PPD Maintenance Manual
T1DA0502-002, Rev A
Page 9
The values depend on requirements for non-overlapping PPD ID ranges (in the case of adjacent
sites), the site Range Type (0 or 1), and the PPD firmware version.
- the port connected to the programmer adapter (1=COM1)
3.3.1 Man-Down Module Parameters
The ini file contains a number of parameters under the heading [ManDown]. You can set these
values to your site Man-Down Module (MDM) settings so each time the transmitter Programmer
software is started your values are shown in the MDM setup dialog.
The PPD programmer adapter (p/n T1FG0600 aka. DWI p/n A76440-2) is an interface that
connects between the PC and the PPD being programmed. The interface assembly consists of a
straight through serial cable, and the adapter box (dongle) and adapter board (T1BA0800)
interconnected by approximately 24 in. of 20-conductor ribbon cable. The adapter board is
fragile and should be handled carefully. Particular caution should be exercised to avoid bending
or breaking the adapter pins.
4.1 Programming
The adapter board has a function jumper J1. For programming, this jumper must be in the 2-3
position as shown in Figure 4.1. Ensure that the ribbon cable socket is inserted with the proper
orientation into the connector of the adapter board. Mate pin 1 to 1. Pin 1 on the socket and
connector are designated with an embossed triangle.
Jumper J1, shown in programming
position (pins 2&3)
Figure 4.1 PPD Adapter Board