POS to Perfection
Senor Tech Pty Ltd ABN:54093127765
65 Weaver Street, Coopers Plains, QLD, 4108 Australia
Telephone: +61 7 3275 5888 Facsimile: +61 7 3275 5800
www.senortech.com.au [email protected]
Purpose / Warnings
This document describes the Hard drive
Removal & Replacement procedure for the
ISPOS / KDS, series of Senor POS terminal.
Read this document before commencing, if anything is unclear contact Senor.
Ensure work area is clean
Follow normal anti-static practices.
Parts & Tools
No: 2 Medium Phillips Head screwdriver
No: 1.5 Medium Phillips Head screwdriver
Ensure unit is powered off and disconnected from mains power
Disconnect all peripheral device data cables from the POS ports; take note of
their location for
Reinstall if needed.
Remove the rubber grommets to gain access to the Drive carrier retaining
screws as shown below