the access holes Countermeasure Attach the conductive nonwoven fabric gaskets on the shielded case on the main PWB LC 60LE650U C6500U LE657U Back side Stick a conductor seat in the projection part 1 Prepare LANGKD145WJFW TERMINAL SIDE 2 Stick PSPAZC690WJZZ CONDUCTR 8x255 Positioning Positioning Back side Stick a conductor seat in the p...

Page 31: ... not stick it on protruding portion Stick it so that CONDUCTR does not become the wrinkle positioning Stick it so that CONDUCTR does not become the wrinkle 1 Prepare LANGKD876WJ3W BOTTOM Caution Base line Protruding portion of TERMINAL ANG Stick it on the inside of the protruding portion Do not stick it on protruding portion Sti k it th t CONDUCTR d t b th i kl 2 Stick PSPAZC691WJZZ COND 10X185 po...

Page 32: ...E857U C7500U 4 16 The following is a drawing mounting the main PWB Ass y on the backlight chassis The parts indicated by are the access holes for confirmation Main PWB Ass y State where the shielded case and RF terminal angle are mounted on the main PWB ...

Page 33: ...lock screws detach the Stand Safety Cover Ass y LC 60LE755U 757U C7500U 2 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 3 Remove the 1 lock screw and detach the AC Cord Cover 4 Disconnect AC Wire and detach the AC Cord 5 Remove the 23 lock screws 5 lock screws and the 4 Hooks and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 ԙStand Unit Stand Safety...

Page 34: ...ting the Rear Cabinet in place fit the hooks securely then tighten the screws Work method of Rear Cabinet fixation Front Cabinet Ass y Rear Cabinet fingernail fixation place Rear Cabinet Mat parts Front Cabinet Ass y Luster parts There is a gap without the fingernail fitting in completely only when covering with Rear Cabinet It becomes the factor of a gap increase of Front Cabinet Ass y Rear Cabin...

Page 35: ...d the 4 Hooks and detach the Bottom Cover 2 Detach the Speaker L Speaker R 3 Detach the KEY Unit Ass y 4 Remove the 2 Hooks and detach the Key Button from the Key Button Cover 5 Disconnect the KM wire 6 Detach the KEY Unit from Key Button QQM QQM SP Ԙ Ԛ Speaker L ԛ Speaker R ԙ Bottom Cover Ԝ 7PKV UU ԝ G WVVQP ԟ G WVVQP QXGT 㨇 Ԟ 7PKV QQM ...

Page 36: ...T 7 Detach the BLUETOOTH Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 8 Disconnect the following connector from ICON Unit CI 9 Detach the ICON Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 10 Disconnect the following connector from R C OPC Unit RA 11 Detach the R C OPC Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 12 Disconnect the following connector from WiFi Unit UB 13 Detach the WiFi Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 14 Remove the 8 lo...

Page 37: ...the 8 lock screws and detach the Terminal Angle Side Ass y and Terminal Angle Bottom Ass y 5 Remove the MAIN Unit 6 Remove the 6 lock screws and detach the POWER DRIVE Unit 7 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the 4 VESA Angle Ass y 8 Remove the 8 lock screws and detach the 2 Stand Angles 12 12 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ԙFrame Ass y ԚFerrite Core ԛFFC80P ԜFFC64P ԞLCD CONTROL Unit ԠTer...

Page 38: ... the 2 lock screws and detach the Stand Safety Cover Ass y LC 70LE757U 755U C7500U 2 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the Stand Unit 3 Remove the 1 lock screw and detach the AC Cord Cover 4 Disconnect AC Wire and detach the AC Cord 5 Remove the 28 lock screws 5 lock screws and detach the Rear Cabinet Ass y 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 ԙStand Unit ԡStand Safe...

Page 39: ...7U C7500U 4 23 Precautions for assembly Front Cabinet Ass y Rear Cabinet Ass y fingernail fixation place Push Push Push Push Push Push Push Push CAUTION Set it so that there may not be a clearance between Front Cabinet Ass y and Rear Cabinet Ass y 19 places ...

Page 40: ...crew and the 4 Hooks and detach the Bottom Cover 2 Detach the Speaker L Speaker R 3 Detach the KEY Unit Ass y 4 Remove the 2 Hooks and detach the Key Button from the Key Button Cover 5 Disconnect the KM wire 6 Detach the KEY Unit from Key Button Hook Hook Ԙ ԙBottom Cover Ԛ Speaker L ԛ Speaker R Ԝ 7PKV UU ԝ G WVVQP ԟ G WVVQP QXGT 㨇 Ԟ 7PKV SP QQM ...

Page 41: ...nit BT 7 Detach the BLUETOOTH Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 8 Disconnect the following connector from ICON Unit CI 9 Detach the ICON Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 10 Disconnect the following connector from R C OPC Unit RA 11 Detach the R C OPC Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 12 Disconnect the following connector from WiFi Unit UB 13 Detach the WiFi Unit from the Front Cover Ass y 14 Remove the...

Page 42: screws and detach the Terminal Angle Side Ass y and the Terminal Angle Bottom Ass y 5 Detach the MAIN Unit 6 Remove the 6 lock screws and detach the POWER DRIVE Unit 7 Remove the 4 lock screws and detach the 4 VESA Angle Ass y 8 Remove the 8 lock screws and detach the 2 Stand Angles ԞLCD CONTROL Unit ԚFerrite Core ԛFFC80P Ԧ8 5 PING UU Ԧ8 5 PING UU Ԧ8 5 PING UU Ԩ5VCPF PING Ԩ5VCPF PING ԠTerminal ...

Page 43: ...ting on the heat measure sheet LC 60 70LE755U 757U LE857U C7500U 1 MAIN PWB Unit LC 60LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U LC 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 Stick x2 PSPAZD031WJKZ COOLER 20X20X7t BL chassis Under the Main unit BL chassis Under the TCON unit 1 Stick PSPAZD031WJKZ x2 COOLER 20X20X7t ...

Page 44: ...t peeled and twisted from the access holes The EMI prevention parts conductive nonwoven fabric gaskets must be seen from the access holes Countermeasure Attach the conductive nonwoven fabric gaskets on the shielded case on the main PWB LC 60LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 Stick PSPAZC691WJZZ CONDUCTR 8x180 3 Stick HDECPA091WJZZ DEC SHEET BTM 1 Prepare LANGKD146WJFW TERM ANG BOTTOM 1 Prepare LANGKD14...

Page 45: ...7U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 4 29 LC 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 4 Prepare LANGKD145WJFW SIDETERMINALANG 5 Stick PSPAZC690WJZZ CONDUCTR 8x255 1 Prepare LANGKD146WJFW TERM ANGWIDTH 2 Stick PSPAZC691WJZZ CONDUCTR 8x180 ...

Page 46: ...E857U C7500U 4 30 The following is a drawing mounting the main PWB Ass y on the backlight chassis The parts indicated by are the access holes for confirmation Main PWB Ass y State where the shielded case and RF terminal angle are mounted on the main PWB ...

Page 47: ... microprocessor software please use a software version after OKLAMxxx SMB The main software monitor microprocessor software can be upgraded by using a general purpose USB Memory The followings are the procedures for upgrading explained separately for the main software monitor microprocessor software 2 2 Main software version upgrade 2 2 1 Get ready before you start USB Memory of 128MB or higher ca...

Page 48: ...n this screen The version information appears after the upgrade is complete 8 Unplug the AC cord and remove the USB Memory for version upgrade 9 Now the software version upgrade is complete NOTE When you are done with the software version upgrade start the set go to the top page of the adjustment process screen and check the main software version information MAIN SUB MICOM PANEL EEPROM MAIN Versio...

Page 49: ...en will be shown during a minor upgrade 6 If the upgrade fails power led will stop blinking Also the upgrade failure screen will be shown if upgrade screen was shown at 5 NOTE In the event of a transient failure upgrade will be automatically retried up to three times If the process repeatedly fails hardware may be the cause 7 The upgrade success screen will be shown if upgrade screen was shown at ...

Page 50: ...ter the adjustment process mode If the settings are tampered in this mode unrecoverable system damage may result 4 Remote controller key operation and description of display in adjustment process mode 1 Key operation Input mode is switched automatically when relevant adjustment is started so far as the necessary input signal is available 2 Description of display Remote controller key Main unit key...

Page 51: ...dinate setting for VIC READ 10 VIC YPOS Y coordinate setting for VIC READ 11 VIC COLOR Collected color data setting for VIC READ 12 VIC SIGNAL TYPE Signal type setting for VIC READ 13 VIC READ Picture level acquisition function Level appears in green on the upper right 3 1 N358 ALL ADJ INPUT2 CVBS and TUNER signal level adjustment 2 N358 MAIN ADJ INPUT2 CVBS signal level adjustment 3 TUNER DAC ADJ...

Page 52: ...ustment value 7 MG3R WB adjustment Point 3 R adjustment value 8 MG3G WB adjustment Point 3 G adjustment value 9 MG3B WB adjustment Point 3 B adjustment value 11 1 MG4R WB adjustment Point 4 R adjustment value Parameter for six point adjustment 2 MG4G WB adjustment Point 4 G adjustment value 3 MG4B WB adjustment Point 4 B adjustment value 4 MG5R WB adjustment Point 5 R adjustment value 5 MG5G WB ad...



Page 55: ...ial Setup Reset 50 E_TCNF_S T CON FPGA status error 54 E_TCON_E T CON hung up Monitor ERR STBY table Outline Communication Power failure detected by the monitor microprocessor is stored in EEPROM and last 4 abnormal can be confirmed in the Process mode A Location Page 1 of the process mode A MONITOR ERR CAUSE 0 if there is no error It is cleared to 0 on the last page of the process mode A Display ...

Page 56: ...SC3101 TL3114 TL3128 2 Using the checker connect the USB memory to the J9502 TL9524 9527 3 Apply the specified voltage to the PWB and boot it up with the tool connected 4 Send the software writing start command via RS232C 5 Send the writing status check command and confirm the response of OK Then turn off the power CAUTION When the USB memory is not inserted or reading error occurs nothing is writ...

Page 57: ... p 0 02Vp p Pedestal to white PB PR level 0 7Vp p 0 02Vp p Analog RGB RGB level 0 7Vp p 0 02Vp p Pedestal to white Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure Process mode Enter the process adjustment mode using the process adjustment remote control Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Setting N358 signal US 10ch Send the N358 color bar color saturation 75 ...

Page 58: ...stment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Setting Signal XGA 1024x768 60Hz SYNC HV separate Send the 100 color bar signal to the PC input 2 Automatic adjustment exe cution Point the cursor to ANALOG RGB ADJ and press the Enter key The adjustment is complete when ANALOG RGB ADJ OK is displayed Adjustment point Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure 1 Setting NTSC RF signal US 7 ...

Page 59: ...3 to the specified gradation set the G correction value 480 x G value of point 6 928 fractions rounded off and adjust the RB so that it becomes the standard value 6 Set the point 2 to the specified gradation set the G correction value 236 x G value of point 6 928 fractions rounded off and adjust the RB so that it becomes the standard value 7 Set the point 1 to the specified gradation set the G cor...

Page 60: ...wer after completing the factory setting If the power is turned on configure the factory setting again 12 Software version 1 Main microprocessor OKLA_LE857_xxx USB OKLA_LE857_xxx DAT OKLA_LE857_xxx_CHK USB OKLA_LE857_xxxxxxxx PCC 2 Monitor microprocessor OKLAMxxx SMB 3 T CON ROM CLOVER_CMB_2012100942554406_37BA603 ROM 13 Writing the inch and model name onto EEPROM LE650U C6500U LE657U 1 Enter the ...

Page 61: to the normal mode 2 How to exit Public Mode There are the following ways to quit the public mode setup screen Turn off PUBLIC MODE in the adjustment process mode This way alone is not for quitting the setup screen but for quitting the mode itself Turn off the power with the POWER key Select EXECUTE PUBLIC MODE stays on in the adjustment process mode The settings will be back to the factory one...


Page 63: ...C code of TV with pushing the INPUT and Vol keys which are on the tact key 3 Enter the passward by using R C The passward is 027 4 Select COPY MODE 5 The follow guide is displayed Then select the TV USB Start 6 Follow guide is displayed when it is finished then select Reset TV will restart 7 Insert the USB which has the data from TV to another TV or itself 8 Insert AC code of the TV with pushing t...

Page 64: ...U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 5 18 10 The following guide is dispalyed Then select the USB TV Start 11 Follow guide is displayed when it is finished then select Reset TV will restart 12 Comfirm the user setting is copied ...

Page 65: ...RL Start up at the level specified for a fixed volume at start Limit in Setting The sound volume for the ON timer Wake up timer is fixed also without display of menu Besides the setting is made impossible Basically the menu is not displayed The following keys become invalid Sound volume Up Down VOL for both remote control and the unit Mute MUTE Exception In the item VOLUME of adjustment process th...

Page 66: ...essage alone cannot be displayed This is because the channel call message may be confused with a message being sent from the hotel On the North America destined models the OSD works the same as at the No setting Limit in Setting Keys falling under any of the following items become invalid Appearance of screen changes and the sound changes Personal functions which are hard to restore Screen display...

Page 67: ...set to Normal Selection Selection between OFF ON TV RCE and ON TV RCD loop provided Default OFF Explanation Function to feed the remote controller received signal to Pin 9 open on the RS232C Limit in Setting None Exception None Remarks None Selection Selection between Variable and Fixed loop provided Default Variable Explanation In case of Fixed setting Menu Picture and Audio setting can t be chan...

Page 68: ...5 22 15 PUBLIC MODE ON OFF Selection Selection between ON and OFF loop provided Default OFF Explanation In case of ON public mode settings are effected Limit in Setting None Exception None Remarks The public mode settings are operable only when this item is set at ON ...

Page 69: ...ilure Flashes once Flashes once Lamp error Power PWB failure Power failure etc Flashes twice Flash once Power supply error 2 2 AC_DET error Flash twice Power supply error 2 2 UR 13V error Flash 3 times Power supply error 2 2 D 3 3V error Flash 5 times Panel power supply error Main PWB failure Communication failure etc Flashes 3 times Flashes once Initial communication error Flashes twice Start up ...

Page 70: ... detection counts the lamp cannot be activated except in the adjustment process mode Accumulated counts are cleared to 0 by the setting in the LAMP ERROR RESET on the adjustment process mode Error type Center icon LED operation Pins are monitor microcomputer pins unless other wise specified PS_ON AC_DET failure Flashes fast once H On L Off AC_DET failure L SM_POW Main 13V failure Flashes fast twic...

Page 71: ...ailure Regular communica tion failure Flashes fast 3 times H On L Off Regular communication that is performed at 1 second intervals in the normal operation is interrupted Main CPU operation failure or monitor microcom puter reception failure Other communica tion failure Flashes fast 5 times H On L Off When a request PM_REQ H is sent from the main microcomputer the request command is not output fro...

Page 72: ...e panel can be replaced Replace all LED bars in the panel module When the parts in the panel cannot be replaced Replace panel module If it is not an error of power supply LED driver It is start up in the lamp error disregard mode Do you start NO When power supply unit is replaced does it start normally YES NO Replace power supply unit When main unit is replaced does it start normally YES NO Replac...

Page 73: ...ble Shooting Panel Module When C S FPC is replaced does screen display normally NO YES Replace C S FPC When C PWB is replaced does screen display normally NO YES Replace C PWB Adjust VCOM ADJ after replace C PWB Replace Panel HIRAKI Adjust VCOM ADJ after replace Panel HIRAKI ...

Page 74: ...r C PWB NO Please enter the adjustment process mode and display LCD TEST PATTERN of 18 page Please press volume keys and a test pattern is displayed Is it all usually displayed YES It isn t the fault of a C PWB Please check operation with reference to other items NO Is only the half of the right screen or the left screen displayed normally YES It is checked whether FFC to Panel is connected correc...

Page 75: ... 57 YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1501 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 26 27 CLK pin 28 29 D0 pin 30 31 D1 pin 31 33 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C l...

Page 76: ...n 72 YES Are there the TMDS signals at input pin of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1502 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 17 18 CLK pin 19 20 D0 pin 21 22 D1 pin 23 24 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C ...

Page 77: ... 53 YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1503 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 8 9 CLK pin 10 11 D0 pin 12 13 D1 pin 14 15 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C lin...

Page 78: ... pin 48 YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1504 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 99 100 CLK pin 1 2 D0 pin 3 4 D1 pin 5 6 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C li...

Page 79: signal inputs at pins AU26 AP25 Y AR26 Pb and AP26 Pr of IC3301 CPU YES NO Check the line between the input terminals of J510 and IC3301 J510 pin 18 Y pin 16 Pb pin 15 Pr IC3301 pin AU26 AP25 pin AR26 pin AP26 Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_HTPDN pin 40 of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connection NO Check the T CON PWB and harness Check IC3301 and SC3801 and their periph er...

Page 80: 4 of input terminal J510 and pin E28 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 4 IC3301 pin E28 Is there the COMPOSITE signal input at pin AR31 of IC3301 CPU Is there the COMPOSITE signal input at pin AR30 of IC3301 CPU YES NO YES NO Check the line between pin 10 of J510 and pin AR31 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 10 IC3301 pin AR31 Check the line between pin 5 of J510 and pin AR30 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 9 IC3301 pin AR...

Page 81: ...AR24 AT24 G AU24 B and AR25 R of IC3301 CPU Are there the VSYNC HSYNC signal inputs at pins AM25 and AN25 of IC3301 YES NO Check the line between SC510 and IC3301 and their peripheral circuits Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_LOCKN pin 40 of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connection NO Check the T CON PWB and harness Check IC3301 and SC3801 and their peripheral circuits in Main PWB ...

Page 82: ...e between IC3301 and TU1104 and their peripheral circuits Check the Tuner I2C lines TU1104 pin 5 TUN_SCL pin 4 TUN_SDA IC3301 pin V35 pin V34 Check the IF AGC line between pin U35 of IC3301 and pin 12 of TU1104 Check the Tuner I2C lines TU1104 pin 5 TUN_SCL pin 4 TUN_SDA IC3301 pin V35 pin V34 Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_LOCKN 40pin of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connec tion...

Page 83: 6 of IC1507 and their peripheral circuits IC1508 IC1509 etc YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pin 1 2 D0 of IC2601 HDMI SW NO Check the TMDS line between SC1504 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC1504 etc YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin ...

Page 84: ...inal J510 to pins AT37 L and AT35 R of IC3301 CPU YES NO YES NO YES NO Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Does the digital audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and th...

Page 85: audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their peripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1902 AMP for L R About the Subwoofer speaker Does the digi...

Page 86: ...LK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their paripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1902 AMP for L R About the Subwoofer speaker Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 28 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1901 AMP for SW YES NO Check ...

Page 87: ...LE on the menu screen YES NO Set the audio output to FIXED Does the digital audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their peripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pi...

Page 88: ...PU YES NO Check the IC3301 and its peripheral circuits Is there the SPDIF signal OPT_OUT input at pin 2 of IC503 SPDIF BUFFER SPDIF MUTE YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC503 Is there the MUTE signal input at pin 1 of IC503 usual High Mute Low YES NO Check the AUDIO_MUTE and their peripheral circuits Q505 etc Is there the SPDIF signal input at pin 1 of D527 OPTICAL OUTPUT YES NO Check the...

Page 89: ...C1702 Line out Amplifier to pins 3 L and 2 R of J504 YES NO Check the line between IC1702 and J504 and their peripheral circuits Check the LINE_MUTE line and its peripheral circuits Q506 Q510 etc Check the connector J504 and their peripheral circuits and speakers and the Cable No connect network Does the signal come to 1pin of LAN jack J9401 see fig 1 fig 2 NO Check the interface device and periph...

Page 90: ... the panel can be replaced Replace all LED bars in the panel module When the parts in the panel cannot be replaced Replace panel module If it is not an error of power supply LED driver It is start up in the lamp error disregard mode Do you start NO When power supply unit is replaced does it start normally YES NO Replace power supply unit When main unit is replaced does it start normally YES NO Rep...

Page 91: ...ble Shooting Panel Module When C S FPC is replaced does screen display normally NO YES Replace C S FPC When C PWB is replaced does screen display normally NO YES Replace C PWB Adjust VCOM ADJ after replace C PWB Replace Panel HIRAKI Adjust VCOM ADJ after replace Panel HIRAKI ...

Page 92: ...ES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1501 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 26 27 CLK pin 28 29 D0 pin 30 31 D1 pin 31 33 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C line b...

Page 93: ...YES Are there the TMDS signals at input pin of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1502 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 17 18 CLK pin 19 20 D0 pin 21 22 D1 pin 23 24 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C line ...

Page 94: ...ES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1503 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 8 9 CLK pin 10 11 D0 pin 12 13 D1 pin 14 15 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C line bet...

Page 95: ... YES Are there the TMDS signal at input pins of IC3301 CPU NO Check the TMDS line between SC1504 and IC2601 and its peripheral circuits IC2601 TMDS input pins pin 99 100 CLK pin 1 2 D0 pin 3 4 D1 pin 5 6 D2 YES Check the TMDS line between IC2601 and IC3301 and its peripheral circuits IC3301 TMDS input pins pin AH35 AH34 CLK pin AG35 AG34 D0 pin AG37 AG36 D1 pin AF35 AF34 D2 Check the I2C line betw...

Page 96: signal inputs at pins AU26 AP25 Y AR26 Pb and AP26 Pr of IC3301 CPU YES NO Check the line between the input terminals of J510 and IC3301 J510 pin 18 Y pin 16 Pb pin 15 Pr IC3301 pin AU26 AP25 pin AR26 pin AP26 Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_LOCKN pin 40 of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connection NO Check the T CON PWB and harness Check IC3301 and SC3801 and their periph er...

Page 97: 4 of input terminal J510 and pin E28 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 4 IC3301 pin E28 Is there the COMPOSITE signal input at pin AR31 of IC3301 CPU Is there the COMPOSITE signal input at pin AR30 of IC3301 CPU YES NO YES NO Check the line between pin 10 of J510 and pin AR31 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 10 IC3301 pin AR31 Check the line between pin 5 of J510 and pin AR30 of IC3301 CPU J510 pin 9 IC3301 pin AR...

Page 98: ...ignal inputs at pins AR24 AT24 G AU24 B and AR25 R of IC3301 CPU Are there the VSYNC HSYNC signal inputs at pins AM25 and AN25 of IC3301 YES NO Check the line between SC510 and IC3301 and their peripheral circuits Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_LOCKN pin 40 of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connection NO Check the T CON PWB and harness Check IC3301 and SC3801 and their peripheral ...

Page 99: ...e between IC3301 and TU1104 and their peripheral circuits Check the Tuner I2C lines TU1104 pin 5 TUN_SCL pin 4 TUN_SDA IC3301 pin V35 pin V34 Check the IF AGC line between pin U35 of IC3301 and pin 12 of TU1104 Check the Tuner I2C lines TU1104 pin 5 TUN_SCL pin 4 TUN_SDA IC3301 pin V35 pin V34 Is the T CON PWB connected VBO_LOCKN 40pin of SC3801 become Low if there is no problem in the connec tion...

Page 100: ...inal J510 to pins AT37 L and AT35 R of IC3301 CPU YES NO YES NO YES NO Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Check the line between J510 and IC3301 Does the digital audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and th...

Page 101: ...l audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their peripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1902 AMP for L R About the Subwoofer speaker Does the digit...

Page 102: ...LK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their paripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1902 AMP for L R About the Subwoofer speaker Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 28 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6 of IC1901 AMP for SW YES NO Check ...

Page 103: ... menu screen YES NO Set the audio output to FIXED Does the digital audio signal come from pins AR11 AP11 AN9 CPU_AOBCK AOLRCK AOSDATA0 of IC3301 CPU to pins 6 7 5 SP_BCLK SP_LRCLK SP_DATA of IC1703 Audio DSP YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC1703 and their peripheral circuits About the L R Speakers Does the digital audio signal come from pins 30 21 26 27 of IC1703 Audio DSP to pin 5 7 8 6...

Page 104: ...CPU YES NO Check the IC3301 and its peripheral circuits Is there the SPDIF signal OPT_OUT input at pin 2 of IC503 SPDIF BUFFER SPDIF MUTE YES NO Check the line between IC3301 and IC503 Is there the MUTE signal input at pin 1 of IC503 usual High Mute Low YES NO Check the AUDIO_MUTE and their peripheral circuits Q505 etc Is there the SPDIF signal input at pin 1 of D527 OPTICAL OUTPUT YES NO Check th...

Page 105: ...C1702 Line out Amplifier to pins 3 L and 2 R of J504 YES NO Check the line between IC1702 and J504 and their peripheral circuits Check the LINE_MUTE line and its peripheral circuits Q506 Q510 etc Check the connector J504 and their peripheral circuits and speakers and the Cable No connect network Does the signal come to 1pin of LAN jack J9401 see fig 1 fig 2 NO Check the interface device and periph...

Page 106: ...ion video decoder an AC3 audio decoder a four link LVDS transmitter a V by One transmitter and an NTSC PAL SECAM TV decoder with a 3D comb filter NTSC PAL It supports Full HD MPEG1 2 4 H 264 DiviX VC1 RM AVS VP6 VP8 video decoder standards and JPEG Audio support includes a BTSC and a Dolby AC3 MPEG 2 Layer 1 2 audio decoder Two SPDIF output and a pair of analog outputs L R are provided The LSI inc...

Page 107: ...U C7500U 7 2 1 11 IC1702 VHiAK4201EU 1Y This IC is audio amplifier for line out head phone 1 12 IC1703 VHiYSS952QZ 1Y Audio DSP YSS952QZ has digital audio adjustment function for example PEQ bass treble balance bass enhancer etc and adjusts TVs audio quality ...

Page 108: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 7 3 MEMO ...


Page 110: ...00U 8 2 2 OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM LC 60 70LE657U 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LED DRIVER DKEYMF953FM06 ICON QCNW N235WJZZ QCNW M544WJZZ QCNW N238WJZZ QCNW N300WJZZ QCNW M030WJZZ 60 QCNW N236WJZZ 70 QCNW N241WJZZ QCNW N079WJQZ ...

Page 111: ...㪩㪠㪭㪜 㪩㪬㪥㪫㪢㪙㪈㪈㪍㪮㪡㪨㪱 㪋 㪈 䇼㪧㪣䇽 㪈㩷㪉 䇼㪘㪚䇽 㪉㪋 㩷㩷㪈 㪫㪄㪚㪦㪥 㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪝㪐㪍㪈 䌆䌍 㪈㪐 䇼㪢㪤䇽 㩷㩷㩷㩷㪢㪜㪰 㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪝㪏㪇㪇㪝㪤㪌㪊 䇼㪬㪙䇽 㪈 㪉㪋 䇼㪧㪛䇽 㪈 㪍 䇼㪬㪙㩷䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪍 㪮㫀㪝㫀 㪩㪬㪥㪫㪢㪘㪐㪊㪍㪮㪡㪨㪱 䇼㪩㪘䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪌 㪩㪆㪚㩷㪦㪧㪚 㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪞㪇㪈㪌㪝㪤㪇㪊 㪬㪪㪙 㪜㪫㪟㪜㪩 㪥㪜㪫 㪣㪺㪿䋺㪩㪪㪧㪄㪱㪘㪌㪎㪉㪮㪡㪱㪱 㪈 㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㪋 䇼㪣㪭䇽 㪈 㪋㪈 䇼㪣㪈䇽 㪈㪌㵘 㪈 㪬㪪㪙 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 䇼㪪㪙䇽 㪈㩷㩷㪉 㪮㪦㪦㪝㪜㪩 㪩㪪㪧㪄㪱㪘㪌㪎㪌㪮㪡㪱㪱 㪈 㪈 㪈 䇼㪙㪫㩷䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪌 㪙㪣㪬㪜㪫㪦㪦㪫㪟 㪩㪬㪥㪫㪢㪙㪈㪉㪍㪮㪡㪨㪱 䇼㪙㪫䇽 㪈 㪐 䇼㪠㪩䇽 㪈 㪊 QCNW N191WJQZ QCNW N190WJQZ QCNW W300WJ...

Page 112: ...㪫㪢㪙㪈㪈㪏㪮㪡㪨㪱 㪋 㪈 䇼㪧㪣䇽 㪈㩷㪉 䇼㪘㪚䇽 㪉㪋 㩷㩷㪈 㪫㪄㪚㪦㪥 㪎㪇㩹䋺㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪝㪐㪍㪈㪝㪤㪉㪇 䇼㪢㪤䇽 㩷㩷㩷㩷㪢㪜㪰 㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪝㪏㪇㪇㪝㪤㪌㪊 㪈 㪉㪋 䇼㪧㪛䇽 䇼㪬㪙㩷䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪍 㪮㫀㪝㫀 㪩㪬㪥㪫㪢㪘㪐㪊㪍㪮㪡㪨㪱 䇼㪩㪘䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪌 㪩㪆㪚㩷㪦㪧㪚 㪛㪬㪥㪫㪢㪞㪇㪈㪌㪝㪤㪇㪊 㪬㪪㪙 㪜㪫㪟㪜㪩 㪥㪜㪫 㪣㪺㪿䋺㪩㪪㪧㪄㪱㪘㪌㪎㪉㪮㪡㪱㪱 㪈 㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷㪋 䇼㪣㪭䇽 㪈 㪋㪈 䇼㪣㪈䇽 㪈㪌㵘 㪈 㪬㪪㪙 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 㪟㪛㪤㪠 䇼㪪㪙䇽 㪈㩷㩷㪉 㪮㪦㪦㪝㪜㪩 㪩㪪㪧㪄㪱㪘㪌㪎㪌㪮㪡㪱㪱 㪈 㪈 㪈 䇼㪣㪉䇽 㪈㪈㵘 㪈 䇼㪩㪚䇽 㪈 㪈㪌 䇼㪬㪙䇽 㪈 㪍 䇼㪙㪫䇽 㪈 㪐 䇼㪠㪩䇽 㪈 㪊 䇼㪙㪫㩷䇽 㪈㩷㩷㩷㩷㪌 㪙㪣㪬㪜㪫㪦㪦㪫㪟 㪩㪬㪥㪫㪢㪙㪈㪉㪍㪮㪡㪨㪱 QACCDA084WJPZ QCNW N302W...

Page 113: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 8 5 5 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM LC 60 70LE650U C6500U 7500U 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 ...

Page 114: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 8 6 6 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM LC 60 70LE657U LE755U 757U LE857U 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 ...


Page 116: ...Unit LC 70LE650U C6500U LE657U 2 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES LC 60 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U N DKEYMF953FM06 BU N X MAIN Unit N DUNTKF961FM19 N X LCD CONTROL UNIT LC 60LE755U 757U 857U C7500U N DUNTKF961FM20 N X LCD CONTROL UNIT LC 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U N DUNTKF800FM53 AE X KEY Unit N DUNTKG014FM02 AF X ICON Unit LC 60 70LE755U 757U 857U N DUNTKG014FM03 X ICON Unit LC 60 70C7500U N DUNTKG0...

Page 117: ... 15 Wi Fi Unit 40 A C n 40 28 4 26 35 32 41 2 1 5 33 33 41 2 A B B B B D E F h Y h i i k Y Z t n p q r s r ICON Unit 60 LCD Panel Module Unit LCD CONTROL Unit POWER LED DRIVER Unit MAIN Unit C 1 6 1 1 1 36 38 1 2 m 39 16 23 16 25 22 25 22 24 37 9 19 16 12 p q D E F 13 1 5 1 4 20 11 14 14 17 40 3 2 3 1 40 3 2 3 1 3 3 40 3 2 3 1 3 40 3 2 3 1 3 j m 34 34 27 u 12 41 l l 18 8 16 2 5 2 5 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 3...

Page 118: ...le Side 9 LANGKD146WJFW AC X Terminal Angle Bottom 10 LANGKD821WJ3W AF X Stand Fix Angle x2 11 LHLDWA124WJKZ AC J Wire Holder x2 12 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x2 LC 60LE650U C6500U x3 LC 60LE657U 13 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC J Wire Holder 14 LHLDZB951WJKZ AB X Power Spacer x3 15 LHLDZB989WJ3Z AC X Wi Fi Holder 16 LX BZA207WJF7 AA J Screw x20 17 NSFTZA459WJF7 AC J Tray Shaft x6 18 PSPAZC690WJZZ AF J Gas...

Page 119: ...00U A B B B B E F h h c k n n p q p r u G r y p c u 19 9 30 1 6 17 17 1 1 1 1 5 3 3 3 2 3 1 35 37 1 2 23 1 3 j m y 31 33 5 29 34 2 3 40 40 2 17 15 25 17 27 24 27 24 39 26 39 10 20 39 36 17 33 38 39 16 p 1 4 q G E F 14 6 4 2 4 4 1 39 4 2 4 4 1 39 4 2 4 4 1 39 4 1 4 4 1 41 3 21 22 13 12 A 39 2 2 2 1 32 m k j 7 11 8 11 12 ...

Page 120: ...58WJ3A AE X Bottom Cover R 9 LANGKD825WJ3W AG N X Terminal Side 10 LANGKD876WJ3W AG N X Terminal Bottom 11 LANGKD884WJ3W AF N X Stand Fix Angle x2 12 LHLDWA175WJUZ AC J Wire Holder x1 LC 70LE650U C6500U x3 LC 70LE657U 13 LHLDWA176WJUZ AC J Wire Holder 14 LHLDWA289WJKZ AC J Wire Holder 15 LHLDZB951WJKZ AB X Power Spacer x2 16 LHLDZB989WJ3Z AC X Wi Fi Holder 17 LX BZA207WJF7 AA J Screw x20 19 PSPAZC...

Page 121: ... 5 2 5 2 6 A RC RA L CI UB RA D F C E SP G B F D H SB PL LW M J PD L1 PD PL K SB UB BT SP RC LW 48 50 49 48 61 53 55 52 54 51 26 24 23 25 28 56 20 40 34 47 37 38 L1 LA1 LA2 65 69 64 65 64 64 65 65 64 4 3 4 2 57 43 41 30 42 29 8 60 LCD Panel Unit LCD CONTROL Unit MAIN Unit R C OPC Unit Wi Fi Unit ICON Unit KEY Unit POWER DRIVE Unit 2 1 2 4 1 8 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 2 1 3 20 3 3 1 5 3 3 3 2 3 18...

Page 122: ...cting Cord UB 13 QCNW N238WJZZ N X Connecting Cord RC 14 QCNW N300WJZZ N X Connecting Cord BT LC 60LE755U 757U 857U 15 RSP ZA572WJZZ AT J Speaker x2 L R 16 RSP ZA575WJZZ BB J Speaker Woofer 17 TLABNB037WJZZ X Serial Label Back 18 TLABNE225WJZZ N X Serial Label Side 19 XBPS730P10WS0 AA J Screw x2 20 XBPS830P06WS0 AA J Screw x63 21 XEBS830P12000 AA J Screw x12 22 CANGKD790WJ31 X BL Support Angle Ass...

Page 123: ...03 N X Aluminum Frame Ass y Left 63 CWAKMA034WJ03 N X AluminumFrame Ass y Right 64 LANGKD774WJFW AE N J Corner Angle x4 65 LX BZA505WJF8 N X Screw x16 66 TLABZD612WJZZ X License Label 67 TLABZD636WJSA N X 3D Quattron Label 68 RUNTKB075WJZZ BB N X B L LED Unit x4 69 R1JE600D3HD60Z N X 60 LCD PANEL HIRAKI Open Cell UNIT JE600D3HD60Z 6 CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS LC 60LE755U 757U 857U C7500U ...

Page 124: ... 36 19 36 17 71 71 KM RA C1 CI UB RA D F C E SP B F D G J PD LA H SB PL LW L UB BT RC SP LW PD PL SB K A KEY Unit LCD CONTROL Unit MAIN Unit ICON Unit R C OPC Unit Wi Fi Unit POWER DRIVE Unit 4 1 4 4 3 4 2 40 41 42 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 5 5 20 1 2 1 3 1 1 19 8 53 24 25 74 62 73 64 61 63 65 66 60 22 23 27 26 19 29 45 44 31 39 50 46 47 46 30 67 L2 L1 70 LCD Panel Unit 52 54 55 57 56 57 56 56 57 57 56 7 58 5...

Page 125: ...r Woofer 17 TLABNB037WJZZ X Serial Label Back 18 TLABNE225WJZZ N X Serial Label Side 19 XBPS830P06WS0 AA J Screw x69 20 XEBS830P12000 AA J Screw x12 21 CANGKD762WJ31 N X BL Support Angle Ass y Bottom 22 CHLDZB969WJ31 N X P Chassis Unit Top L 23 CHLDZB970WJ31 N X P Chassis Unit Top R 24 CHLDZB971WJ31 N X P Chassis Unit BottoM L 25 CHLDZB972WJ31 N X P Chassis Unit Bottom R 26 CHLDZB973WJ31 N X P Cha...

Page 126: ...P S G L 66 QCNW N119WJQZ AH N J FFC30P S G R 67 TLABN2229TPZZ AA J Module Label 68 TLABN3860TPZZ X BL Label 69 XBPS830P06WS0 AA J Screw x10 70 XBPS830P08000 AA J Screw x28 71 XBSS730P06000 AA J Screw x2 72 RUNTKB077WJZZ N X B L LED Unit x6 73 R1JE695D3HB10Z N X 70 LCD PANEL HIKARI Open Cell UNIT JE695D3HB10Z 74 PTPEZA321WJZZ X Sheet 7 CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS LC 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U ...

Page 127: ...NG PARTS LC 60LE650U 657U C6500U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM Remote control unit X9 AA A A A A A size battery X10 y Operation manual X6 3D Glasses Manual X7 Enquete Card X4 Connection Guide X8 Extend Warranty X5 S X Ass y S4 S4 S4 S2 S1 S5 S5 S5 X3 X10 X9 X2 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 S6 S7 3D Glasses X11 X1 S5 X11 ...

Page 128: ...nnection Guide X9 RRMCGB004WJSA AN X Remote Control LC 60LE650U C6500U X9 RRMCGB005WJSA AP X Remote Control LC 60LE657U X10 Not Available AAA size battery x2 X11 KOPTLA006WJQZ BE X 3D Glasses x2 S1 SPAKCH063WJZZ Paccking Case Bottom NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH077WJZZ N Paccking Case LC 60LE650U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH149WJZZ N Paccking Case LC 60LE657U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH178WJ...

Page 129: ...ARTS LC 70LE650U 657U C6500U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM FRONT S4 S4 S2 S1 S5 S5 S5 X3 X10 X9 X2 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 S6 S7 S4 S5 Remote control unit X9 AA A A A A A size battery X10 s y Operation manual X6 3D Glasses Manual X7 Enquete Card X4 Connection Guide X8 Extend Warranty X5 X Ass y 3D Glasses X11 X11 X1 S5 ...

Page 130: ...onnection Guide X9 RRMCGB004WJSA AN X Remote Control LC 70LE650U C6500U X9 RRMCGB005WJSA AP X Remote Control LC 70LE657U X10 Not Available AAA size battery x2 X11 KOPTLA006WJQZ BE X 3D Glasses S1 SPAKCH065WJZZ Paccking Case Bottom NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH078WJZZ N Paccking Case LC 70LE650U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH150WJZZ N Paccking Case LC 70LE657U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH177WJZZ...

Page 131: ...4 S4 S4 S5 S5 S5 S7 Remote control unit X6 AAA size battery X12 Stand Screw Ass y X4 Operation manual X9 3D Glasses Manual X10 Enquete Card X7 Connection Guide X11 Extend Warranty X8 Stand Base Ass y X1 Support Ass y X2 Stand Screw Ass y X4 Stand Base Ass y X1 Support Ass y X2 3D Glasses X5 L LC C 6 60 0L LE E7 75 55 5U U 7 75 57 7U U C C7 75 50 00 0U U LC 60LE755U 757U C7500U L LC C 6 60 0 7 70 0...

Page 132: ...0 TiNS F777WJZZ N X 3D Glasses Manual LC 60LE755U 757U 857U X11 TMAN A050WJZZ N X Connection Guide X12 Not Available X AAA size Battery x2 S1 SPAKCH103WJZZ N Packing Case Bottom LC 60LE755U 757U C7500U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S1 SPAKCH109WJZZ N Packing Case Bottom LC 60LE857U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH102WJZZ N Packing Case LC 60LE757U NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM S2 SPAKCH108WJZZ N Packing Case LC 60LE8...

Page 133: ...5 S6 S6 S6 S7 S7 S7 S7 S7 S9 Remote control unit X6 AAA size battery X12 Stand Screw Ass y X4 Operation manual X9 3D Glasses Manual X10 Enquete Card X7 Connection Guide X11 Extend Warranty X8 Stand Base Ass y X1 Support Ass y X2 Stand Screw Ass y X4 Stand Base Ass y X1 Support Ass y X2 3D Glasses X5 L LC C 6 60 0L LE E7 75 55 5U U 7 75 57 7U U C C7 75 50 00 0U U LC 70LE755U 757U C7500U L LC C 6 60...


Page 135: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U ...

Page 136: ... this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any from or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher SHARP CORPORATION Digital Information Appliance Group CS Promotion Center Yaita Tochigi 329 2193 Japan Jan 2013 YK DS ...


Page 138: case of IC3103 or IC3104 failure 2 Replace LCD CONTROL Unit DUNTKF975FM20 in case of IC5803 failure Model Name Unit Name Description LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U DKEYMF953FM06 MAIN Unit LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U DUNTKF975FM20 LCD CONTROL Unit LC 60LE755U 757U 857U C7500U DUNTKF961FM19 LCD CONTROL Unit LC 70LE755U 757U 857U C7500U DUNTKF961FM20 LCD CONTROL Unit...

Page 139: ...6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 1 LC 60LE650U Service Manual CHAPTER 1 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES 1 MAIN Unit 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 MAIN Unit Side A ...

Page 140: ...1965 R 1772 R 1773 R1967 R2520 R 1774 C3101 R 2521 R 1969 Q509 R 2522 C3102 R 1776 R 2523 C3103 R1777 R 2524 C3104 R1778 R 2525 R 2526 R 2527 R2528 Q511 L2601 R2529 R 1971 Q512 L2602 Q513 L2603 Q514 L502 R2530 L504 R2531 R2532 C3112 R2533 R2534 R2535 R2536 R 2537 R2538 R 2539 R 2540 FL501 FL502 FL503 R2544 D3101 D3102 D3103 FL508 FL509 R 3102 R3103 IC3101 IC3102 D3302 IC3103 D3304 IC3104 D3305 VA5...

Page 141: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 3 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 MAIN Unit Side B ...

Page 142: ... R 3304 R 3305 D3309 R 3111 C3521 C3522 R 3306 R 3112 R 3113 C3523 R 3307 R 3308 C3330 C3524 R 3114 V A508 R 3309 R 3115 C3525 C3331 V A509 R 3116 C3526 C3332 IC3302 IC3303 C3333 C3527 R 3118 C3334 D3310 C3528 C3335 C3529 D3311 D3312 R 3502 C3336 C1202 R 3503 C3337 D3313 C1203 C3338 R 3310 C1204 V A510 R 3311 C3339 R 3505 V A511 C1205 C1206 R 3506 R 3312 V A512 C1207 R 3313 R 3507 V A513 C1208 D33...

Page 143: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 5 2 LCD CONTROL Unit DUNTKF975FM20 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONTROL Unit Side A ...

Page 144: ... T P5331 R 6215 C 6819 T P5332 T P5333 T P5334 C 6240 T P5335 R 5855 C 6241 R 5856 T P5336 C 6242 T P5337 R 5857 C 6243 T P5338 C 6820 C 6244 T P5339 C 6245 C 6821 C 6246 C 6822 C 6247 C 6248 C 6825 T P5340 R 5861 T P5341 R 6801 T P5342 R 6226 R 6802 T P5343 R 6227 T P5344 R 6228 C 6250 T P5345 R 6229 T P5346 C 6252 C 6253 T P5347 R 5867 T P5348 C 6254 R 5869 T P5349 R 6809 IC6801 C 6255 C 6256 C ...

Page 145: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 7 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONTROL Unit Side B ...

Page 146: ...236 IC6206 C 6813 R 6210 IC6209 C 6816 R 5850 C 6818 R 5851 R 5852 R 6216 R 5853 R 6217 R 5854 R 6218 R 6219 R 5858 R 5859 C 6823 R 6220 C 6824 R 6221 D6801 C 6249 R 6222 R 6223 R 5860 R 6224 C 6828 R 6225 C 6829 R 5862 R 5863 R 6803 R 5864 R 6804 R 5865 R 6805 C 6251 R 5866 R 6806 R 6807R 6808 C 6831 C 6832 C 6833 R 6233 R 6810 R 5871 R 6811 R 6812 R 5873 R 6813 R 6818 R 6819 C 4903 Q4901 Q4902 Q...

Page 147: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 9 3 LCD CONTROL Unit DUNTKF961FM19 20 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONTROL Unit Side A ...

Page 148: ...15 R5852 R6023 C6240 R6024 C6241 C6242 R6026 C6243 C6820 C6244 R5859 C6821 C6245 R6029 C6822 C6246 C6247 C6248 C6825 R5860 R6031 R6801 R5862 R6226 R6032 R6802 R5863 R6227 R6033 C6250 R6228 R6034 R5865 R6229 C6252 R6036 C6253 R6037 R5868 C6254 R6038 R5869 IC6801 R6809 C6255 R6039 C6256 C6257 R6230 C6258 C6835 R6231 C6259 R6232 R6234 R6040 R5871 C6839 R6235 R6041 R5872 R6236 R6042 R6237 R6043 R5874 ...

Page 149: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 1 11 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONTROL Unit Side B ...

Page 150: ...07 FB5368 FB5369 R6015 R6017 R5848 C6811 R5849 IC6206 C6236 C6042 C6813 FB5370 R6210 FB5371 IC6209 C6045 FB5372 C6816 C6046 FB5373 C6047 FB5374 R5850 C6818 R6020 FB5375 R6021 FB5376 R6216 R6022 FB5377 R5853 R6217 FB5378 R5854 R6218 FB5379 R5855 R6219 R6025 R5856 R5857 R6027 R5858 R6028 C6823 FB5380 C6824 R6220 FB5381 D6801 R6221 C6249 FB5382 R6222 FB5383 R6223 FB5384 C6828 R6224 R6030 FB5385 R5861...

Page 151: ...CITOR 1 All capacitors are µF unless otherwise noted P pF µµF 2 All capacitors are 50V unless otherwise noted CAUTION This circuit diagram is original one therefore there may be a slight difference from yours SAFETY NOTES 1 DISCONNECT THE AC PLUG FROM THE AC OUTLET BEFORE REPLACING PARTS 2 SEMICONDUCTOR HEAT SINKS SHOULD BE REGARDED AS POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARDS WHEN THE CHASSIS IS OPERATING IMPORTAN...

Page 152: ... 1 O N 2 G ND 3 N C 4 V in 5 V out S CL 2_TUNE R 004 D 3 3V 010 T UN_IFP 004 R 1101 1K C 1108 10P R 1151 10K S DA2_TUNE R 004 N_T UN_R ST 004 C PU_IF_AG C 004 C 1123 0 047u C1127 10u 16V K ZA510WJ PZ C1110 0 01u 25V C1195 4 7u 10V K ZA761WJ QZ R 1149 0 C 1109 0 047u 10V C1185 0 01u 25V C 1129 10u 16V K ZA510WJ PZ R 1104 10K M 2 3V 010 TU1104 AA083WJ QZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FB1105 0241TA FB11...

Page 153: ... S232C D S UB V ertical type 1 DCD 2 R xD 3 T xD 4 5 6 DSR 7 R TS 8 C TS 9 10 11 C507 1000P R 588 1K R 534 1K D515 E XA697WJ QZ 5 6V F B509 0104TA FB516 0104TA V A522 V XA236WJ R 519 1K R 570 100 R 604 100K F B525 0241TA VA528 V XA236WJ R 578 18 HP_PL UG 004 R 690 0 R 671 1K M3221EIP 1 E N 2 C 1 3 V 4 C 1 5 C 2 6 C 2 7 V 8 R 1_in 9 R 1_out 10 NC 11 T 1_in 12 FO RC EO N 13 T 1_out 14 G ND 15 V cc 1...

Page 154: ...RS VD 64 S BVC C 5 65 R 5P WR 5V V GA 66 C EC _A 67 INT 68 R E S E T _N 69 G PIO_MC ON 70 C SDA 71 C SC L 72 DSDA3 73 DSC L3 74 C BUS_HP D3 75 R 3P WR 5V 76 T PW R_ CI2C A 77 R SV DL 78 R SV DL 79 T VD D12 80 T X2P 81 T X2N 82 T X1P 83 T X1N 84 T X0P 85 T X0N 86 T XC P 87 T XC N 88 V D D 12 89 V D D 33 90 R 0X CN 91 R 0X CP 92 R 0X 0N 93 R 0X 0P 94 R 0X 1N 95 R 0X 1P 96 R 0X 2N 97 R 0X 2P 98 A VD ...

Page 155: ...N 4 5 VO UT 10V K ZA761WJ QZ 4 7u C3302 10V 0 1u C3301 T L3301 G ND_A 0 01u C 3315 F 330 R 3302 0 01u C3314 F 330 R 3301 A192WJ F B3301 10V K ZA761WJ QZ 4 7u C3336 3411A33N 1 Vin G ND 2 3 O N NC 4 Vout 5 G ND_A A192WJ F B3302 10V 0 1u C3351 10V K ZA761WJ QZ 4 7u C3349 10V 0 1u C3346 10 R 3314 10V K ZA761WJ QZ 4 7u C3348 C3339 0 1u C3343 0 1u C3340 0 1u C3344 0 1u C3341 0 1u C3342 0 1u 0 1u C3338 G...

Page 156: ...V SS R 1 V DD T 1 V SS T 2 RE S E T T 3 A13 NC T 7 A14 NC T 8 A8 T 9 V SS R 9 V DD P 9 V SS N9 V DD M9 V SS L 9 NC K 9 C KE J 9 NC H9 VDDQ G 9 VS S Q F 9 VS S Q E 9 VDDQ D9 V DD C 9 VDDQ B 9 VS S Q A9 V SS A8 V DDQ A7 DQU4 A3 DQU7 A2 DQU5 B 2 V DD C 2 DQU3 D2 VDDQ E 2 VS S Q F 2 DQL 2 G 2 DQL 6 H2 VDDQ J 2 V SS K 2 V DD L 2 CS M2 B A0 N2 A3 P 2 A5 R 2 A7 R 3 A9 R 7 A11 R 8 A6 P 8 A4 N8 B A1 M8 V R...

Page 157: ... NAND_CE 1 004 NAND_D2 004 C 3106 0 1u R 3101 4 7K NAND_D1 004 NAND_D3 004 IXD584WJ QZ F LASH 2Gbit 1 NC 2 NC 3 NC 4 NC 5 NC 6 NC 7 R B 8 R E 9 C E 10 NC 11 NC 12 V CC 13 V SS 14 NC 15 NC 16 C LE 17 ALE 18 W E 19 W P 20 NC 21 NC 22 NC 23 NC 24 NC 25 NC 26 NC 27 NC 28 NC 29 I O 0 30 I O 1 31 I O 2 32 I O 3 33 NC 34 NC 35 NC 36 V SS 37 V CC 38 NC P RE 39 NC 40 NC 41 I O 4 42 I O 5 43 I O 6 44 I O 7 ...

Page 158: ... T OU CH _R EQ 38 I2C _S DA 39 W AK EU P 40 I2C _S CL 41 W _P RO T_ M 42 P M_ R E Q 43 R XD _ CP U 44 T XD _ CP U 45 C EC _O 46 R C 47 C EC _I 48 R F_ WAKE _U P 49 K EY 1 50 K EY 2 51 Q ST EMP 52 O PC 53 AFT NC 54 ANT _P OW 55 L NB _S HO RT 56 L NB _C NT NC 57 R F_KE Y1 58 R F_KE Y2 59 DET _J IG 60 CD_SE NS E 61 E E P_INT NC 62 L R_PULS E 63 L R_RE F 64 P OW _S W HDMI_CE C_UC OM 003 R 2065 100 C20...

Page 159: ...3808 0 1u T P3801 L VDS_SE L F B3829 0241TA V BO _T XA 004 C3806 0 1u V BO _T XB 004 T P3802 F RAME F B3801 A206WJ R 3809 10K F B3807 0241TA C3818 100P CH F B3834 A206WJ B L_SC L1 004 F B3817 A206WJ R 3816 0 F B3814 0241TA C3813 100P CH C3815 100P CH F B3802 A206WJ F B3816 0241TA F B3809 0241TA R 3807 0 C3822 100P CH F B3818 A206WJ F B3819 0241TA F B3805 A206WJ F B3811 0241TA F B3806 A192WJ C3816 ...

Page 160: ...13 X OUT 14 IOVDD 15 S CL 16 S DA 17 O PE N 18 DVS S 19 IRQ _N 20 DVDD18 21 G PIO11 22 T ES Tb 23 DVS S 24 O PE N 25 DVS S 26 G PIO10 27 G PIO9 28 G PIO8 29 IOVDD 30 G PIO7 31 DVDD18 32 G PIO6 DVS S C 1910 10u 25V K ZA838WJ QZ UR 13V 010 C1919 0 22u 25V K ZA709WJ QZ C1930 1u 25V K ZA621WJ QZ C1725 0 1u R 1956 100K FB1915 A371WJ QZ C1904 10u 25V K ZA838WJ QZ C1727 1u 10V R 1901 0 D 3 3V 010 R 1741 ...

Page 161: ...633 0 1u 25V K ZA806WJ QZ R 9607 10K R 9605 10K F C9615 22u 6 3V K ZA214WJ C9602 4700P C ZB 25V R 9612 10 C9614 22u 6 3V K ZA214WJ C9609 10u 25V K ZA838WJ QZ C9610 0 1u 25V K ZA806WJ QZ R 9603 2 2K T PS54429 1 V o 2 V ref 3 V RE G5 4 S S 5 G ND 6 P G 7 E N 8 P GND 9 P GND 10 S W 11 S W 12 V BS T 13 V in 14 V cc P GND C9601 1u 10V K ZA520WJ QZ R 9604 10K F R 9601 10K F 1 4uH L9602 P A754WJ QZ U 5V ...

Page 162: ...504 F A294WJ 1 2 3 4 T L9525 T L9504 F B9511 A192WJ T L9526 R 9502 47K T L9524 C9502 10u 16V K ZA510WJ PZ USB_D0N 004 T L9503 B D2246G 1 IN 2 G ND 3 E N 4 F LG B 5 O UT P S2553DB 1 V in 2 G ND 3 E N 4 F AULT B 5 ILIM 6 V out R 9505 39K J R 9506 27K C9504 0 1u C ZB 10V C9503 0 1u C ZB 10V FB9501 0241TA ANO THER _W AK EUP 007 R 9410 10K R 9411 10K R 9409 10K R 9420 0 R 9421 0 R 9416 0 R 9417 0 R 942...

Page 163: ...C ON 007 S CL _C ON 007 R 4817 4 7K C Z P4804 NA905WJ 1 V CC 2 V CC 3 G ND 4 G ND T P4816 T P4815 T L4801 T L4802 T L4803 T L4804 T P4871 T P4870 T P4872 T P4873 I2C _R EADY 002 R4803 10K C Y R4830 10K C Y R4807 10K C Y R4825 10K C Y T L4807 T L4808 T L4805 T L4806 S C4801 W B098WJ QZ 1 G ND 2 HTP DN 3 L OC KN 4 G ND 5 R XA 6 R XA 7 G ND 8 G ND 9 R XB 10 R XB 11 G ND 12 G ND 13 R XC 14 R XC 15 G N...

Page 164: ... _2N 003 F RC _C _4N 003 F RC _C _C LK N 003 F RC _C _0N 003 F RC _C _3P 003 F RC_D_4P 003 F RC_D_3N 003 F RC_D_0P 003 F RC_D_1N 003 F RC_D_1P 003 F RC_D_CL KP 003 F RC_D_2P 003 F RC_D_2N 003 F RC_D_4N 003 F RC_D_CL KN 003 F RC_D_0N 003 F RC_D_3P 003 C4910 0 1u C4908 0 1u C4909 0 1u C4913 0 1u C4912 0 1u C4907 0 1u C4914 0 1u C4911 0 1u R XD 001 R XB 001 R XA 001 R XD 001 R XB 001 R XC 001 R XC 00...

Page 165: ... 002 F RC _A_C LK N 002 F RC _B _0P 002 F RC _B _0N 002 F RC _B _C LK P 002 F RC _B _3N 002 F RC _B _4N 002 F RC _B _1P 002 F RC _B _2P 002 F RC _B _C LK N 002 F RC _B _1N 002 F RC _B _2N 002 F RC _B _3P 002 F RC _B _4P 002 F RC _C _0P 002 F RC _C _0N 002 F RC _C _C LK P 002 F RC _C _3N 002 F RC _C _4N 002 F RC _C _1P 002 F RC _C _2P 002 F RC _C _C LK N 002 F RC _C _1N 002 F RC _C _2N 002 F RC _C ...

Page 166: ...003 L R_IN 001 L R_OUT 001 O FL 001 P WM1 001 P WM2 001 C S_ENAB LE 006 TP5111 TP5112 TP5113 TP5114 TP5115 TP5116 TP5117 TP5118 TP5119 TP5120 TP5109 TP5110 TL5104 TL5105 TL5106 TL5103 TL5102 TL5101 TL5107 TL5108 TL5109 TL5110 TL5111 TL5112 TL5113 TL5114 TL5115 TL5116 F S_OUT 007 F S_OUT 007 T O POWE R 005 LCMXO2 1200HC 4TG100CR 1 T O CLOV ER 003 T O VbyOne_C onn 001 T O CLOV ER 003 T O CS 006 T O ...

Page 167: ...6236 0 J NC C Y C 6231 330P C CY 50V NC C6248 0 1u C YB 25V C6252 0 1u C YB 25V C6212 10u 25V KZA805WJQZ ᫎKZA213 Ⓝ ᫎ C6256 0 1u C YB 25V R 6258 100K C Z B U4229G 1 V out 2 V DD 3 G ND 4 NC 5 C t R 6242 100K C Z C6224 0 1u C YB R 6245 100K C Z C6201 0 1u C YB 50V C6206 0 1u C YB 50V C6205 0 1u C YB 50V C6217 2 2u 50V K ZA216WJ VC C _ 3 3V_A 002 VC C _ 3 3V_A 003 VC C _ 3 3V_A 006 VC C _ 3 3V_A 001 ...

Page 168: ... 5 6 7 8 R 6855 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 6825 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 6826 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 6824 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C6842 10u K ZA510WJ P Z 16V C6810 10u K ZA510WJ P Z 16V C6805 10u K ZA510WJ P Z 16V C6808 10u K ZA510WJ P Z 16V C6806 10u 25V K ZA805WJQZ C6809 1u 16V C6833 10u K ZA510WJ P Z 16V C6816 10u KZA805WJQZ 25V ᫎKZA213 Ⓝ ᫎ R 6846 3 3 T WF J R 6847 3 3 T WF J R 6841 47K C Z R 6838 47K C Z 1 A1 2 B ...

Page 169: ...03 L RL VC LK N 003 L L L VC LK N 003 L L L V1N 003 L L L V4P 003 L L L V0P 003 L RL V2P 003 L RL V0P 003 L RL V4P 003 L RL V4N 003 L RL V3P 003 L L L V2P 003 L L L V5P 003 L RL V2N 003 L RL V1N 003 L RL V5P 003 L RL VC LK P 003 L L L V2N 003 L L L V3N 003 L L L V1P 003 L RL V1P 003 L L L V0N 003 T P5360 T P5362 T P5375 T P5373 T P5310 T P5312 T P5313 T P5320 T P5319 T P5318 T P5317 T P5316 T P531...

Page 170: ... 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 20 LCD CONTROL Unit DUNTKF961FM19 20 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 1 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 171: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 21 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 2 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 172: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 22 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 3 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 173: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 23 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 4 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 174: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 24 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 5 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 175: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 25 1 2 3 10 9 7 6 5 4 8 J A B C D E F G H I 13 11 19 18 16 15 14 12 17 LCD CONROL Unit 6 DUNTKF961FM19 20 ...

Page 176: ...LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U 2 26 MEMO ...

Page 177: ...after sales service only The contents are subject to change without notice LC 60 70LE650U C6500U LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LE757U LE857U C7500U PartsGuide 1 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES 2 DKEYMF953FM06 MAIN Unit 3 DUNTKF975FM20 LCD CONTROL Unit 4 DUNTKF961FM19 2 LCD CONTROL Unit CONTENTS LC 60 70LE650U LC 60 70C6500U LC 60 70LE657U LC 60 70LE755U LC 60 70LE757U LC 60 70LE857U LC 60 70C7500U MODELS ...

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Page 185: R524 VRS CZ1JF102JY AA J 1 0k 1 16W Metal Oxide R525 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R526 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R527 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R528 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R529 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R531 VRS CZ1JF102JY AA J 1 0k 1 16W Metal Oxide R533 VRS CZ1JF221JY AA J 220 1 16W Metal Oxide R534 VRS CZ1JF...

Page 186: ...42 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R1545 VRS CZ1JF273JY AA J 27k 1 16W Metal Oxide R1547 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R1548 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R1550 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R1551 VRS CZ1JF473JY AA J 47k 1 16W Metal Oxide R1552 VRS CZ1JF473JY AA J 47k 1 16W Metal Oxide R1554 VRS CZ1JF100JY AA J 10 1 16W Metal Oxide R1555 VRS CZ1JF102JY A...

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Page 196: ...ion R5829 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5830 VRK SA1JF100JY AB J 10 1 16W Metal Composition R5832 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal Composition R5833 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5835 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5837 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5839 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5841 VRS CZ1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R5...

Page 197: Oxide R6253 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6254 VRS CY1JF103DY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6256 VRS CY1JF103JY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6257 VRS CY1JF102FY AA J 1 0k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6258 VRS CZ1JF104JY AA J 100k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6259 VRS CY1JF103DY AA J 10k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6260 VRS CY1JFR51JY AA X 0 51 1 16W Metal Oxide R6261 VRS CY1JFR51JY AA X 0 51 1 16W Metal Oxide R6262...

Page 198: ...C J Capacitor C4907 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4908 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4909 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4910 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4911 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4912 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4913 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4914 VCKYCZ1AB104KY AB J 0 1 10V Ceramic C4915 RC KZA116WJZZY AC J Capacitor C4916 VCKYCZ1E...

Page 199: ... RC KZA114WJZZY AB J Capacitor C6212 RC KZA805WJQZY AB J Capacitor C6213 RC KZA805WJQZY AB J Capacitor C6214 RC KZA805WJQZY AB J Capacitor C6215 RC KZA805WJQZY AB J Capacitor C6216 RC KZA805WJQZY AB J Capacitor C6217 RC KZA216WJZZY AC J Capacitor C6220 VCKYCY1HB103KY AA J 0 01 50V Ceramic C6221 VCKYCY1EB104KY AB J 0 1 25V Ceramic C6223 RC KZA214WJZZY AD J Capacitor C6224 VCKYCY1EB104KY AB J 0 1 25...

Page 200: FB4820 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4822 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4901 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4902 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4903 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4904 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4905 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB4906 RBLN A193WJZZY AB J Ferrite Core FB5301 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide FB5302 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J 0 1...

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Page 202: ...Z1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4838 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4840 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4842 VRS CZ1JF100JY AA J 10 1 16W Metal Oxide R4843 VRS CZ1JF100JY AA J 10 1 16W Metal Oxide R4845 VRS CZ1JF101JY AA J 100 1 16W Metal Oxide R4847 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R4848 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R4851 VRS CZ1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W...

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Page 204: ...1JF113DY AA J 11k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6273 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6274 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal Composition R6275 VRS CY1JF222DY AA J 2 2k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6276 VRK SA1JF222JY AB J 2 2k 1 16W Metal Composition R6277 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal Composition R6278 VRS CY1JF000JY AA J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6282 VRS CZ1JF562DY AA J 5 6k 1 16W Metal Oxide R6283 VRS CZ1...

Page 205: ... 3 3 1 2W Metal Oxide R6847 VRS TW2HF3R3JY AA J 3 3 1 2W Metal Oxide R6848 VRS TW2HF3R3JY AA J 3 3 1 2W Metal Oxide R6854 VRS CB1JF000JY AC J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6855 VRS CB1JF000JY AC J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6856 VRS CB1JF000JY AC J 0 1 16W Metal Oxide R6860 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal Composition R6861 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal Composition R6862 VRK SB1FF100JY AA J 10 1 32W Metal...

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