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FlexPS Product Guide
Output relays
Output relay setup (Local control mode)
In Local control mode, the four relays are setup via the Local Aux Control Activation check boxes
to report alarm conditions. The relays are then controlled by the processor to activate on the user-
specified conditions. The relays remain active for an event’s duration or for the selectable relay
Active Time, whichever is longer.
Use the Output selection arrows to select a relay.
Specify the Hold/Active Time parameter.
Specify the conditions from the Local Aux Control Activation field under which this relay will
Repeat this procedure for the other relays.
Save the UCM configuration file.
Select the Download button to save the configuration changes to the processor.
Output relay setup (Remote control mode)
In Remote control mode, the relays are controlled by the host computer to operate auxiliary
equipment as output control points (e.g., to activate lights, doors, sirens, CCTV equipment, etc.).
You configure the relays response to commands from the host computer. You can configure the
relays as latching (ON by command, OFF by command) or in flash mode (ON-OFF-ON-OFF etc.
by command, OFF by command) or in pulse mode (ON for a period, then OFF). For flash and
pulse modes, the ON-OFF time duration is configurable.
Use the Output selection arrows to select a relay.
Select the type of relay Activation (latching, or flash mode, or pulse mode).
Select the Hold/Active Time parameter, if applicable.
Select the Inactive Time parameter, if applicable.
Repeat this procedure for the other relays.
Save the UCM configuration file.
Select the Download button to save the configuration changes to the processor.
Setting the processor address
The processor address can be set only by using a direct USB connection between the UCM
computer and T3, the USB port on the processor. Processors that do not use network
communications can use the default address of 1.
In the Program field select the Address button.
The change Device Address dialog displays.
In the Change Device Address dialog, specify the New Address for the connected processor.
Select the Program button.
The new address takes effect when communications are reestablished.
Network configuration
For FlexPS processors that use network alarm data communications, you must define the network
type under the Network Cfig tab. The network configuration can be set only by using a direct USB
connection between the UCM computer and T3, the USB port on the processor.