PPD Maintenance Manual
T1DA0502-002, Rev A
Page 8
3.0 PPD
The PC software Transmitter Programmer (p/n T1SW0800) and a programmer adapter
(p/n T1FG0600) are required to configure PPD IDs and other parameters.
PC System Requirements
The PPD Programming Software (Transmitter Programmer.exe) requires a PC running a
Windows operating system with a serial port available. Programming requires a minimal amount
of system resources such as hard drive space and RAM memory. The software should run
without problem on virtually any modern desktop PC.
Installing the Program Files
The programming software consists of three main files:
Transmitter Programmer.exe
To install the software, copy the files from the provided media (CD or Floppy Disk) to a
directory on the Maintenance PC's hard drive. The files can be copied into a folder called
C:\TransmitterProgrammerX.XY where X.XY is the release version. There is also an install
notes file supplied to help guide the installation. If desired add a desktop shortcut to the
application after installation.
Configure the INI File
This section describes the configuration of the TxProgrammer.ini file that must be completed
before attempting to program PPDs. Do this BEFORE programming any PPDs. All PPD units at
a facility must be programmed with the same ini offset settings.
To edit the ini file, open the TxProgrammer.ini file in the working directory (e.g.,
C:\TransmitterProgrammerX.XY). This will open the file for editing. Enter the values as
described below, save your changes and exit.
There are five parameters that must be reviewed and set to your site specific values. Once values
are established for a site, and the PPDs are programmed, they cannot be changed without
potentially having to reprogram all PPDs.
- 0 for new sites
Low_Battery_Offset - can be 300, 500, 1000, N/A for 14 bit PPDs
- lowest PPD ID in use at the facility
PPDId_High_Limit - highest PPD ID in use at the facility
- (0 for 6 volt PPDs, 1 for 9 volt PPDs)