Leak detection technology
For a clean and protected environment
Sold by:
Sicherungsgerätebau GmbH
Tel.: + 49 / (0) 271 / 48964-0
Hofstr. 10
D-57076 Siegen
Fax: + 49 / (0) 271 / 48964-6
Postfach: 21 07 41
D-57031 Siegen http//www.sgb.de
Underpressure leak detector
VL 330
Leak detection system to detect and indicate
leaks in double-walled tanks.
Every leak in one of the walls will be indicated by
an optical and audible alarm before liquid enters
the environment.
(Class I-system in accordance to the European
standard EN 13 160)
Liquids to be monitored:
Water polluting liquids :
with a flash point > 55° Celsius; e.g. Diesel,
heating oil)
specific chemicals in accordance to chemical
resistance of the leak detector. Different materials
to realise chemical resistance are available.
Approved for the use together with:
double-walled horizontal tanks (e.g. EN 12285)
single-walled horizontal or rectangular tanks
equipped with a lining (e.g. DIN 6625 or similar)
double-walled ball shaped tanks
upright standing tanks (e.g. DIN 6618/2)
Germany: Z -65.22 - 389
Technical data:
type alarm
VL 330
>330 mbar
(> 4.79 psi)
450 mbar
(6.53 psi)
VL 330 P in a protection box
Complete set including for all necessary
installation equipment
Installation kit
for the tank
triple condensate
UK Distributor
t: +44 (0)1388 813433
f: +44 (0)1388 813307
[email protected]