| IoT-Gateway-00 SERIES
opyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc.
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3.2 Application Two
A single IWTP provides a wireless transmission of a 0-10 Barg pressure level in a
water pipe and the IoT-Gateway-00 sends this data to the remote WebScada
address. The IoT-Gateway-00 activates a relay alarm output if the IWPT reports in a
pressure over 7.5 Barg
The IWTP transmitter is configured to be channel 1 and the IWPT transmitter and IoT-
Gateway are switched on after confirming the provisioning of the unique WebScada
instance as in Application One above.
The IWT System Software suite must be downloaded from the Sensata website and a
connection made to the micro USB connector on the front panel mounted PCB using a
standard USB to micro USB data cable.
Using this configuration software connect to the IoT- Gateway and assign Relay O/P 1 to
IWT wireless sensor channel 1. (Full details are in the WebScada and IWTSoftware
manual which is available as a free download). Set the alarm relay to be a high alarm and
the setpoint to be 7.5 Barg. The standard hysteresis is 1% of the full range of the IWPT
sensor, in this case 0-10 Barg. Set the burn-out relay condition, again using the options in
the software.
The IoT-Gateway will now receive the readings from the IWPT sensor, display the latest
readings on its’ display and send the data to the remote srever based WebScada
instance. Additionally the IoT-Gateway will switch Relay 1 when the reading from the
IWPT sensor exceeds 7.5 Barg or when the burnout (no reading received) condition is