SF 3655.60 Instruction Manual Download Page 1

N.B. the following safety precautions are
recommended when working with this apparatus:


Always work with a partner.

Wear rubber soled shoes.

Work with one hand only.
Keep the other hand in your pocket
or behind your back.

The power supply no. 3655.60 provides a rectified,
smoothed, stabilized and regulated DC power in 2
voltage ranges: 0 to -50 V DC and 0 to +500 V DC.
The built-in curent-limiter limits the current to
50mA, thus protecting the apparatus against short-
circuits in both ranges.

The output for the 2 ranges is independently
adjustable altough they hare the same zero-point
terminal. Alternate between read-out of voltage or
current by means of the selector placed right next
to the 2 displays. You may select read-out of
voltage or current in both the -50 V or the +500 V
ranges by means of this selector.

I addition a separat AC-unit allows you to draw any
voltage from 2 to 7 V in 1 V increments, current
max. 3 A. Choose the required voltage by means
of the selector. Simply set the selector to the
desired voltage.


Ae 3655.60


Viaduktvej 35  - DK-6870 Ølgod  - Tlf 75 244966 - Fax. 75 246282

e-mail: [email protected] – www.sflab.dk

Instruction manual for power supply no. 3655.60
0 to + 500 V DC / 0 to -50 V DC / 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 V AC
