Startup of the fieldbus and the higher-level F-PLC
CSB51A Safety Option
Startup of the fieldbus and the higher-level F-PLC
Note that this startup design supports only the safe fieldbus profile "PROFIsafe".
Requirements for F-communication
Requirements regarding IT security regarding F-protocols must be checked in accord-
ance with EN 61508-1, chapter "Hazard and risk analysis".
Before making changes to the set F-protocol at the CSB51A safety option you have
to disconnect the F-master physically.
PROFIsafe protocol
To control failsafe functions and for evaluation of the responses from the CSB51A
safety option via PROFIsafe, the assignment of the individual bits within the F-pro-
tocol must be taken into account.
The CSB51A safety option supports the PROFIsafe versions 2.4 and 2.6.
The higher-level F‑PLC must support the iPar_CRC mechanism.
For a successful startup, you need the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool.
Additional requirements for using the MOVISAFE
CSB51A with PROFIsafe field-
bus connection via PROFIBUS or PROFINET:
– TIA portal with STEP7 Safety option (for Siemens controllers).
– Device description file
. Download from www.sew-eurodrive.de. Always use the latest device
description file (iPar_CRC for default parameterization: D9FEE686).
Safety option settings
Besides parameterization of the drive safety functions, the corresponding safety pro-
tocol and the PROFIsafe addresses must be set during startup.
Setting the safety protocol
The CSB51A safety option supports the PROFIsafe safety protocol. Select
"PROFIsafe" under [F-communication] > [Configuration] in the "Assist CS.." parame-
terization tool.
Setting the PROFIsafe address
The PROFIsafe address must be identical to the address set for the slave in the
PROFIsafe master. Enter the correct PROFIsafe address under [F-communication] >
[Configuration] > [PROFIsafe]. The used PROFIsafe F addresses must be unique
within the fieldbus network.
25931075/EN – 04/2019